Configuring KPI cards and KPI lists
When creating your Studio Views, you can display Key Performance Indicators (KPI) from your Knowledge Model as either an individual KPI card or a list of multiple KPIs.
In this Process Cockpit example, there are both KPI cards and KPI lists (with highlighted examples in the sections below):
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KPI cards allow you to display an individual KPI from your Knowledge Model.
For example, three KPI cards are used in this Process Cockpit to display the rejection rate, on-time delivery rate, and touchless order rate:

When configuring a KPI card, you have the following options:
Edit PQL statement: This opens up the PQL editor, allowing you to write a PQL statement involving business metrics from your Knowledge Model. You can also use the PQL editor to set the KPI display name, format, and unit of measurement.
Column settings - Information: By clicking the configuration icon, you can write a tooltip for the KPI. This tooltip allows app users to click the info icon and read more about the KPI.
Related KPIs: You can configure additional KPIs to display under the main KPI card, giving app users extra process related context.
Style - Label orientation: This controls whether the KPI label is above or below the KPI itself.
Interactions - Exclude from user filtering: When excluding from user filtering, this KPI will remain the current value regardless of the temporary filters being applied.
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KPI lists allow you to display related multiple KPIs from your Knowledge Model in a horizontal or vertical list.
In this Process Cockpit example, a horizontal KPI list is used to display sales order, sales order items, deliveries, delivery rate, and net order value KPIs:

When configuring a KPI list, you have the following options:
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Edit PQL statement: This opens up the PQL editor, allowing you to write a PQL statement involving business metrics from your Knowledge Model. You can also use the PQL editor to set the KPI display name, format, and unit of measurement.
Column settings: By clicking the configuration icon, you can configure additional column features:
Trend: Display how the KPI is progressing over time, including setting the time dimension, time range, and how the KPI is comparing against the target value. For an example of a KPI trend, see: Displaying KPI trends in a KPI list
KPI display: Add color to your column by configuring dimensions, visual mappings, and color style. For more about Studio colors, see: Managing Studio and component color themes.
Interactions: Configure what happens when an App user clicks on the data displayed in your KPI lists.
Switch container tabs: When clicking on a KPI in the App, the active container can be switched to another within the same View.
Update variable: When clicking on the KPI in the App, you can choose to update a variable that's being used in the same View.
Style: Choose the visual styling for the KPI list:
Label orientation: This controls whether the KPI label is above or below the KPI itself.
Layout: Select between horizontal or vertical lists.
Sorting: Choose how the KPI can be sorted, including alphabetical (A-Z and Z-A) and numerical (highest-lowest and lowest-highest).
Displaying KPI trends in a KPI list
Using a KPI list component, you can display the trending behavior of the KPI over a time range. For example, this On-time Delivery Rate KPI is showing a 0.74pp decline over the last month:
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This trend has been configured with the following column settings:
Time Dimension: Using the PQL editor, the example takes the creation time of the sales order item.
The PQL statement for this example is then:
Range: This example uses the Month option, but it could be updated to daily, weekly, or annually.