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Add data received by a Webhook to Sheet

Sorting and saving data which is sent to you by hand can be annoying. That's the reason we provide you with that automation solution which offers an interface to receive data, manipulate it and saves that data in a structured way automatically. Working with Webhooks gets more and more important to get data from one System into another automatically as soon as it is sent. Speeding up this process by using an automation can save a lot of time and getting rid of manual human errors.

Sample Action Flow

The image below shows a working Action Flow which:

  1. Receives data which is sent to a Webhook.

  2. Manipulates the received data.

  3. Writes the data into a preconfigured Google Spread Sheet.

Example of an Action Flow with two modules: Receive Data and Write Data to Table.
Configuring Action Flow

Below you will find the step-by-step guide for configuring each module of the above Action Flow.

1. Receive Data from a Webhook


Action Flows Module: Webhooks

Action: Custom webhook

Webhook: Add a new Webhook and name it.

Optional: You have the possibility here to allow list desired IP addresses to make sure no one else can send data to your hook. In addition you can define a data structure and all incoming data bundles which won't have that structure are ignored.

Determine data structure: You can either send data from the source which will be sending the data later to enable the Webhook to determine the structure or build it by hand.

To do it by hand you copy the address, put it in another window but don't press directly enter. Add data in the following structure to the URL:


for this template we chose the following structure:


after pressing enter with the URL structured like that the Webhook should show the 'successfuly determined' confirmation and you should be able to find the defined variables as item after the webhook. In the example we would find Order Id, Requested Delivery Date and Customer.

Only applied when scheduling isn't immediately:

Advanced Setting - Maximum number of results: the default is 2, we chose 3 in this example. You should adapt it to the amount of line items you plan to send at the same time. The line items which are more than the limit won't be lost but queued.


The default of the scheduling is 'immediately' but can be adjusted in the published mode.

If you face any problems have, check Webhooks or try our Academy course on Webhooks!

2. Write received Data to a Sheet


Action Flows Module: Module

Action: Action

Connection: Add a Google connection

Mode: Select spreadsheet and sheet

Spreadsheet: choose the desired spreadsheet in which you want to write the data

Sheet:choose the desired sheet in which you want to write the data

Table contains headers: State if the Table in the sheet has headers to display the table proper in the module

You should now see the table structure in the module and be able to fill in the received data from the Webhook. You can even manipulate the data here using the built in functions like date formatting.

Download Action Flows Blueprint
Downloading Action Flow blueprints

To download blueprints for Action Flows, go to Marketplace. In the Marketplace page for your Action Flow, click the Download button to get the blueprint.

Blueprints can be imported into your Celonis Platform Team so that you can quickly make the required changes without needing to build the Action Flow from scratch.

This blueprint can be imported into your Celonis Platform Team so that you can quickly make the required changes without needing to build the Action Flow from scratch.

Potential Alternatives

You could replace the Google Sheets module with a Sheet module of your choice e.g. Microsoft 365 Excel

Possible Use Cases
  • Getting data from one system into another one automatically