Troubleshooting for modeling objects and events
Here's how to troubleshoot object-centric process mining issues during the stage when you're modeling objects, events, and their relationships. The main documentation for this stage is at Modeling objects and events.
Troubleshooting object-centric process mining lists all the troubleshooting topics to help you create object-centric data models.
There is currently no built-in sorting feature for events with the same timestamp. You can work around this by creating a partial overwrite of the transformation for the event type, and adding one second to the time recorded for the activity that you want to place later in the sequence. Use the INTERVAL function to do this, for example:
CAST(table.some_column AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL '1' SECOND
Don’t use TIMESTAMPADD(), which is not supported for object-centric transformations. With the added second, the activities will be displayed in the expected sequence in Process Explorer.

The cause of this error message is probably that the object type or event type is still linked to something else in the object-centric data model. An object type or event type needs to be fully separated from any dependencies and links before you can delete it. Here’s the places to check:
Your perspectives, including event logs and relationships. The object type or event type might still be present in a perspective. For an event type, check any custom event logs.
Your event types, including relationships and transformations. An object type might still have a relationship to one or more event types, and the table might be used in the transformation to populate an event type.
Your object types, including relationships and transformations. An object type might still have a relationship to another object type. The transformation for the object type might be used in a transformation for a relationship.
When you try to delete an object with remaining dependencies, the menu now also shows which of these dependencies you have to resolve first.
You can’t add custom attributes or custom relationships to Celonis event types. If you need to do this, it’s possible to replicate the Celonis event type as a custom event type, and then create the relationship between the object type and the new custom event type. You’ll need to create a custom perspective to incorporate your custom event type.
If you see one of these error messages when you use the Publish operation in the Objects & Events environment, it means that another Publish operation is already running:
"Lock 'sync-lock-...' was not released within timeout"
"Conflict Remote application on http://[TeamURL]/ems2-factory-execution/api/internal/ocpm[POST] responded with 409 : Data models permits a single update at a time"
When the previous Publish operation has been completed, the error is automatically resolved and you can use the Publish operation again.

When you use the Publish operation in the Objects & Events environment to publish to development or production, Celonis validates the SQL statements in the transformations you are trying to publish. This error message means that a transformation failed this validation. The error message includes a link to the transformation in the SQL editor, so you can fix the errors.
When you preview the transformation script containing the error in the SQL editor, you’ll see a similar error message to the one that you saw during the publishing process.
There are two main categories of errors:
SQL syntax errors.
SQL semantics errors.
To fix SQL syntax errors:
Check your SQL script for syntax errors like spelling mistakes in keywords, for example SELCET instead of SELECT).
Check for missing or extra commas.
Check for misspelling of table or column names.
To fix SQL semantic errors:
Check that all the tables and columns you are referencing exist in the selected data source. If they don’t, see I have not extracted all the tables that are used in the Celonis transformations for guidance on how to handle this.
Check that all the functions you are using are allowed. If a function is not allowed, the error message will say so. See I relied on Vertica-specific SQL functions in the past that are not supported for object-centric process mining for guidance on how to handle this.
Check the data type of the columns in your source system data, and the data type of the object or event attributes they are populating, and make sure they match. If there’s a mismatch, you either need to change the data type for the attribute, or adjust the data type of the source column, as described in The table names or column data types in my extracted data are different to the SAP standard (for example, because I am extracting it from a Data Lake).
This error message is returned when your customization can’t be validated because the object-centric data model still contains references to an object type that has been deleted. The error message does not refer to the object that you were editing at the time, because the object-centric data model is validated as a whole when you add a custom item to it.
The object type named in the error message is the one that has been deleted. To resolve the error:
Create or re-create a temporary custom object type with the name that was given as the object reference in the error message.
Navigate to the object to object relationships of the temporary object type.
You should see one or more relationships listed for the temporary object type. Delete them.
Now delete the temporary object type.
You should now be able to add the customization that you were trying to add.