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Celonis Product Documentation

Starting value tracking

Once your value opportunity is “100% ready to start tracking”, you can click the blue Start tracking button to turn this value opportunity Live and begin tracking value.


You cannot convert a value opportunity back to Draft once it is Live.

Screenshot of an opportunity in Transformation Hub that is ready to begin value tracking.

On the Start tracking with live opportunities screen, confirm that you are ready by clicking the Start tracking button.

Screenshot of the Start tracking with live opportunities window which is used to confirm that the user wants to begin tracking value.

Value tracking for this value opportunity is now enabled and the status in the upper right corner is updated to Live. The Tracking timeframe is now displayed as the current date to indicate when tracking began.


Initially there will not be any data displayed since value has not yet been realized.

Screenshot of an opportunity in its initial state before value tracking has begun.

When you view the value opportunity, the time filter applied to the KPIs and values displayed are from <Start date> to <Today’s date>. For example, if you turned the value opportunity Live on September 22, 2023 and returned on October 31, 2023, you would see Transformation Hub KPIs and value for the time filter September 22, 2023 to October 31, 2023. These values are logged in and will persist if source data for this timeframe is removed from Celonis Platform. The value chart displays how value trends over time.

Screenshot of an opportunity that is showing value tracking data.