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Celonis Product Documentation

Event explorer component

The event explorer component displays event logs from your Knowledge Model (KM), giving your app users the ability to click on available events and view further details. Event Logs take the sequence of events described in your data activity tables and allow you to store these as objects in the KM. This enables you to use the content of your activity tables inside your Studio Views, including with the event explorer.

For more information about event logs, see: Event logs.

In this event explorer example - the app user can see the events involved in running a pizza business. By clicking the 'Call customer' event, they can then see the related event logs and use these to filter their content.

Screenshot showing an example of the event explorer components.
Configuring an event explorer component

The event explorer component can be dragged and dropped into your Studio View, with the lead event from the KM automatically selected.

In this pizza example, the Manhattan branch of the pizza company's event is selected:


You then have the following configuration options:

  • Search for and select additional event logs: You can change this event log or include additional event logs from your Knowledge Model by either selecting the event logs or dragging them into the side panel. In the pizza example, we'll add the Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island branches from the pizza company.

  • Reorder event logs: The first event log in the list is the default, used whenever the component loads. The other event logs can be selected by the user when viewing the app by changing the filter. You can reorder the selected event logs to change the default.

  • Create Event Log: Use the side panel to create an event log and save it to your Knowledge Model without navigating away from your View. This event log can then be used in the event explorer component.


You then have the following options for individual event logs within the side panel, saving you from navigating away from your view:

  • Edit event log: This allows you to edit the individual event log in your Knowledge Model.

  • Duplicate event log: This creates a duplicate of your event log within the Knowledge Model. The duplicate event log can then be edited in the side panel, also saving you from navigating away from your view.

  • View event log details: This includes the PQL reference for the event log.

Using the event explorer component

Either in a published app or while in interactive mode (available while editing your View), the event explorer component is interactive. You can interact with it in the following ways:

  • Search: Use the search to find specific events within the explorer.

  • Filter event logs: Choose which events to use as a filter.

  • View event logs and filter further: Clicking into the event logs shows you an overview of how many objects in a process are involved in that event. The following are available:

    • Objects that include the event

    • Objects where the event is excluded / doesn't feature in the process

    • Objects that start with this event

    • Objects that end with this event