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Troubleshooting in Process Adherence Manager
Event log size in Process Adherence Manager

You may experience issues if your event log is too big. For optimal performance, we recommend your event log contains a maximum of:

  • 100 million events.

  • 10 thousand variants.

Reducing event log size in Process Adherence Manager

You can reduce event log size by:

Filtering your event log during PAM event log creation (recommended)


We recommend reducing event log size during creation as the size of the event log is reduced at source. However, you may find it easier to filter your event log after creation instead.

  1. Open your knowledge model.

  2. Select Event Logs >Create Event Log.

  3. In the PQL Formula field, generate your event log using a query containing the CREATE_EVENTLOG operator.

    For example, your query may look like this:

    CREATE_EVENTLOG ( <object_table_name> FILTER <lead_object_filter> ).”ACTIVITY”
  4. In your query, replace:

    1. <object_table name> with your object table name.

    2. <lead_object_filter> with a filter that reduces the size of the event log.

      For example, include events in the event log only if they are created after the 1st of January, 2025 using:

      <object_table_name>."CreationTime" >= {d '2025-01-01'}
  5. Use your event log in PAM.

Filtering your existing PAM event log
  1. Open your knowledge model.

  2. In the PQL Formula field, enter this query:

    CASE WHEN <object_table_name>."TIMESTAMP" >= {d '2025-01-01' } THEN <object_table_name>."ACTIVITY" END
  3. Replace <object_table_name> with your object table name.

  4. Adjust the date in your query so only events created after that date are included in your event log.


    You could use any filtering condition here to determine which events are included in your event log. For more information, see FILTER.

  5. Use your event log in PAM.

Target model complexity in Process Adherence Manager

The complexity of your target model may affect its performance, with large numbers of parallel flows having a significant impact. Simplifying your target model where possible is good practice and will help improve performance.

Key Process Adherence Manager errors
PQL Error during operation: %operation_alias%." + " The query exceeded the execution time limit." + 
" Please contact support to limit the number of variants computed.

Description: Your query timed out due to the large volume of data being processed.

Action: Create a Support ticket requesting a variant limit is added for your alignment calculation.


Once a variant limit has been applied, the information displayed may be affected because fewer variants will be included in the alignment calculation.

"PQL Error during operation: %operation_alias%." + " The query result exceeded the rows limit." + 
" Please, reduce the size of the event log."

Description: Your query failed because your event log is too big.

Action: Reduce the number of events in your event log so it meets our event log recommendations. If you continue to receive this error, create a Support ticket.