Additional cloud based sources
Any references to third-party products or services do not constitute Celonis Product Documentation nor do they create any contractual obligations. This material is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
Celonis does not warrant the availability, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or usefulness of any information regarding the subject of third-party services or systems.
Using pre-built extractor templates, you can connect your Celonis Platform team to a number of cloud based source systems. By using the extractor templates to create a data connection in your data pool, you can efficiently connect to the system, configure and execute your extraction and transformation tasks, and then model the selected data.
To learn how to use the following extractor templates, see: Connecting data sources.
Allowlisting Celonis domain names, IP addresses and third party domains
When configuring your connections between the Celonis Platform and your cloud based source systems, you may need to allowlist the Celonis domain names and IP addresses. For more information, see: Allowlisting domain names and IP addresses
When configuring your Amazon S3 connection, the following authentication methods, endpoints, and further information are available:
Amazon S3 authentication method
The Amazon S3 REST API requires you to provide an access key ID and a secret access key in order to connect to the Celonis Platform.
You can create both access key ID and the secret access key in the My Security Credentials of your Amazon S3 instance. When creating these assets, you should assign the following permissions:
ACL: bucket-owner-full-control (if writing files to the S3 bucket from an external location)
A JSON example of these permissions is:
{ "Version": "2023-11-30", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Celonis S3 Extractor", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "<THE ARN OF YOUR IAM USER>" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketAcl", "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::<YOUR BUCKET>", "arn:aws:s3:::<YOUR BUCKET>/*" ] } ] }
Available Amazon S3 endpoints
For a full list of available endpoints for Amazon S3, see: Amazon S3 API Reference.
Further Amazon S3 information
When connecting to Amazon S3, note the following points:
Table schema: There are two ways to get your files in the Amazon S3 bucket translated into a table structure:
Add specific files to an extraction. In this case, each file will result in a corresponding table with the table name matching the file name.
Add a complete folder to an extraction. In this case, all files in the folder are combined into one table, with the table name matching the folder name. This method requires all files in the folder to conform to the same schema and file type.
Filtering and delta loads: Filtering is not supported for S3 extraction. Therefore, there are no delta filters. You can execute your extraction as full loads or as delta loads. For full loads, the extraction will replace existing tables. For delta loads, it will append the records to the existing tables.
Data access: The Celonis Extractor performs read-only operations on your S3 bucket. No writing changes (such as updates and deletions) will be performed during the extraction process.
Security: Transfer of the data from S3 to the target system is secured through HTTPS, which allows for an encrypted exchange of information.
Supported file types: CSV, JSON, and Parquet.
When configuring your Bamboo connection, the following authentication methods, endpoints, and further information are available:
Bamboo authentication method
The Bamboo REST API uses basic authentication. To connect to your Bamboo instance, you need to provide a username and password.
Available Bamboo endpoints
The default Bamboo extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Build plan | Retrieve data about build plans. |
GET | Build branch | Retrieve data about build branches. |
GET | Build result | Retrieve data about build results. |
GET | Deployment project | Retrieve data about deployment projects. |
GET | Deployment environment | Retrieve data about deployment environments. |
GET | Deployment result | Retrieve data about deployment results. |
GET | Redeployment version | Retrieve data about redeployment versions. |
Further Bamboo information
For further information about Bamboo and their REST APIs, see: Bamboo Documentation - REST APIs.
When configuring your Bitbucket Cloud connection, the following authentication methods, endpoints, and further information are available:
Bitbucket Cloud authentication methods
The Bitbucket Cloud REST API uses basic authentication or OAuth2:
Basic authentication: Provide a username and password.
OAuth2: Provide a client ID and client secret.
For both authentication methods you must also supply the project and repository name as parameters.
Available Bitbucket Cloud endpoints
The default Bitbucket Cloud extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Branches | Retrieve data about branches. |
GET | Commits | Retrieve data about commits. |
GET | Hooks | Retrieve data about hooks. |
GET | Pull Requests
| Retrieve data about pull requests. |
GET | Tags | Retrieve data about tags. |
Further Bitbucket Cloud information
For more information about Bitbucket Cloud, see: Bitbucket Cloud Documentation - REST APIs.
When configuring your Conexiom connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
Conexiom authentication method
Conexiom REST API uses the OAuth 2 authentication method. To establish a connection to Conexiom, you must provide the following information:
HubCo ID
OAuth2 fields: Username, password, client ID, and client secret.
