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Legacy view layouts

Legacy Studio content

You're currently viewing a topic describing a feature or process based on using legacy views in Studio. Legacy Views are those created using the pre-May 2024 Studio feature set (previously referred to as the general availability feature set). While these views can still be created within Studio, we recommend using the enhanced Studio experience and view editing interface.

For more information, see: Views.

Views are displayed as a (responsive) grid of components. Layout objects are rows, columns and tabs. They can be nested.

The components and the layout are linked through the componentId (defined in the layout element) that needs to match the id in the components section.

Layout configuration

Component configuration

    -id: row1
     order: 100
     - id: row1-column1
       size: 1
       order: 100
       componentId: Intro
- id: Intro
  type: text-box
    title: My Intro Text
    content: Some content
Visual layout editing for legacy views

Instead of defining your view layout with YAML, you can also use the point-and-click visual editing capabilities.

You can:

  • Add new sections.

  • Create columns within sections.

  • Create subsections,

  • Create tabs.

  • Create new components.

  • Choose existing components.

  • Adjust the width and height of a section or column.

  • Adjust the styling of a section (background color, spacing).

Configuring legacy view rows

Rows need to contain at least one column. Even though the row should stretch over the whole width of the view, a column (in this case of size: 1) needs to be defined for the row.

Every row has an id and an order. The id can be configured explicitly (e.g. id: row1) or is otherwise auto-generated.

The key “order” defines the place of the row in the grid. A row withorder: 100will appear before a row withorder: 200no matter which one is configured “first” in the YAML file.

Row configuration options:

  • removePadding: true will remove the initial padding of the row

  • scrollHorizontally: true will show horizontal scroll if elements don't fit

  • height: 600 defines a fixed height (in this case 600 pixels) for the whole row and the columns inside, can be string ("600") or number (600)

  • growHeight: true will grow the row to the rest of the available space automatically (often helpful for e.g. a Table as the last row). If there are multiple rows with growHeight, the space is distributed evenly (2 rows: each having 50% of the rest available space)

The width of a row cannot be configured per se. However, multiple columns could be added to a single row of which not all contain content.


There is no functionality yet to freeze a row (“sticky header"). However, this can be achieved through embedded views where the content that should be frozen is in the main view and the content that is scrollable is configured in the Embedded View.

Configuring legacy view columns

Columns must contain one of the following properties:

  • componentId: Will visualize the component defined on this view by a certain ID and needs to match the “id” of the component (please note case sensitivity).

  • tabs: can nest tabs inside a column.

  • layout: can nest layouts inside. This way, more rows within one column can be defined.

Columns can be of different sizes

  • size: 1/2 defines the size of the appearance (in this case half of the row).

  • height: 600 defines a fixed height for the column. Not applicable if column height is larger than row height.

Columns can be of different types defining the visual appearance through type

  • none as the default option (does not need to be configured explicitly).

  • type: panel wraps the column with a bordered, rounded panel.

  • type: panel-content wraps the column with the bordered rounded panel with padding around the content.

Example configuration: 1 row with 4 columns

        - id: row1
        - size: 1/4
          type: panel-content
          componentId: QuarterColumn
          order: 100
          id: row1-column1
        - size: 1/4
          type: panel-content
          componentId: QuarterColumn
          order: 200
          id: row1-column2
        - size: 1/4
          type: panel-content
          componentId: QuarterColumn
          order: 300
          id: row1-column3
        - size: 1/4
          type: panel-content
          componentId: QuarterColumn
          order: 400
          id: row1-column4

Example configuration: Nested grid with 1 row with 2 columns, 1 of these columns having 2 rows

        - id: row1
        - size: 1/2
              - id: row1-column1-row1
                  - size: "1"
                    type: panel-content
                    componentId: AdvancedNestedGrid
                    order: 100
                    id: row1-column1-row1-column1
                order: 100
              - id: row1-column1-row2
                  - size: "1"
                    type: panel-content
                    componentId: AdvancedNestedGrid
                    order: 100
                    id: row1-column1-row2-column1
                order: 200
          order: 100
          id: row1-column1
        - size: 1/2
          type: panel-content
          componentId: AdvancedNestedGrid2
          order: 200
          id: row1-column2
Configuring legacy view tabs

Columns can contain tabs to structure content.

The following attributes can be configured: (*required)

  • label: represents the text displayed on the tab*.

  • order:order of the tab (from left to right).

  • id: the id would be auto-generated if not set explicitly. However, your YAML configuration gets easier to read when ID’s of layout elements are set explicitly.

one of the following is required:

  • componentId: links to the component that should be displayed within the tab.

  • layout: a full layout can be used within a tab.

Example configuration: tabs

    - id: row1
        - size: 1/2
            - label: First Tab
              componentId: firstTabComponent
              order: 100
              id: row1-column1-tab1
            - label: Second Tab
                  - columns:
                      - componentId: secondTabComponent_1
                        size: 1/2
                      - componentId: secondTabComponent_2
                        size: 1/2
              order: 200
              id: row1-column1-tab2
          order: 100
          id: row1-column1

However, only the content of one tab is accessible at a point in time so ask yourself “How important is the content?

Should it really be hidden behind a tab or is it too crucial for the user to make decisions?”.

Adding content vertically - which might create the need for scrolling - can be an alternative to using tabs.


Right now, using breakdowns to change table columns as might be known from Analysis requires defining inputs and custom attributes in the Knowledge Model. Using tabs can be a great alternative to achieve similar results. To do so you will simply put a similar table into each tab and adjust what you need to change.

Drilldown in Analysis

Tabs in Studio
