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Celonis Product Documentation

Types of insights

Association insights

Association insights tell you what subgroups of the data are underperforming in your metrics relative to the rest of the population. They also tell you how much the metrics could hypothetically improve by addressing the inefficiency.

In the sample insight below, the Invoice Creation to Post metric measures the time taken between when an invoice is first created and when it is officially posted in the accounting system. A low value means invoices are processed efficiently. In this insight, the global value of Invoice Creation to Post is 19 days. The subgroup being considered is a combination of two attributes: Posting User = USR-20218 and Vendor = 0010810981 - Company-6945. This insight shows a potential improvement in Invoice Creation to Post of 3 days, from 19 days to 16 days.


To see further explanation of an association insight in Insight Explorer, hover over the info icon.


In the explanation you see that this subgroup contains 5.41k invoices with an Invoice Creation to Post time to process of 153 days. The time to process these cases is much higher than the value of 16 days for all other Posting Users and Vendors which shows an easy area for improvement.

Process attributes

Association insights include process attributes which describe your process, do not need to be added to the Knowledge Model, and are provided out of the box. Insight Explorer uses the following process attributes:

Process attribute 



Number of Distinct Events

coming soon 

Number of distinct events in the process.


Process complexity 

Total Throughput Time

coming soon 

Time between the first and last events.



First Event

Name of the first event that occurs in the process.


Last Event

Name of the last event that occurs in the process.


Day of First Event

Day of the week on which the first event falls.


High demand 

Event Occurrence

Indicates whether each event occurs in the process.


Undesired event 


Skipped event 

Event Rework

Indicates whether each event occurs more than once in the process.


Edge Occurrence

coming soon 

Indicates whether each edge occurs in the process.


Wrong order 


Ping pong 

Edge Throughput Time

coming soon 

Classifies each edge as Bottleneck or Rushed based on the deviation of its throughput time from the median.





Event Attribute

coming soon 

Takes the value of each attribute in each event, such as whether an event is automated.
