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Celonis Product Documentation

Updating the object-centric Open Order Processing app

Updates with new features are announced in the Release Notes, and all the updates for the Open Order Processing app are listed at the end of this topic. Update your app regularly to benefit from our new developments.

Version 1.4.0 of the object-centric Open Order Processing app, which is built on the new Studio experience, is available in the Celonis Marketplace as a new package. When you upgrade to (or past) version 1.4.0, you can’t download the package as an update to your existing object-centric Open Order Processing package. You’ll need to download and install it as a new installation (Installing the object-centric Open Order Processing app has the steps). The new package has the same name as the old package, as it's a replacement for it, and we won’t be updating the old package built with the legacy Studio components.

After you’ve updated to (or past) version 1.4.0, when there’s a further update for the Open Order Processing app, you’ll see an UPDATE AVAILABLE button next to the package name in the Dependencies tab in the package settings. To get there, click the Package Settings icon (the box) and select Dependencies.

For updates after version 1.4.0 of the package, we’ll clone the existing versions of your views, and add these to the package navigation along with the new versions of the views. (You can opt out of this by deselecting the “Duplicate copied assets before update” checkbox when you action the update.) Cloning the views means you won't lose the customizations you made to existing views, and you can copy them over to the new version of the views. Alternatively, you can discard any of the new views and revert to your existing versions.

Here’s how to update your app after version 1.4.0. If you’re on a version earlier than that, follow the steps in Installing the object-centric Open Order Processing app.

  1. Check the change history at the end of this topic for all the releases that have happened since your current version, to see what changes were made since you last updated the app. If there’s any action you need to take, such as manually updating a KPI or reapplying some of your customizations, we’ll tell you here.


    Your current app version is shown in the Dependencies tab in the package settings.

  2. In Studio, click Publish to publish your current app package, so that you can revert to this in case there are any problems during the update.

  3. In the Dependencies tab in the package settings, click the UPDATE AVAILABLE button to update the app to the latest version.

  4. The popup lists the updated assets. If you don’t want to copy your existing views and customizations, deselect the “Duplicate copied assets before update” checkbox. If you do want them copied, leave the checkbox selected. Then click Update to proceed.

  5. In Studio, make any required manual updates that we’ve noted in the change history for your new app version, or for the other versions since you last updated the app. Assuming you let us copy your existing views and customizations, you can compare your previous views to the new views and transfer over any customizations you want. You can also discard any new views that you don’t want, and keep using your existing versions of them.

  6. Check all the app’s views to make sure everything works correctly, all the fields are populated, and the numbers look as you’d expect.

  7. If there’s an issue and you’re sure you made any required manual changes correctly, see Contacting Support to find how to get help.

  8. If everything’s working, click Publish to publish your updated package and make it available to your users.

Change history
  • Version 1.4.0 : The first version of the object-centric Open Order Processing app using the new Studio experience.