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Migrating Analysis to Views

Migration guide for Analysis to Studio Views.


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This functionality is currently being extended and this page will be updated continuously.

This page discusses tools and gives tips to help you move dashboards built on Studio Analysis to Views.

We support users in adopting our latest product development Views. We intend to invest all future innovation in these Views by reducing the effort to leverage existing dashboards built on Analysis.

We'll continue to maintain Analysis (by fixing bugs and ensuring that performance remains strong) but no further feature development will take place. For more information on Views and its capabilities, please refer to the Studio feature availability matrix.


Here’s a checklist of the steps to migrate content from an existing Analysis.

Some of the steps are manual, some are semi-automated and supported with migration tooling, and some features or components cannot currently be migrated.


Analysts will be able to access the toolkit and migrate any assets built on Analysis that they have permission to edit.

  1. Prepare - make sure there is a Knowledge Model and a View (new editing experience) present in the package you want to migrate to.

  2. Check if the Analysis uses a load script. If it does, you’ll need to migrate manually.

  3. Export the saved formulas and the variables they use to Knowledge Models with the Export to Knowledge Model Tool.

  4. Check if the sheet you want to migrate uses a load script. If it does, you’ll need to migrate manually.

  5. Migrate component by component with the copy-paste component tool.

  6. 6. Understand and leverage new capabilities in Views and adjust the View and layout to your needs before publishing. For more information, see Creating and configuring Views.

Detailed guide for Analysis to View migration

Make sure there is a Knowledge Model in the same package of the Studio Analysis where the saved formulas should be migrated to.  If not, create a new Knowledge Model. Ensure the same Data Model is used in this Knowledge Model as the Studio Analysis.

Make sure that you have created a View where you plan to paste the components and that this View is using the same Knowledge Model that you export your Saved Formula to from step 3.

Check if the Analysis from which you plan to start migrating components has an Analysis load script.


If it does not use a load script, proceed with step 3.

If it does use a load script, you need to choose which filter type you want to migrate it to.




Global Knowledge Model Filter

By making a filter global it is going to be applied to all PQL statements in this Knowledge Model.

This is how the Analysis load script behaves. However, the difference is that the Knowledge Model is most likely used by several Views. Thus this setting makes sense if this filter should be applied to all PQL code of all Views using this Knowledge Model.

  1. Copy the load script filter statement

  2. Open the Knowledge Mode and add a new filter. Give it a name and paste the filter statement, and toggle on the ‘Global Filter’ setting

Knowledge Model Filter that is referenced by the View

You can reuse the filter statement in one View, or several as well as for individual component filters, but not all Views need to be filtered by it (compared with the global setting).

This makes sense if you have several Views in one Package that, before migration, were several Analyses with different load scripts. They still use the same data model and share metrics and attribute definitions and thus the same Knowledge Model.

  1. Copy the load script filter statement.

  2. Go into edit mode of your View and click on the filter icon and create a custom filter (which you can save in the Knowledge Model).


Local View level Filter

If there is no need to reuse this Filter for other Views or individual components you can also just save the filter statement locally in the View filter.

  1. Copy the Load script filter statement.

  2. Go to edit of your View.

  3. Click on the filter icon and choose ‘Custom filter’. Paste the filter statement.

Scope of the export saved formulas and variables tool

This tool allows users to export Saved formulas in Studio Analysis, and any formulas and variables used in those into the Knowledge Model KPIs in the same package. Therefore no permission management is required while exporting.

To export formulas to a Knowledge Model in another package ensure that the same data model used is available in the destination package. You can do this through Package Settings, see Variables. You can use the “Copy to” option to copy the Analysis to the destination package.


Variables that are not used in a saved formula will not be migrated with this tool. This is to avoid cluttering the Knowledge Models with unused content. Most likely these variables are used directly in component configurations and will need to be migrated manually as part of the component migration. See 5. Copy-Paste components from Analysis to View.

If your Analysis is connected to a Knowledge Model already, then saved formulas from the source “Knowledge Model” will not be selectable for export (to avoid duplication in the Knowledge Model).

Steps to export saved formulas to a knowledge model

This video shows steps 2 to 9.

  1. Make sure there is a Knowledge Model in the same package of the Studio Analysis to be migrated.

    Learn more about what a Knowledge Model is.

    1. Create a new Knowledge model if you do not yet have one by following the directions in Creating a Knowledge Model within an existing package.

    2. Ensure the same Data Model is used in this Knowledge Model as the Studio Analysis. A different Data Model being used will cause formulas to break.

