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Celonis Product Documentation

Value Discovery App Runtime Variables

The runtime variables for the Value Discovery App are listed in the Variables tab of the Starter Kit settings. Here are some important runtime variables that you might need to configure to match your Data Model and your SAP system.

Variable ID

Variable Description

Default Value


Include all user types that are considered Automated

'B', 'S'


Posting Activity

'Enter in SAP'


Payment Block Activity Field

'Set Payment Block'


Baseline Date Field



Payment Term Field



Invoice Clearing Activity

'Clear Invoice', 'Clear Invoice with Payment Run'


Field to identify a reference transaction



Payment Block Activity



After updating Value Discovery App settings, publish the package that contains the app. There's a Publish button at the top of all the screens in your Studio Space.

After you publish an app for the first time, changing runtime variable values in the Validation and Value Assessment view or Settings view in Studio doesn’t change their values in Apps. After publishing, you’ll need to work with the views in the Apps area in order for the values of the settings to be applied for end users. It’s best to keep the two sets of variable values in sync so that your results in Studio match those in Apps.