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Editing views for the case-centric Baseline Date Optimizer app

The Baseline Date Optimizer app comes with a prebuilt set of views. Edit the app’s views in Studio if you need to:

  • Make any customizations and changes to suit your business process.

  • Change the look of the supplied views.

  • Include custom properties that you added to the data model.

The app doesn’t do anything with custom properties out of the box - they won’t be surfaced automatically in views. If you want to use them, you’ll need to edit the app’s views to include them. You don’t have to surface all (or any) of your custom properties in the app’s views. If you don’t, it doesn’t cause a problem, the app just ignores them.

These views for the Baseline Date Optimizer app are directly accessible to users:

  • Configuration - this is a view where you can manage the values of the app’s runtime variables to limit the relevant data scope and configure for operational usage. The parameters you set in this view are automatically changed and reflected in the other views.

  • Value Assessment - this is a view to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the baseline date usage in the past. It lets you assess the potential free cash flow and cash discount impact using alternative baseline dates (for example, the invoice receipt date) and identify vendors with the highest value potential.

  • Action View - this view gives you a prioritized overview of open invoices with an unfavorable baseline mismatch, for the vendors you select and the mismatch categories you enable (for example, the invoice receipt date or goods receipt date).

  • Value Tracking - this view keeps track of all the favorable baseline date changes, and calculates the realized free cash flow and cash discount.

You’ll need Analyst permissions for Studio and for the relevant views and components to modify them. If you need training, check out the training track “Build Knowledge Models and Views” on the Celonis Academy.

Here’s how to edit the Baseline Date Optimizer app’s views:

  1. In the Celonis navigation menu, select Studio.

  2. Find the Baseline Date Optimizer app in your Studio space navigation.

  3. Expand the package’s structure using the arrow, then expand the folders to find and select the view you want to edit.


    • Base views contain the common components for multiple other views. When you change something in the base view, it changes everywhere that view is used. Other views can reuse part or all of the base views, adding, editing, or removing components. This is called extending the base views.

    • Embedded views are contained in other views. The collapsible elements in the Action View are defined as embedded views.

    • Profile views contain details or lists for a particular item. These views open when the user selects an item.

  4. In the view, click Edit Mode or press Ctrl + Shift + E to enter edit mode.

  5. Click the Edit Component button on any component to go to the component editor. Here you can add and remove data fields shown in a table or chart, change sorting and display attributes, add action buttons, and other edits, as relevant for the component type.

  6. When you’ve finished editing a component, click Save to save and exit.

  7. When you’ve finished editing all the components you want to, click Save to save the view, then click Exit Edit Mode to lock it again.


    It’s also possible to edit views in the YAML editor if there’s something you can’t achieve in the visual editor. Click the Switch to Code Editor icon </> to view the YAML.

  8. When you’ve finished editing all the views you want to, publish a version of the app package. There's a Publish Package button at the top of all the screens in your Studio space.