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Celonis Product Documentation

User guide for the case-centric Duplicate Invoice Checker

The Duplicate Invoice Checker's Action View is made for Accounts Payable specialists to review and resolve duplicate invoices. The Action View:

  • Presents potential duplicate invoice groups detected using Celonis fuzzy matching algorithms.

  • Notifies Accounts Payable specialists and enables them to take action on potential duplicates in time.

  • Gathers feedback on duplicate groups based on user actions and tracks value realization.

The Duplicate Invoice Checker's Action View. The KPI list is first, followed by the filters Company Code, Vendor Name, Group Pattern, and Group Contains, then the Open Duplicates tab with a list of groups..

The Open Duplicates tab shows the KPIs relating to value realization, which are:

  • Duplicate Value (open): The total value of potential duplicates discovered by the algorithm

  • # Duplicates (open): The number of duplicate groups discovered by the algorithm

  • Duplicate Value (valid): The total value of duplicate invoices that have been confirmed by the user.

  • # Duplicates (valid): The total number of duplicate groups that have been confirmed by the user.

Use the filter dropdowns for Company Code, Vendor Name, Group Pattern, and Group Contains to filter the list of groups and focus on specific vendors or invoice types.

The list shows the groups of invoices that Celonis has detected as matches using the current search patterns. The information about each group includes the type of match and the total value of the invoices. Click on the row for any group to open the Invoice Details pane for that group.

The Invoice Details pane, listing the invoices in the group. You can mark the group as duplicate or no duplicate, and share it.

The Invoice Details pane lists each invoice in the duplicate group. When you've reviewed the case, click Duplicate to verify the invoices in the group as duplicates, or No Duplicate if they aren't duplicates.

The Duplicate Invoice Checker's Resolved Duplicates tab. The KPI list and filters are first, followed by graphs for classification and duplicate patterns, and a list of validated groups.

The Resolved Duplicates tab lists the duplicate groups that you've verified. You can search and filter the list to find relevant groups to compare to a current case. You can also see statistics for the duplicate groups you've worked with.

Why did a duplicate invoice group only appear after its detection date?

Sometimes a duplicate invoice group doesn’t appear in your view until well after its stated detection date. This is an expected behavior. It’s probably because the group was originally filtered out in your view, but a change to the invoice data means that the group no longer meets the filter conditions, so it’s now become visible. The detection date is accurate and serves as the source of truth. If you don’t think that’s the answer in your case, check with your Celonis team’s administrator.