Calculates the standard deviation of the specified source column per each group of samples per group in the given target table. The standard deviation is using the "n-1" method. Standard deviation can be applied to INT or FLOAT columns.
PU_STDEV ( target_table, source_table.column [, filter_expression] )
target_table: The table to which the aggregation result should be pulled. This can be:
a table from the data model. It needs to be, directly or indirectly, connected to the source_table, and there must be a 1:N relationship between the target_table and the source_table. Further documentation about join relationships can be found in Join functionality.
DOMAIN_TABLE or CONSTANT (see Pull Up Aggregation Table Options).
source_table.column: The column which should be aggregated for every row of the target_table.
filter_expression (optional): An optional filter expression to specify which values of the source_table.column should be taken into account for the aggregation.
If no value in the source table column exists for the element in the target table (either because all values of the source table are filtered out, or because no corresponding value exists in the first place), NULL will be returned. NULL values in the source table column are treated as if the row does not exist.
[1] This example shows a calculation of the standard variance of the values from the "Table"."values" column per row of table "Country". If we have a table of countries (DE, FR, US) and values in a corresponding table, standard variances are calculated for all samples in the corresponding table belonging to one country, i.e. standard variance for all samples belonging to DE, standard variance for US, and so on. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[2] This example shows a calculation of the standard variance with null values, grouped by country. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[3] This example shows a calculation of the standard variance of the values from the "Table"."values" column per row of table "Country", but only consider the cases values are greater than 15. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[4] PU-functions can be used in a FILTER. In this example, the company codes are filtered such that the corresponding standard variance of case table value is greater than 150. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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