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Celonis Product Documentation

Reviewing and adding variants


You may want to include specific variants from your baseline model in your target model, like variants that include a specific event or events in a specific order.

  1. In Model Miner, click the Select variants tab.

    The five most common variants in your baseline model are automatically selected and display in different colors on your process graph. You can also click to view the 10 most common variants.

  2. Click Custom to view this information for each variant:

    1. How often the variant occurs (count).

    2. The percentage of processes the variant occurs in (coverage).

    3. The average throughput time for the variant (Avg TPT).

    4. The number of steps in the variant (#Steps).

  3. Hover over a variant for a preview of the steps in that variant.

  4. Click to remove a selected variant from your baseline model.

    The variant is moved to Additional variants.

  5. Use the variant filters in Additional variants to identify any other variants you may want to add to your mined baseline model.


    You can click to add any Additional variants to Selected variants.

  6. Refine your baseline model.

Variant filter options

Filter option

Filters the selected variants...

Throughput time


  • A From event to a To event (Event to event); or

  • The start to the end of each variant.

Event flow

For events where a From event:

  • Directly follows a To event (Directly followed by); or

  • Is followed at any point by a To event (Followed anytime by); or

  • Does not directly follow a To event; or

  • Never follows a To event.

Objects property

For a specific object property.

Include event

Containing specific events.