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Celonis Product Documentation

Task Mining permissions

Task Mining provides an extensive permissions system:

Task Mining permissions


View Project

No separate view permissions are provided. Users can view if the edit permission is granted.

Edit Client Settings

Edit Users & Invite

Edit Project Connection

Edit Data Configuration

Create Project not shown in UI

Delete Project not shown in UI


Admin Role








Analyst Role

Cannot be granted separately. If an Analyst has any edit permissions, the Analyst will automatically be able to view the respective page.

Grant permissions

Grant permissions





Member Role








Use these instructions to give an Analyst edit permissions to a specific Task Mining project:

  1. Go to the Task Mining Project Overview.

  2. Click on the three dots menu of the Task Mining project for which you want to grant permissions and then select "Permissions".

  3. On the Permissions screen, use the check boxes to select the level of edit permissions you want to grant to this Analyst user and then click Save.

  4. You can also grant the Analyst users permission to access the related analyses of the Task Mining project inside business views and to edit inside Studio.

Use these instructions to give a user edit permissions to all of your Task Mining projects:

  1. Go to Admin & Settings > Permissions.

  2. Locate the Task Mining panel and click the Edit link to grant permissions for all projects at once.

  3. Use the check boxes to select the edit permissions you want to grant for this analyst for all Task Mining projects and then click Save.

  4. You can also grant the Analyst users permission to access the related analyses of the Task Mining project inside business views and to edit inside Studio.

When you capture screenshots using the Task Mining features, the files are stored in a storage bucket in the Celonis Storage Manager. As such, anyone attempting to view those screenshots must be granted permissions for that storage bucket and the File Storage Manager service to be able to view them.

To grant an analyst user permissions to see screenshots in Studio Views:

  1. From the Task Mining project the screenshots are captured in, click Project Connection.

  2. Click Go to Storage Manager.

    You can also directly reach the Storage Manager for your tenant using the following URL format:


  3. Locate the Storage Bucket you are using and click Options - Permissions.

  4. Add the relevant permissions for the user(s) and then click Save.

  5. You now need to assign the user with permissions for the File Storage Manager.

    To do this, click Admin & Settings - Permissions and then edit the File Storage Manager service.

  6. Assign GET permissions to the user and then click Save.

    The user can now see the screenshots.