  2. Go to Edit mode in the Studio Analysis you’d like to export from.

  3. Select Saved formulas in Analysis Settings through the 'hamburger' menu icon on the top left of your Analysis screen.

  4. Click Export to Knowledge Model to start the export.

  5. In the dropdown, choose the Knowledge Model that you would like to export the formulas and their associated variables to.


    Only Knowledge Models in the same package will appear in the drop down.

    A warning message will appear if you select a Knowledge Model that does not share the same Data Model with your Studio Analysis, but you are able to proceed if necessary with the selected Knowledge Model.

  6. Select the formulas that you’d like to export:

    • Search by name through the search bar.

    • Select the formula you would like to include in the export by checking the checkbox next to the formula.

    • Or click the checkbox on the header row to include all selectable formulas in the export.

    • Formulas that have the same name or the exactly the same PQL statement as an existing metric in the Knowledge Model will not be selectable. This is to avoid overwriting any existing formulas in the Knowledge Model. You can resolve this by modifying the formula either in Studio Analysis or in the Knowledge Model.

      Any variables nested within selected saved formulas will also be exported, and they are also included in this duplication check

  7. Click Export to export the selected formulas.

    When the export is complete, you will see a success message.

  8. Close the window by clicking Done or go to the Knowledge Model by clicking Open Knowledge Model.

  9. Click “Open Knowledge Model to validate the export. On the KPI page of the Knowledge Model, find the Saved formulas.



    You will not see any variables in the Knowledge Model immediately. You can find the variables directly in the PQL editor when using the Saved formula in a component in a View.

    Check if the sheet from which you plan to start migrating components has a sheet load script.

    1. Click the settings icon.

    2. Select the Load Script tab.


    If it does not have a sheet load script, proceed with Step 5.

    If it does have a sheet load load script, you need to choose a filter type.




    Knowledge Model Filter referenced by the View tab

    This is useful if you expect to reuse the filter statement for other Views, tabs, or components.

    1. Copy the Load script filter statement.

    2. Go into edit mode in your View and click on the filter icon at the View or tab level and create a filter (which you can save in the Knowledge Model).

    Local View level Filter

    Local View or tab-level Filter

    If you don't need to reuse this Filter for other purposes, you can simply save the filter statement locally in the View or tab filter.

    1. Copy the Load script filter statement.

    2. Go to edit mode in your View and add a local filter at the tab or View level.

    Scope of the tool

    The Copy & Paste component tool allows you to export components built in Studio Analysis to a View. Currently components can only be copy & pasted one by one. Component filters are automatically migrated with all mappable configurations. Some components or component settings are not yet covered.

    This table outlines if the component:

    • is already available in Views.

    • is available if tooling already exists.

    • is available if tooling already exists but certain capabilities cannot be mapped.


    Current Migration Path


    OLAP table

    Supported by Tooling to Table

    Color scheme is different between Analysis and Views:

    • Series color

    • Text color

    “Calculate share in percentage” is not supported in Views.

    Single KPI components

    Supported by Tooling to KPI list (Gauge, Fill, Radial will also be migrated to KPI List (Number))

    Formatting that is on longer supported in Views:

    • Background Color

    • Border

    • Title style

    Configuration that cannot mapped to Views:

    • Threshold for color

    • Name of the KPI formula

    • Name mapping

    • Position of subtitle


    Supported by Tooling to Filter dropdown


    Supported by Tooling to Button

    • Open External Link to Go to the View or URL

    • Set Variable to Update variable

    Only selected actions supported in Views.

    Actions that are not available in Views:

    • Open Tab (coming)

    • Show Message

    • Delete selections

    • Load bookmark

    • Open Document

    • Launch Sheet Indexing

    Visual styling options no longer supported:

    • Text color

    • Background color

    • Font choices

    • Component filter

    Date picker

    Supported by Tooling to Date Range.

    Some options are mapped to other options or are not supported in Views:

    • Title is mapped to Label

    • Horizontal/ vertical alignment is not supported

    • Exclude component from user filtering is not supported

    • Component filter is not supported


    Not possible because of missing component in Views. Component planned for Q3, tooling to be extended once available.

    Button Dropdown

    Currently manual to Input Dropdown (Load entries).

    Only setting variable supported (also only one, if you have a use case for setting more than one consider View variables of type object).

    Variable Input

    Supported by Tooling to Input Box


    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Text Component

    Supported by Tooling to Toolbox

    These coloring options are no longer supported in View:

    • Text color

    • Background color

    • Text sizing setting in continuous size range


    Currently manual to image

    Tooling planned for Q4.


