Updating the case-centric Open Credit Memo app
When there’s an update for the Open Credit Memo app, you’ll see an UPDATE AVAILABLE button next to the package name in the Dependencies tab in the package settings. The package settings are available from the package’s context menu (the three vertical dots by the package name). Update your app regularly to benefit from our new developments.
Updates with new features are announced in the Release Notes, and all the updates for the case-centric Open Credit Memo app are listed at the end of this topic. The change history for the object-centric version of the app is in Updating the object-centric Open Credit Memo app.
Here’s how to update your app:
Check the change history at the end of this topic for all the releases that have happened since your current version, to see what changes were made since you last updated the app. If there’s any action you need to take, such as manually updating a KPI or reapplying some of your customizations, we’ll tell you here.
Your current app version is shown in the Dependencies tab in the package settings.
In Studio, click Publish Package to publish your current app package, so that you can revert to this in case there are any problems during the update.
In the Dependencies tab in the package settings, click the UPDATE AVAILABLE button to update the app to the latest version. The popup lists the updated assets - click Update to proceed.
In the visual editor for the app’s Knowledge Model, check that the Knowledge Model Key variable is still set to the value of the Knowledge Model key for your local app installation. If you have multiple copies of the app, the update might overwrite it. Setting the Knowledge Model Key variable for the case-centric Open Credit Memo app tells you how to find the local Knowledge Model key and set the variable value.
In Studio, make any required manual updates that we’ve noted in the change history for your new app version, or for the other versions since you last updated the app.
Check all the app’s views to make sure everything works correctly, all the fields are populated, and the numbers look as you’d expect.
If there’s an issue and you’re sure you made any required manual changes correctly, see Contacting support to find how to get help.
If everything’s working, click Publish Package to publish your updated package and make it available to your users.
Change history
Version 2.0.0
Validation and Value Assessment view
Redesigned the flow to define the scope for relevant credit memos. You can now exclude or include a list of items, instead of only exclude them.
Removed Update Parameters buttons and added input boxes in the view instead.
The user can now select whether to include the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) in the Free Cash Flow calculation.
Added an alternative value realization method that doesn’t require use of the augmented credit memo status. For Free Cash Flow, the realized value is calculated by comparing the new clearing time to a set clearing baseline. For Profit & Loss, when the credit memo is cleared after the write-off threshold, the entire credit memo value is tracked as P&L impact.
Open Credit Memo - Action View
New matching feature - if there's an invoice with the same rounded value as an open credit memo, the app highlights the matching invoice.
Updated the value tracking documentation to match the selected value tracking method and scope definitions.
Credit Memo Details profile view
Redesigned the user interface to make better use of the space and make all KPIs visible.
If there's an invoice with the same rounded value as the selected credit memo, the app highlights the matching invoice.
Users can choose to view documents for the matching company code, or for all company codes for the selected vendor.
Users can filter by overdue or not yet due credit memos.
Added a new action to share all documents from this vendor (user can select whether to share all invoices and/or credit memos for this vendor). See Configuring actions for the case-centric Open Credit Memo app for the instructions to set it up.
Added several new views that are embedded in the three core views.
Added a trigger for credit memos that affect profit and loss.
Added an option to define the credit memo aging start date.
Changes in formatting and naming.
PQL changes to fit the new configuration options and value tracking alternatives.
When you upgrade to or beyond this release, you'll need to transfer any customizations you made to the views and KPIs that are being removed in this version of the app, to the equivalent views and KPIs in the new version. If you have significant customizations in the Open Credit Memo app, we recommend that you use the following upgrade instructions for Version 2.0.0 in place of the standard procedure.
In these steps, you'll customize a temporary instance of the app package, and then overwrite your original app package with it. Doing the customization work in a separate instance means that you can avoid downtime for your end users. Overwriting the original app package rather than just using the new instance means that you can keep your augmented attributes, tasks, and their transactional activity history.
Install a second, temporary instance of the case-centric Open Credit Memo app from the Celonis Marketplace.
Check the views and KPIs components listed in the tables below for any customizations you've made to them in your original Open Credit Memo app installation. If you have made any customizations to the listed entities, move these to the equivalent view or KPI in your temporary instance of the Open Credit Memo app. Also copy all custom created assets that are not in the default Open Credit Memo app to your temporary instance. Verify that everything in the temporary instance looks as you expect.
Publish a version of your original Open Credit Memo app, so that you can revert to it quickly in case of any issues.
Use the copy-to functionality to overwrite the content of your existing Open Credit Memo app package with the content of the package for the temporary instance.
Verify that the update was successful, then publish another version of your Open Credit Memo app.
Remove the temporary instance of the Open Credit Memo app.
View Name | Key | Where the content is now |
KPI Vendor Balance |
| Content moved to view |
Invoice Table |
| Content moved to view |
Previous KPI ID | New KPI ID |
FORMULA_AccDocItem_INDICATOR_ClearedLastYear | FORMULA_AccDocItem_INDICATOR_BaselineRelevant |
KPI_AccDocItem_AVG_ClearingTimeForCreditMemosLastYear | KPI_AccDocItem_AVG_FreeCashFlowBaselineLastYear |
Previous ID | New ID |
CREDIT_MEMO.company_code (attribute) | CREDIT_MEMO.COMPANY_CODE |
VAR_Input_ExcludedDocumentTypes (package variable) | VAR_Input_DocumentTypes |
VAR_Input_ExcludedTransactionCodes (package variable) | VAR_Input_TransactionCodes |
VAR_Input_ExcludedTradingPartners (package variable) | VAR_Input_TradingPartners |
Version 1
Version 1.0.2: Small bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0.1: Small bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0.0: Added a new view "Validation and Value Assessment". This view guides you through the process of understanding and validating all business logic related to the use case step by step and helps you frame the use case's value before requiring any app configuration.