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Legacy view variables

Legacy Studio content

You're currently viewing a topic describing a feature or process based on using legacy views in Studio. Legacy Views are those created using the pre-May 2024 Studio feature set (previously referred to as the general availability feature set). While these views can still be created within Studio, we recommend using the enhanced Studio experience and view editing interface.

For more information, see: Views.

View variables allow you to create and use variables in your View. This allows for more flexibility in creating Views. Different View components have the ability to update the state of a variable and other View components are able to take up a variable and change their state accordingly.

View variables are user-specific, that means if User A updates a variable, this will not impact the view of User B.

View variables are persistent, that means if User A updates a variable it will keep the state until it’s changed to something else.

Naming your Variables

Do not use any special characters like - + / * or $%§ in your variable names

Configuring legacy view variables

Variables are defined in the YAML configuration of a View (on the highest level). They follow the format:

metadata: ...
  - name: variableName
    defaultValue: myDefault # this is optional
layout: ...

To define a variable, just a name needs to be configured. Variables can automatically choose their type. Defining a default value is optional.

We also offer a visual editor for variables on the top of a view in the edit mode. From there you can add new view variables. Runtime variables are also listed there, however, they need to be created in the package settings.


Different visual editors of components also offer the same visual variable list to create dynamic components. Below you can see an excerpt of the KPI List visual editor as an example.

Legacy view variables use cases

There is almost an endless number of use cases for variables. In general, there is always a component that updates the variable, another component or part of the view that uses the variable and a javascript expression combining the two.

Components that can update variables:

  • Button

  • Checkbox

  • KPI List

  • Input box

  • Table

  • Dropdown

  • Time filter

These variables can be used in multiple places of a view:


Conditional filters can be created using javascript and variables. These filters are active once a specific action has been performed, such as selecting an KPI or interacting with a row in a table.

In the following example, the Knowledge Model is being filtered based on variables.





Component configurations

Please note that this only applies to the metadata of the component and not to the id of a component. There is no way to display one or another component in a layout based on the state of a variable. To achieve a flexible layout that adapts the shown components, an embedded view needs to be used. All other component configurations can be adapted by javascript and variables. An example use case could be showing different columns of a table depending on the value of a variable.

      hide: ${(currentCustomerSelection === 'Amount' && true) ||
(currentCustomerSelection === 'Documents' && false) ||
(currentCustomerSelection === 'Lines' && false)}

Key for embedded views

Javascript and variables can be used to show dynamically one or another embedded view based on a variable value. An example is provided in the collection of use cases below.

Generally speaking, the following operations can be achieved with javascript:

Printing a variable

You can easily print a variable by using ${variable} in YAML or select the variable in the visual editor. The example below is printing a selected variable value in a text box.

id: text-box-123
type: text-box
  title: ""
  content: The status of the invoice is ${invoiceStatus}

if/else statements

To achieve dynamic views, if/else statements can be used to display content dynamically based on a selected variable value. The general structure has a condition statement, and an outcome if the condition is met as well as an alternative outcome if the condition is not met.


An example could include adding filters based on conditions.

pql: ${(Dimension == 'Organization'?'FILTER_COMPANY_CODE'): 

Date function

You can print the current date and choose the date formatting with the following code snippet


Mathematical operations

You can perform mathematical operations within the ${} scope.

Below you can see an example of two variables "one" (with a default value 1) and "two" (with a default value 2).


These can be substracted and printed resulting in -1.


Comparing parts of a string with indexOf() method

With the indexOf() method you can compare parts of a string with an expected value and build conditional statements on top of that. In the example below, the value of the variable currentKPI is tested to contain "DAYS". If it contains true, the KPI "DPO" (Days Payable Outstanding) is printed, otherwise another KPI (OTP_RATE) is printed.

content: ${currentKpi.indexOf("DAYS")!=-1?"DPO":"OTP_RATE"}


It's important to note that our javascript interpreter does not support ECMAScript methods, examples include match() or include().

Below we present you with some use cases we considered useful in the past to get started.

Showing different chart dimensions based on a selected KPI in a KPI List


Change configurations of a chart such as the name or dimensions based on a selected KPI. Whenever another KPI is selected, the chart updates to show insights for the selected KPI.

  • Component updating the variable: KPI List

  • Component retrieving the variable: Chart

1. Define Variable

2. Set Values with KPI List

3. Read the Variable with Chart

metadata: ...
  - name: currentKpi
    defaultValue: # this is optional
    type: string
  - name: currentKpiName
    defaultValue: # this is optional
    type: string
layout: ...
id: kpi-list
type: kpi-list
    type: tile
    selectedKpi: FIRST_KPI
          id: currentKpi
          name: currentKpiName
      - kpi: FIRST_KPI
        show: true
        id: kpi1
        order: 100
      - kpi: SECOND_KPI
        show: true
        id: kpi2
        order: 200
id: chart
type: chart
  name: ${currentKpiName}
      field: ENTRY_MONTH
      type: ordinal
      format: "%m/%y"
        title: " "
      field: ${currentKpi}
      format: $.3s
        ticks: 5
        end: 20

Using a checkbox to decide if filters of an Embedded View should be shared

Let your business users choose whether they want to share filters between an Embedded View and the View it is embedded in (or other Embedded Views on the same View). The input checkbox allows for updating the setting of the Embedded View without the need to change any YAML configuration.

Updating the Variable with Checkbox

Retrieving the Variable with Embedded View

- id: input-checkbox
  type: input-checkbox
    label: activate
          - name: checkboxValue
            deactivated: "unchecked" 
            activated: "checked"
- id: embeddedView
  type: view
    key: your-view-key
    shareFilters: ${ ({'checked': 'true', 'unchecked': 'false'})[checkboxValue] }
Using if-else statements with variables to show - example with embedded view

Using javascript and variables you can show different embedded views below a KPI list depending on which KPI has been selected.


YAML Configuration

  - name: currentKpi
    type: STRING
  - id: dispute_view
    type: view
      key: ${ ({'KPI_DISPUTE_RATIO': 'Disputes',
         'KPI_DAYS_SALES_OUTSTANDING_TITLE': 'Days-Sales-Outstanding',
         'KPI_COLLECTED_AMOUNT_ROUNDED': 'Daily-Management-View',
         'KPI_TURNOVER_RATIO_FINAL': 'Turnover-Ratio',
         'Average-Days-Delinquent'})[currentKpi] ||  'Days-Sales-Outstanding' }
      allowHeader: false
      allowFilters: false
      shareAll: true
      shareFilters: true
      shareSelections: true
      shareVariables: true

Using a input box to transfer input to a skill execution

Let your business enter values that can be further used in skill execution. This is a great way to combine the expertise of your business users and the automation capabilities of Celonis. In the example below, a numeric value can be entered by your user and is transferred to skill execution via a button component.

  • Component updating the variable: Input Box

  • Component retrieving the variable: Button

Updating the Variable with Input Box

Retrieving the Variable with Button

- id: input-box
  type: input-box
    name: Numeric Input
    value: ${numInput}
    type: number
          - name: numInput
- id: button
  type: button-list
      - label: Execute Skill
              - name: numInput
                value: ${numInput}

Opening Profile Views

Creating a variable for a selected record that allows opening the right Profile View to show specific details of a specific record, e.g. a specific invoice. See full documentation here.