Task 3: Add organization-wide email addresses
Organization-wide email addresses are used to send outbound emails from the Sailfin apps. When users select actions such as “Send Statement”, they can send the email from an organization-wide email address and display name that they are authorized to use. If you aren’t going to send outbound emails from the app, you don’t have to set up organization-wide email addresses. If you do want them, here’s how to add them:
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In the Sailfin app environment, click the gear icon at the top right, then click Setup.
Use the search box to search for “Organization-Wide Addresses”, then select that option.
Click Add to add a new email address.
Fill in the display name you want to use and the email address. In the Purpose dropdown, select User Selection, and choose which user profiles are allowed to send emails from this address.
Click Save to save the email address, or Save and New to save and add a further organization-wide email address.