    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for Q3, tooling to be extended once available.


    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for Q3, tooling to be extended once available.

    Process and Variant Explorer

    Currently manual to Process Explorer and Variant Explorer

    Tooling planned for Q3.

    Column Chart

    Supported by Tooling to Available chart types

    Some options for alternative types to display KPIs are not supported in Views:

    • Views will show only one column and one line chart in combination

    Color scheme is different between Analysis and Views.“

    Calculate share in percentage” is not supported in Views.

    Pie/Donut chart

    Supported by Tooling to Pie/Donut chart

    Color scheme is different between Analysis and Views.

    “Calculate share in percentage” is not supported in Views.

    Line Chart

    Supported by Tooling to Line chart

    Color scheme is different between Analysis and Views.

    “Calculate share in percentage” is not supported in Views. 

    Some formatting options are not supported:

    • Line thickness/ style

    • Axis formatting

    Area Chart

    Component still missing - but alternative is to manually map to a Line Chart

    Component planned for H2, tooling to be extended once available.

    Marker Chart

    Component missing - but an alternative is to manually map to a line chart if the dimension is a time dimension, or to a bar chart if the dimension is categorical.

    Component planned for Q3, tooling to be extended once available.

    Bubble Plot

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for H2, tooling to be extended once available.

    Histogram Chart

    Supported by Tooling to Histogram Histogram

    Color scheme is different between Analysis and Views.

    “Calculate share in percentage” is not supported in Views. 

    Explicit boundaries for the bars are not supported in Views.

    Scatter Plot

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for Q3, tooling to be extended once available.

    Pivot table

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for H2, tooling to be extended once available.

    Box Plot

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for H2, tooling to be extended once available.

    World Map

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Component planned for H2, tooling to be extended once available.

    Throughput Time Search

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Alternative: Histogram with Input Dropdowns

    Activity Explorer

    Not possible because of missing component in Views

    Alternative: Donut Chart with Input Dropdown

    Steps to copy components from Analysis and paste into Views
    1. Make sure there is already a View where you intend to copy the component to. This View should also use the same Knowledge Model that you export your saved formula to, to avoid component breaking after export. Please refer to here on how to create a View.

      To make it easier, you can open two different browser tabs in parallel; one tab with the Analysis you want to migrate, and another with the new View.

    2. Go into Edit mode of the Studio Analysis you’d like to copy a component from.

    3. Right click into the component you’d like to copy, and select Copy to View.

    4. Upon selection, you will see a notification on the right side of the screen, notifying you that the component has been successfully copied.

    5. Open the View you’d like to paste the component to, and go into edit mode.

      To make it easier, you can open two different browser tabs in parallel: one tab with the Analysis you want to migrate, and another with the new View.

    6. Click Paste from Analysis on the right side panel under Smart Suggestions to paste the component, or use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl V or Cmd V.

    7. Once the component is copy and pasted into the View, you can edit the component regularly in the View. To get more guidance on how to edit components in View, you can refer to this documentation page.

    8. Here are some tips on troubleshooting in case of components throwing (expected) errors after pasting the component in Views that require manual fixes:


    Here are some tips on troubleshooting if components throw (expected) errors after pasting the component in Views that require manual fixes.

    Error message or no data

    You may see an error or no data is displayed. This is likely caused by a missing formula in the Knowledge Model.


    You can click into the PQL editor for more information, and resolve the issue by creating the missing formula or parts of the formula in the Knowledge Model used in this View.

    Column names do not appear as you expect

    You may see column names that do not appear as you expect, and this is normal for columns where only the default name is used.


    To make the names more readable, you can edit them through “Columns” in “Setting”.

    Dropdown dimension shows “Data Source not found”

    In the Filter dropdown, you might see the dropdown dimension showing “Data Source not found” while the dropdown is displayed as expected. This happens when the default column name is used for the column used to create a dropdown.


    To fix this (which is not essential), you can either go to edit and exit to allow Views to pick up the default name, or edit and give it a new name.


    Views come with a set of entirely new capabilities that you might want to leverage when migrating your existing Analyses. In this case, it makes sense to consider those early on during the migration.

    An example is the built-in filter bar.

    In Analysis, many customers tried to group filter components on one side of the sheet and visually differentiate them from the rest of the content.


    Views offer a built-in filter bar that can be collapsed and expanded on demand.


    Copy your filters into the new built-in filter bar to leave more space on the main View for visualizing your data.


    Other new capabilities in Views include:

    Version history

    Version 1.0: September 2024