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Celonis Product Documentation

Transformation Center permissions

When using the Transformation Center service, you can assign and manage permissions on a service and container (objectives) level. While you can create KPIs within objectives, these permissions are managed as part of the objective permissions.

Transformation Center service permissions

Admins can assign and manage the following Transformation Center service permissions in the Celonis Platform:

  • View Objective (Viewer) - The user can view existing objectives.

  • Create Objective (Analyst) - The user can create an objective.

  • Edit Objective (Analyst) - The user can edit an existing objective.

  • Delete Objective (Analyst) - The user can delete an objective.

  • Create KPI (Analyst) - The user can create and edit KPIs.

  • Export Content (Analyst) - The user can export KPIs and objectives.

  • Move to (Analyst) - The user can move content.

  • Manage permissions (Analyst) - The user can manage service permissions.

Screenshot showing the available user permissions for Transformation Center in the Admin and Settings module.

Transformation Center objectives permissions

You can assign and manage the following permissions for Transformation Center objectives:

  • View Objective (Viewer) - The user can view this objective.

  • Edit Objective (Analyst) - The user can edit this objective.

  • Create KPI (Analyst) - The user can create and edit KPIs within .

  • Delete Objective (Analyst) - The user can delete this objective.

  • Manage permissions (Analyst) - The user can manage the permissions for this objective.

To assign objective permissions within the Transformation Center, click Options - Permissions:

Screenshot showing the menu options for a Transformation Center objective with the Permissions option highlighted.