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Celonis Product Documentation

July 2024 Release Notes

Object-centric process mining (2024-07-06)
Possible changes to analysis results that depend on event log order

We've fixed an issue where event logs for object-centric process mining might not be correctly ordered by timestamp for event types with long include paths. This could happen when the include path for an event (the path in the schema between an included event type and the lead object) spans at least two switches in join direction (1:N:1 or N:1:N). The issue might have occurred in any of your event logs, including autogenerated and custom event logs for perspectives, and event logs you set up outside the perspective builder using the PQL function CREATE EVENTLOG.

For affected event logs, this fix corrects the order of the events, but the results of any PQL operator that depends on the event log order might be different after the fix is rolled out in your region. The process operators such as VARIANT are the most likely to be affected but others can also have this dependency. If there's an affected event log in your data model, you'll see this warning when you work with the event log in the PQL editor for Views, or in the user interface for Studio Analysis:

CREATE_EVENTLOG: The order of <event_type> events in your event log with lead object <object_type>
changed. This order changed for <number> out of <number> lead object instance(s). Consequently,
the result of any PQL operator which depends on the event log order may have changed. 
Re-validate the results of any analysis that uses this event log. For more information,
refer to the release notes.

We’ll be applying the fix to groups of regions through this month. If you work with an event log after the end of this month and don’t see the warning, the event log isn’t affected, and you don’t need to take any action.

If you do see the warning, check where the affected event logs are used in your analysis, and re-validate the analysis, especially if important numbers and heavily-used metrics are impacted. Check components and assets such as Variant Explorer, Process Explorer, and Process Adherence Manager.