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Celonis Product Documentation

Types of insights

Association insights

Association insights tell you what subgroups of the data are underperforming in your metrics relative to the rest of the population. They also tell you how much the metrics could hypothetically improve by addressing the inefficiency.

Screenshot showing an example of an insight and they types of information shown in each insight.

In the example insight above, a low Order Cancellation Rate is desirable. The Order Cancellation Rate considering all 242K orders in the data set is 16.2%. However, there are 5.54K orders for a particular customer GlobalHorizon Enterprises where there has been a Sales Order Regulatory Hold. The Order Cancellation Rate of this subgroup is 90.0%. This is much higher than the global average, suggesting there is room to improve. The improvement in the Order Cancellation Rate is estimated to be from 16.2% to 14.2%.