September 2023 Release Notes
Upcoming changes to Skill availability (September 2023)
From October 5, 2023, some less-used Actions for Skills that you can build using Action Flows will no longer be available in teams by default. They'll still work in your existing apps, you just can't use them in new ones. We encourage you to use Action Flows going forward.
The items that won’t be available by default are the Webhook sensor, and the following Actions: Automation Anywhere (Agent), Blueprism (Agent), Coupa, Create Alert (Celonis), Update New Attribute (Celonis), Reload Data Model (Celonis), Firestart (Agent), Gmail, Gsheet, Gcalendar, Happyfox, Jira cloud, Jira (Agent), LeverX (Agent), Microsoft PA, Microsoft Teams, Oracle (Agent), Office 365, Salesforce, Salesforce (Sandbox), ServiceNow, Slack, SOAP, SAP (Agent), Trello, UiPath, UiPath (Agent), Workato, Webhook. Also, all the older and deprecated apps and actions that have already been de-listed won’t be available by default.
If you can't move to Action Flows right now, or there's a particular Action in this list that you rely on, contact the support team at .
We’ll also be enabling some Sensors and Actions for Skills by default for all teams. The Machine Learning Sensor, Manual Sensor, and Smart Sensor will be available by default, and the following Actions: the Execution Output, Filter, Loop, and Router system actions, and the Celonis actions Create PDF Report, Create Task, Email by Celonis, Email (SMTP), Execute Action Flow, Execute ML Notebook, Execute Process Automation Skill, Get Assignee, Get Task(s), Query Data Model, Update Augmented Attribute, Update Task(s), Write Data to Table, and Write Data To Table (Continuous Data Push API).
Migrate now from Process Analytics to Studio Analysis (September 2023)
Studio Analysis is replacing Process Analytics. If you’re still using Process Analytics, migrate your analyses to Studio Analysis by September 30, 2023. We’re removing access to Process Analytics on or after October 31, 2023.
You’re likely to have Process Analytics on your Celonis Platform team if you became a Celonis customer in April 2021 or earlier. If you don't have Process Analytics on your Celonis Platform team, or if you are on Celonis 4, no action is required. To check, look for the Process Analytics icon in the navigation bar.
Process Analytics and Studio Analysis have the exact same look and feel, so you can resume working with your analyses in Studio without any additional training. Studio also has the latest capabilities and user experiences in app-building and automation.
Open Credit Memo App for Accounts Payable version 1.0.1 (2023-09-26)
In-app validation, configuration, and value framing
The Open Credit Memo app has a new Validation and Value Assessment view, to help you understand and validate the business logic step by step, and frame the use case’s value before you set up the app. We’ve also added two new quick filters to the Open Credit Memos tab, “Relevant Credit Memos” and “Irrelevant Credit Memos,” to filter the Action View using the scope that you define during the validation process. There’s some smaller enhancements and fixes too.
When you update the app, you might see fewer credit memos than you expect, because we’ve pre-set a scope filter for you. If you want to see the full scope, go to the Settings view and remove all the restrictions. Use the validation process in the new view to define an appropriate scope filter for your business needs.
For the app documentation, see Open Credit Memo app - case-centric.
SAP Ariba Extractor (2023-09-25)
Enhancements to Catalog Content API
We’ve added support for extracting the SupplierPartID and IsPreferredItem columns from the CatalogsItems table that’s available through the Catalog Content API. The Extractor also now automatically avoids requests for items from the CatalogsItems table where the supplier ID is unspecified, which can lead to extraction failures.
SAP S/4HANA Process Connectors version 4.0 (2023-09-25)
Data Model improvements and added features
We’ve upgraded the SAP S/4HANA Process Connectors for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Purchase to Pay, and Order to Cash, to match the capability of the SAP ECC Process Connectors. The new 4.0 versions of the SAP S/4HANA Process Connectors come with improved Data Models, and they now include the Delta Transformations, Delta Data Model Load, and Replication Cockpit features.
