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Celonis Product Documentation

Waterfall chart

Display your data using a waterfall chart, which visualize positive and negative changes to a value.

Waterfall charts can be displayed in horizontal and vertical orientations.

An example of a horizontal waterfall chart:


And an example of a vertical waterfall chart:

Horizontal waterfall chart configuration

To configure a horizontal waterfall chart, the following YAML example can be used:

- id: waterfallChartHorizontal
  type: waterfall
    name: Horizontal Waterfall Chart # enter title here
    orientation: horizontal 
      - kpi: GEN_Quota # required, add the id of a KPI here
        color: BLACK # possible color options can be found below
        subparts: # optional, define sub-level KPIs
          - kpi: GEN_Total_Rev_FY
            color: BLUE_40
          - kpi: GEN_pipe_to_be_closed
            color: GRAY_20
              - kpi: GEN_expected_closing_FY
                color: BLUE_20
              - kpi: GEN_ACV_Gap
                color: RED_30

Vertical waterfall chart configuration

To configure a vertical waterfall chart, the following YAML example can be used:

- id: waterfallChartVertical
  type: waterfall
        name: Vertical Waterfall Chart
        orientation: vertical
      - kpi: GEN_Quota # required, add the id of a KPI here
      - kpi: GEN_Total_Rev_FY_MINUS
        color: BLUE_40 # optional, possible color options can be found below
      - kpi: GEN_pipe_to_be_closed_MINUS
        color: GRAY_20
        subparts: # optional, define sub-level KPIs
          - kpi: GEN_expected_closing_FY_MINUS
            color: BLUE_20
          - kpi: GEN_ACV_Gap_MINUS
            color: RED_30

Adding position lines to waterfall charts

You can also add position lines to your waterfall chart using this YAML example. Position lines can be defined with a constant value or with a KPI.

id: waterfallChartVertical
type: waterfall
  name: Horizontal Waterfall Chart
  orientation: horizontal
    - value: 20
      color: RED_10
      style: solid
      label: true
      title: Q1 Target
    - kpi: GEN_Quota
      color: RED_10
      style: solid
      label: true
      title: FY Target
    - kpi: GEN_Quota
      color: GRAY_20
        - kpi: GEN_Total_Rev_FY
          color: BLUE_20
        - kpi: GEN_expected_closing_FY
          color: BLUE_40
        - kpi: GEN_ACV_Gap
          color: BLUE_50
knowledgeModelKey: SIMPLE_CHARTS

Waterfall chart colors

When configuring waterfall charts, the following colors are available:

  • Black

  • Blue

  • Gray

  • Green

  • Pink

  • Purple

  • Red

  • White

And the possible color enum values are:

  • <HUE>_10

  • <HUE>_20

  • <HUE>_30

  • <HUE>_40

  • <HUE>_50

As an example, the following YAML shows three different hues of blue:

    - kpi: GEN_Quota
      color: GRAY_60
        - kpi: GEN_Total_Rev_FY
          color: BLUE_20
        - kpi: GEN_expected_closing_FY
          color: BLUE_40
        - kpi: GEN_ACV_Gap
          color: BLUE_70