Available Conexiom endpoints
The default Conexiom extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Alerts | List of all Alerts for the given HubCo. |
GET | Alert per Document | Information about one specific Alert per Alert ID. Depends on endpoint: Alerts |
GET | SpokeCos per HubCo | List of all SpokeCos for the given HubCo. Request parameter: lastModifiedFromDate (for Delta Filter) |
GET | Documents per SpokeCo | List of all Documents for the given SpokeCo ID. Depends on endpoint: SpokeCos per HubCo Request parameter: ProcessedOnFromDate (for Delta Filter) |
GET | Document Data | Information about one specific Document per Document ID. Depends on endpoint: Documents per SpokeCo |
GET | Filelist | List of all files for the given Document ID. Depends on endpoint: Documents per SpokeCo |
GET | Buyers | List of all buyers for the given SpokeCo ID. Depends on endpoint: SpokeCos per HubCo |
GET | Addresses | List of all addresses for the given SpokeCo ID. Depends on endpoint: SpokeCos per HubCo |
GET | SpokeCos | Information about one specific SpokeCo per SpokeCo ID. Depends on endpoint: SpokeCos per HubCo |
Further Conexiom information
For further information about Conexiom, see: Conexiom Knowledge Base.
When configuring your Confluence Cloud connection, the following authentication methods, endpoints, and further information are available:
Confluence Cloud authentication methods
The Confluence Cloud REST API uses basic authentication or OAuth2:
Basic authentication: Provide a username and password.
OAuth2: Provide a client ID and client secret.
For both authentication methods you must also supply the project and repository name as parameters.
Available Confluence Cloud endpoints
The default Confluence Cloud extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Audit records | Retrieve data about audit records. |
GET | Audit retention period | Retrieve data about audit retention periods. |
GET | Blueprint templates | Retrieve data about blueprint templates. |
GET | Content
| Retrieve data about content. |
GET | Content templates | Retrieve data about content templates. |
GET | Groups
| Retrieve data about groups. |
GET | Themes | Retrieve data about themes. |
GET | Spaces
| Retrieve data about spaces. |
Further Confluence Cloud information
For further information about Confluence Cloud's REST API, see: Confluence Cloud - API Documentation.
When configuring your EcoVadis connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
EcoVadis authentication method
The EcoVadis REST API uses OAuth2 authentication:
OAuth2: Provide a username, password, client ID, and client secret.
Available EcoVadis endpoint
The default EcoVadis extractor allows you to call this endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | EV data | Retrieve sustainability ratings and ESG data for suppliers |
Further EcoVadis information
For further information about EcoVadis, see: EcoVadis Help Center.
When configuring your Gmail connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
Gmail authentication method
The Gmail REST API uses the OAuth2 authentication method, requiring you to provide a username, password, client ID, and client secret. To access these, you must complete the following steps in your Google Workspace:
Create a Google Cloud project, see: Google Workspace - Create a Google Cloud project.
Enable the Gmail API for the project created in step 1, see: Google Workspace - Enable Google Workspace APIs.
Configure the OAuth consent, see: Google Workspace - Configure the OAuth consent screen and choose scopes.
Create access credentials, see: Google Workspace - Create access credentials.
When prompted to add a redirect URL, use the following:
Create a connection to your Gmail account in your Celonis Platform data pool. See: Connecting data sources.
Available Gmail endpoints
The default Gmail extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Calendar List | Retrieve data about the calendar. |
GET | Events | Retrieve data about events in the calendar. |
GET | Settings | Retrieve data about settings. |
Further Gmail information
For further information about Gmail's REST API, see: Google Workspace - Gmail API Overview.
When configuring your Google Calendar connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
Google Calendar authentication method
The Google Calendar REST API uses the OAuth2 authentication method, requiring you to provide a username, password, client ID, and client secret. To access these, you must complete the following steps in your Google Workspace:
Create a Google Cloud project, see: Google Workspace - Create a Google Cloud project.
Enable the Google Calendar API for the project created in step 1, see: Google Workspace - Enable Google Workspace APIs.
Configure the OAuth consent, see: Google Workspace - Configure the OAuth consent screen and choose scopes.
Create access credentials, see: Google Workspace - Create access credentials.
When prompted to add a redirect URL, use the following:
Create a connection to your Gmail account in your Celonis Platform data pool. See: Connecting data sources.