You can download the connectors from the Marketplace, and you can get the reference documentation for them using these links:
Accounts Payable - SAP S/4HANA Accounts Payable Process Connector Documentation (docx)
Accounts Receivable - SAP S/4HANA Accounts Receivable Process Connector Documentation (docx)
Purchase to Pay - SAP S/4HANA Purchase to Pay Process Connector Documentation (docx)
Order to Cash - SAP S/4HANA Order to Cash Process Connector Documentation (docx)
JDBC Extractor version 2.86.0 (2023-09-22)
Conversion, metadata, and filtering improvements
We’ve enabled STRING to DATETIME conversion for BigQuery and Trino.
For Oracle, we’ve improved the query for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA metadata source.
The Extractor now recognizes quotes in the filter statement.
We’ve made some security improvements and fixes.
Your Java version must be at least Java 17 for this version of the JDBC Extractor. If you haven’t upgraded yet, follow the steps in Updating
Admin and Settings (2023-09-21)
Recovery codes for your Celonis ID
We’ve introduced recovery codes that serve as a backup authentication method for your Celonis ID, in case you lose access to the devices you use for two-factor authentication. You can only generate recovery codes when you're logged into your Celonis Platform account, so as a safety measure you should generate them as soon as you can, because you wouldn’t be able to after losing your second authentication factor. For instructions to generate recovery codes, see Recovery codes.
SAP ECC Purchase Requisitions Process Connector (2023-09-18)
Merged with SAP ECC Purchase to Pay Process Connector version 4.0
Because the SAP ECC Data Model for Purchase Requisitions was nearly always used alongside the Data Model for Purchase to Pay, we’ve merged it into version 4.0 of the SAP ECC Purchase to Pay Process Connector. We’ve added the Delta Transformation and Replication Cockpit features to it, and used staging tables for a performance enhancement. (There are also some minor changes to the Purchase to Pay Data Model to improve the purchase requisition and contract recommendation information.)
The standalone SAP ECC Purchase Requisitions Process Connector is now deprecated, and we won’t make any future updates to it. From now on, for new installations that need a process connector for Purchase Requisitions, install version 4.0 of the SAP ECC Purchase to Pay Process Connector instead of the standalone SAP ECC Purchase Requisitions Process Connector.
Views (2023-09-14)
Save bookmarks for Views
You can now save bookmarks with your preferences for a View (including filters, selections, and component states), and share them with your team. Use the bookmark icon in the top right area of a View to create, share, access, and manage your bookmarks.

Triggers (2023-09-13)
Enhancements to Trigger subscriber management in Knowledge Model
The Trigger overview page in a Knowledge Model now shows you how many subscribers each Trigger has. You can click on that field to add a new subscriber for the Trigger - either an Action Flow or (in Limited Availability) Task Type - directly from the overview page. See Triggers for their documentation.
Intelligence API version 1.14.0 (2023-09-11)
New filter operands
You can now use the operands IS, IN, CONTAINS, STARTSWITH, and ENDSWITH in filter expressions. For the filter documentation, see Intelligence API Features - Filtering.
Object-centric process mining (2023-09-08)
Terminology change: “projections” to “event logs”
Following feedback from our early adopters of object-centric process mining, we’re discontinuing the term “projections” for the case-centric event logs that you can create from perspectives. We’ll use the familiar term “event logs” instead from now on, so it’s easier to identify them as what you need to use with case-centric apps and views. The revised concept topic explaining perspectives and event logs is at Perspectives.
JDBC Extractor version 2.85.0 (2023-09-01)
Changes for Snowflake, BigQuery, and Microsoft Windows users
The JDBC Extractor now escapes wildcards in Snowflake metadata calls to improve load.
We’ve made some internal upgrades to the JDBC Extractor’s libraries. If you’re linking the BigQuery driver, you’ll need to exclude all SLF4J jar files from the driver package.
On Microsoft Windows, we’ve changed the JDBC Extractor’s dependency from the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable Package (x64). Install that package when you install this version of the JDBC Extractor.
Your Java version must be at least Java 17 for this version of the JDBC Extractor. If you haven’t upgraded yet, follow the steps in Updating