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Celonis Product Documentation

Triggers troubleshooting

Trigger missing from the list

Check the following aspects:

  • Does your connection have edit rights on the Knowledge Model?

  • Have you published the Knowledge Model containing the Trigger?

Preventing deactivation of action flows due to errors

In general, we recommend to activate “incomplete executions” on Action Flows, such that in case of error, an incomplete execution is created which allows the user to deal with those executions later on.

First modules aren't fully configured after creating an action flow from a trigger

If you haven’t created any Action Flows with Celonis modules yet, you must add the new connection first. We recommend that you use the App Key connection type for this. For more information, see Application keys

‘Watch Trigger’ module output not updated upon adding new attributes on the record

Reopen the 'Watch Trigger' configuration and click 'OK'. This will update the output. It is possible that it just requires a moment for the update to take effect.