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Celonis Product Documentation

Planned releases

The features listed below will be released in the next two to four weeks. The information provides advance notification about new features. The dates are subject to change. However, we strive to keep the date information as accurate as possible, giving daily updates.

You can find information about released features in our Release Notes and documentation.


Use CTRL+F or Command+F to search for specific terms.

Data integration (2024-08-15)

Removal of SAP on-premise extraction (OPE) client

We're removing the SAP on-premise extraction client from the Celonis Platform Download Portal on 2024-08-15. While any OPE instances that are already in use will be unaffected, you won't be able to set up a new SAP extractor or upgrade any existing SAP extractors from this date.

From 2024-08-15, you should use our on-premise client (OPC) instead. For information about accessing the OPC, see Installing on-prem clients.Installing on-prem clients

For information about the benefits of using OPC, see On-premise clients (OPC).

PyCelonis (2025-01-31)

Data deduplication end of life

The data_deduplication module in PyCelonis 1.x will reach end of life on 2025-01-31 and will not receive support through Celonis after this date.

Please reach out to your account representative if you are using this module.

For more information about PyCelonis, see: PyCelonis - Python API wrapper.

Object-centric process mining (2024-07-31)

Control Celonis catalog updates

At the moment, when we release a new version of the Celonis catalog with upgraded object types, event types, relationships, transformations, and perspectives, we apply the update automatically in your team. This includes Celonis catalog items in processes that you've already enabled and used in your object-centric data model, which might get (non-breaking) behavior changes or new attributes.

It's important to keep your Celonis catalog items up to date because downstream consumers such as our Business Apps and Knowledge Hub are always based on the latest version of the object types and event types in the Celonis catalog. You also need to keep the SQL transformations up to date so that they are compatible with the current requirements for the object-centric data model - out of date transformations might result in errors when you try to save and publish your model. But there's always times when you're in the middle of something important and you don't want an update right now. So from 31 July, you'll be able to choose when to apply a new Celonis catalog update in your team.

When a new version of the catalog is available, we'll display an Update available link on the Objects and Events dashboard next to the current catalog version, and an Update button on the catalog view. Click the button to get a link to the release notes, and read what's changed in this update and in any previous updates that you skipped or had applied automatically. Then select Update catalog if you want to go ahead with the update, or Cancel if you don't want to update now. You'll still have the option available to update when you're ready.

Studio (2024-08-05)

Managing Studio color themes

You can now create and manage color themes on a global and package level within your Celonis Platform team, allowing you to add your brand colors to your Studio components. This includes selecting primary, secondary, context, and semantic colors using a color selector or by entering a HEX code.


You can then use these colors for your chart, table colors, and with a KPI list when configuring your Studio View.

For more information about Studio color themes, see: Managing Studio color themes.
