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Celonis Product Documentation

Connecting to Cloudera Impala

You can connect your Cloudera Impala account to the Celonis Platform using a JDBC connector, available from Cloudera directly. This connector is then used with the Celonis JDBC extractor, available from the download portal.

To connect to your Cloudera Impala account, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install the Cloudera Impala connector

The first step is to download and install the latest JDBC connector for Cloudera Impala:

  1. Download the relevant driver from the Cloudera website: - Impala JDBC Connector

  2. Extract the zipped file and follow the installation guidance provided in the 'docs' folder.

Step 2: Download and extract the Celonis JDBC extractor

You can now download the latest Celonis JDBC extractor from the Celonis Download Portal (which requires admin access to your Celonis Platform team).

  1. Click Admin & Settings.

    A screenshot showing the Admin & Settings option on the menu.
  2. Click Download Portal.

    Admin and Settings options with the Download Portal highlighted.
  3. Download the latest JDBC (database) Extractor.

    A screenshot showing the latest downloads of the JDBC driver in the download portal.
  4. Extract the zipped file locally.

    A screenshot showing an extracted JDBC extractor package.

The next step is to adapt the application-local.yml file to include your Cloudera account and your Celonis Platform team details:

  1. From the Celonis JDBC extractor extracted above, open the application-local.yml file.

  2. Edit the client ID, client secret, and URL fields:

    • Client ID: This is from your Cloudera account.

    • Client secret: This is from your Cloudera account.

    • URL: Replace the [team] and [eu-1] with your Celonis team ID and your realm. This information can be obtained from your Celonis Platform URL once logged in.

    A screenshot showing the application-local.yml file that needs to be edited.

You now need to create the .jar directory for the Cloudera .jar file:

  1. Create a directory named 'jar' and move the .jar file from the extracted Cloudera connector file into this folder.

  2. From this directory, run the following command (referencing the correct file name of the .jar file):

    java -Dloader.path=jar -Dspring.config.location=application-local.yml -jar connector-jdbc.jar

You can now create the connection between Cloudera Impala and the Celonis Platform from your data pool diagram:

  1. Click Data Connections.

    A screenshot showing how to access the data connections screen from a data pool diagram.
  2. Click Add Data Connection and select Connect to Data Source.

    A screenshot showing how to add data connections from a data pool diagram.
  3. Select Cloud - Database.

  4. Configure the following connection details:

    • Name: An internal reference for this data connection.

    • Database type: Select Cloudera Impala.

    • Configuration type: Select Custom JDBC String.

    • JDBC connection string: This depends on your connection configuration:

      • When using SSL:

      • When using SSL and a certificate file: Add the certificate to the JDK keystore and then add the following string:

      • When using SSL and a .jks file: Change the SSLTrustStore parameter to the directory of the .jks file containing the SSL key and set the SSLTrustStorePwd to the correct password. Then add the following string:

        jdbc:impala://yourImpalaHostname:yourImpalaPort;AuthMech=4;SSLTrustStore=<path>/<to>/<file>/cacerts.jks; SSLTrustStorePwd=changeit;tsasltransportbufsize=1000;usenativequery=0;useonlysspi=1;usesqlunicodetypes=0;
    • Schema name: The schema you want to use.

    • Additional properties: Not needed.

    • Username and password: Enter the details from your Cloudera Impala account.

  5. Click Test Connection and correct any highlighted issues.

  6. Click Save.

    The connection between your Cloudera Impala account and the Celonis Platform is establised. You can manage this connection at any time by clicking Options:

    A screenshot showing how to edit an existing data connection.