January 2024 Release Notes
Admin and Settings (2024-01-30)
User locking policy now on Users page
We’ve moved the user locking policy feature to the main Users page in Admin and Settings, so you can manage your users from a single location. The Users page now has a User locking policy button for you to enable and configure the user locking policy, and the new field Period of inactivity shows the inactive days for each user. Your existing settings for the user locking policy stay as they were, and you don’t need to reapply them. For the documentation, see User locking policy.

The User locking policy page in the Admin and Settings menu now redirects you to the Users page, and we’ll take it out of the menu after a three-month transition period.
JDBC Extractor version 2.89.0 and version 2.90.0 (2024-01-11 and 2024-01-26)
Improved memory management
For version 2.89.0 of the JDBC Extractor, we optimized memory allocations during data extraction, and fixed an issue with Microsoft SQL Server extraction for tables with clustered columnstore indexes. Version 2.90.0 has some additional bug fixes, including one for Databricks extraction issues. Go ahead and upgrade straight to version 2.90.0. For the instructions to update, see Installing and updating the on-premise JDBC extractor.
Data Push API version 1.0.0 (2024-01-23)
Transfer data into the Celonis platform using micro-batches
Our new Data Push API provides an easy way to transfer data into the Celonis platform through the use of micro-batches. Once the data has been transferred into the platform, you can transform, analyze and work with it as you would using an extractor.
In the initial release, you can use this REST API to make authenticated requests for:
Creating new Data Push jobs
Monitoring Data Push jobs that are currently running
Adding chunks to an existing Data Push job
Viewing the contents of a Data Push job
Maintaining Data Push jobs (execute, cancel, delete, check status)
The Data Push API is available at https://developer.celonis.com, our developer portal for API documentation.
Connectors (2024-01-17)
Connectors for Microsoft Dynamics 365, version 1.0 (Limited Availability)
We’ve created beta versions of connectors for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the Order To Cash and Purchase To Pay processes. The connectors work with the updated Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud extractor. If you want to try them out, you can request them from the Celonis Marketplace.
Data Integration (2024-01-17)
Smart ETL now available for schedules
The Smart Schedules feature extends our smart ETL functionality to a whole Schedule. We'll calculate an optimal execution order before the run starts, across all the Data Jobs and their extractions, transformations, and Data Models included in the Schedule. Then we'll run multiple Data Jobs in parallel, and start transformations while unrelated tables are still loading.
We’ll automatically enable Smart Scheduling for all of your Schedules as soon as it rolls out in your Celonis platform instance. If you want to switch it off again, click the context menu (three dots) for the Schedule, select Execution Settings, and use the slider Enable optimized execution of Schedules.
Data Integration (2024-01-16)
Make Schedules trigger other Schedules from any Data Pool
If you have trigger-based schedules enabled in your Celonis team, you can now use Schedules from other Data Pools as a scheduling trigger, and orchestrate your Schedules across the whole team.
Open Credit Memo App (case-centric) version 2.0.0 (2024-01-16)
Invoice matching, enhanced credit memo details view, and alternative value realization
We’ve added an invoice matching feature - if there’s an invoice with a similar rounded amount to a credit memo, the app highlights it.
As well as the invoice matching feature, the Credit Memo Details profile view now includes more actions and a redesigned vendor overview, which lets users choose to view documents by company code or by vendor name.
We’ve redesigned the Validation and Value assessment view for easier and faster configuration, including an alternative value realization method that doesn’t require the augmented credit memo status.
Some views and Knowledge Model assets are removed or renamed in this version of the app. You’ll need to transfer any customizations you made to them in previous versions, to the equivalent views and Knowledge Model assets in the new version. Updating the case-centric Open Credit Memo app lists the changes and where to apply your customizations in version 2.0.0. To avoid downtime for your end users but still keep your augmented attributes and transactional activity history, we recommend that you install the new version separately, transfer your customizations to that package, then copy it over the old package, following the linked instructions.
Studio (2024-01-15)
Update augmented attributes in tables using actions (Limited Availability Program for Studio)
As part of the new Studio experience, when you’re interacting with augmented attributes in a published view, you can now update their values in real time. When you select an attribute, a customizable button appears above the table, offering an action to update the augmented attribute. For the instructions, see Configuring and using Actions in Views.
Extractor Builder (2024-01-12)
New Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O template and updates to SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud template
We’ve published a new template that you can use to create a connection to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations, using the OData APIs.
We’ve updated the template for connecting to SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud to correct the data types for a number of columns, which makes them compatible with transformations in the process connectors.
To use the templates, when you’re connecting to a data source, go to the Custom section and select the Build custom connection tile, then pick Customize a Celonis Extractor.
Coupa Extractor (2024-01-12)
Change of primary keys for revision tables
Previously the Extractor was using the “id” column as the default primary key for revision tables, which wasn’t right. We’ve corrected it to use the “revision-record_id” column, which means you can properly link and join the parent and child revision tables through this column.
Delta loads of the affected child revision tables will fail following this update, because the primary key of the parent table is added in its child table. To prevent this, enable the option Include metadata changes in the extraction settings, or carry out a full data extraction next time in place of a delta load. After that, your delta loads will work correctly again - although you’ll notice a difference in the records they load, because they’re now based on the corrected primary key column.
These tables are affected by the primary key change:
purchase_order_revisions (parent) and purchase_order_revision_order_lines (child)
invoice_revision_records (parent) and invoice_revision_records_invoice_lines (child)
order_revision_records (parent) and order_revision_records_order_lines (child)
requisition_revision_records (parent) and requisition_revision_records_requisition_lines (child)
revision_records_invoiceheader (nested child table of the object)
revision_records_orderheader (nested child table of the object)
revision_records_requisitionheader (nested child table of the object)
Studio (2024-01-11)
Copy and paste components in Views (Limited Availability Program for Studio)
When you’re working with the new Studio experience, you can now copy and paste components within and across Views. View components tells you how to add and edit components in the new Studio experience, and what components are available. For all the changes and new capabilities in the Limited Availability Program for Studio, see Studio (new experience).
Business Miner (2024-01-11)
Removal of Business Miner’s Insights feature on 2024-03-31
We’ll soon be removing the Insights feature from Business Miner. If you use Business Miner but you weren’t using Insights, there’s no impact for you. Business Miner’s Explorations, the question and answer threads that you use to explore KPIs and use cases, aren’t being removed - you’ll still be able to create, edit, and update those like before.
From January 17, 2024, you won’t be able to create new Insights in Business Miner. You can still share and use any existing Insights until March 31, 2024.
From March 31, 2024, all existing Insights will no longer be accessible. To avoid losing information stored in Insights, we recommend taking a screenshot of the Insight and storing it outside of Celonis. For further assistance, please contact our Support team.
Business Miner (2024-01-05)
Updated default behavior for control access requests for Data Models
Administrators choose whether users on the team can request access to Data Models when creating a Process Workspace. The default behavior was updated so that users are not offered all of the Data Models in the team unless an admin has set this as the desired behavior. For the Business Miner documentation, see Business Miner.