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Celonis Product Documentation

Create KPIs

Quick Start

Transformation Center supports two tracking modes, each of which primarily addresses different use cases. In dynamic tracking mode, the KPI values are retrieved directly from the data model. In Logbook Mode, a logbook isolated from the data model is created and a snapshot of the KPI value is added at regular intervals.

Depending on your specific use case, either exactly one of these tracking modes is applicable or both tracking modes represent viable choices.

When to choose Dynamic Tracking?

If all required data to calculate the value of your KPI for a specific point in time is persisted in the data model, Dynamic Mode is the recommended choice.

When to choose Logbook Tracking?

  • If the KPI value at a specific point in time is transient and not persisted in the data model.

  • If you would like to have an immutable logbook of the KPI development.

Logbook tracking is the recommended choice.


Dynamic Mode: Retrieve from Data Model

The Dynamic tracking mode retrieves the time series data of your KPI from the data model. This mode allows you to track a KPI over time if the corresponding time series values are contained in or can be reconstructed from the data model (e.g. based on an existing changelog).

  • The time-series data of the KPI is calculated on-demand leveraging our powerful Process Mining Engine. This enables advanced interactive analysis (e.g. flexible filtering along multiple dimensions).

  • The time-series data of the KPI is always calculated based on the up-to-date state of the data model.

  • If the data model does not provide all the required information to calculate the value of the KPI at a specific point in time, Dynamic Mode is not a viable option since the time series cannot be reconstructed from the data model. Please use Logbook Mode instead.

  • In general, historical data may change from one Data Model Load to the next. Since the KPI in Dynamic Mode is always recalculated as required, time series values for certain points in time before and after the data model load can therefore differ. If this potential effect is undesirable, you should use Logbook Mode.

Logbook Mode: Retrieve from Logbook

The Logbook tracking mode creates a logbook that is isolated from the data model. In this mode, snapshots of the KPI value are taken periodically and stored in the logbook. This mode allows you to track a KPI whose temporary values are transient (that is, they are not explicitly stored in the data model and/or cannot be reconstructed from it).

  • Logbook Mode enables you to track the development of a KPI over time even if its value is transient (i.e. the respective time series data is not contained in your data model).

  • Logbook Mode creates a logbook of your KPI containing periodic snapshots of its value. The logbook is immutable (i.e. entries cannot be changed, not even if historical data changes after a Data Model load).

  • Compared to Dynamic Mode, the Logbook Mode provides only limited analytical capabilities since KPI values are not recalculated by the Process Mining Engine but rather retrieved from the logbook.

  • If you want to see the historical development of your KPI for a period prior to setting up the logbook, you must upload this data manually once.

Setting up a KPI in Transformation Center

Transformation Center KPIs can be set up in two different ways. On the one hand, a single KPI component can be reused as a template in Analysis with just a few mouse clicks. On the other hand, KPIs can be defined from scratch in Transformation Center.

Copying a KPI from a Single KPI Component in Analysis to Transformation Center

You can copy KPIs from a Single KPI Component defined in a published Analysis to Transformation Center.

  1. Go to Studio and open the (published) Analysis and the Sheet which contains the respective Single KPI Component.

  2. Click on the Single KPI Component.

  3. Click the Track in Transformation Center button, provide a name for the KPI and then click Send to Transformation Center.

  4. Specify, how Transformation Center will track your KPI, provide the required settings and decide whether you want to continue with advanced configuration.

  5. If Transformation Center was able to set up your KPI successfully, you will be either forwarded to the KPI Details page or KPI Configuration page (depending on the checkbox choice). If an issue occurs during creation, you will be redirected to a dialog where you can make adjustments to the KPI definition.

Creating a KPI in Transformation Center from scratch
  1. In the Transformation Center Dashboard, navigate to the objective for which you want to create a new KPI.

  2. Click the New button on the right.

    Screenshot of an objective in the Transformation Center.
  3. You are now prompted to select the tracking mode for the KPI to be created. Please select the appropriate choice and click Next.

  4. Select the data model on the basis of which the KPI is calculated.

  5. Finally, define the KPI by specifying a name, the calculation in the form of a PQL statement, and so on. Once you are done, click Create KPI to create the KPIs.