Available Google Calendar endpoints
The default Google Calendar extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Calendar List | Retrieve data about the calendar. |
GET | Events | Retrieve data about events in the calendar. |
GET | Settings | Retrieve data about settings. |
Further Google Calendar information
For further information about Gmail's REST API, see: Google Workspace - Gmail API Overview.
When configuring your Google Sheets connection, you need to supply the URL of the Google Sheet you wish to connect.
Your Google Sheet URL will be in the following format:
When configuring your Greenhouse connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
Greenhouse authentication methods
The Greenhouse REST API uses OAuth 2 authentication, requiring you to provide an API URL, username, password, client ID, and client secret. To do this, the user profile must have API credentials access enabled in the Developers Permissions area.
With API credentials access, the user can then access Configure - Dev Center - API Credential Management.
Available Greenhouse endpoints
The default Greenhouse extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | EV Data | Retrieves sustainability ratings and ESG data for suppliers. |
GET | List Applications | List all of an organization’s applications. |
GET | List Approvals For Job | List all of a job’s approval flows. |
GET | List Candidates | List all of an organization’s candidates. |
GET | List Close Reasons | List all of an organization’s close reasons. |
GET | List Job Openings | List all of a job’s openings. |
GET | List Job Posts | List all of an organization’s job posts. |
GET | List Jobs | List all of an organization’s jobs. |
GET | List Scheduled Interviews | List all of an organization’s scheduled interviews. |
GET | List Scorecards | List all of an organization’s scorecards. |
GET | List Sources | Lists an organization’s sources, grouped by strategy. |
Further Greenhouse information
For further information, see: Greenhouse Help - Harvest API.
When configuring your Happyfox connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
Happyfox authentication method
The Happyfox REST API uses basic authentication. To connect to your Happyfox instance, you need to provide a username and password.
Available Happyfox endpoints
The default Happyfox extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Canned actions | Retrieve data about canned actions. |
GET | Contact groups | Retrieve data about contact groups. |
GET | Knowledge articles | Retrieve data about knowledge articles. |
GET | Knowledge sections | Retrieve data about knowledge sections. |
GET | Staff | Retrieve data about staff. |
GET | Ticket categories | Retrieve data about ticket categories. |
GET | Ticket custom fields | Retrieve data about custom fields. |
GET | Ticket priorities | Retrieve data about ticket priorities. |
GET | Ticket statuses | Retrieve data about ticket statuses. |
GET | Tickets | Retrieve data about tickets. |
GET | User custom fields | Retrieve data about user custom fields. |
GET | Users | Retrieve data about users. |
Further Happyfox information
For further information about Happyfox APIs, see: Happyfox Support - Developers - APIs.
When configuring your Ironclad connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
Ironclad authentication method
The Ironclad REST API uses a bearer token for authentication. For more information about the bearer token, see: Ironclad Developer - Bearer Authentication.
Available Ironclad Endpoints
The default Ironclad extractor allows you to call these endpoints:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Active workflows Active workflows - approvals | Retrieve data about active workflows. |
GET | Canceled workflows Canceled workflows - approvals | Retrieve data about canceled workflows. |
GET | Completed workflows Completed workflows - approvals | Retrieve data about completed workflows. |
GET | Paused workflows Completed workflows - approvals | Retrieve data about paused workflows. |
GET | Records | Retrieve data about records. |
Further Ironclad information
For further information about the Ironclad REST API, see: Ironclad - Developer - API.
Jira Cloud authentication method
The Jira Cloud REST API uses basic authentication. To connect to your Jira Cloud instance, you need to provide your instance URL, a username, and a password. This password must be a Jira API token.
Jira Cloud tables and columns
The following tables and their related APIs are available:
Table | API |
applicationProperties | /rest/api/2/application-properties |
applicationRole | /rest/api/2/applicationrole |
board | /rest/agile/1.0/board |
board$backlog | /rest/agile/1.0/board/%s/backlog |
board$epic | /rest/agile/1.0/board/%s/epic |
board$issue | /rest/agile/1.0/board/%s/issue |
board$spring | /rest/agile/1.0/board/%s/sprint |
board$version | /rest/agile/1.0/board/%s/version |
configuration | /rest/api/2/configuration |
dashboard | /rest/api/2/dashboard |
field | /rest/api/2/field |
groups | /rest/api/2/groups/picker |
issue | /rest/api/2/search |
issueLinkType | /rest/api/2/issueLinkType |
issueSecuritySchemes | /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes |
issueType | /rest/api/2/issuetype |
notificationScheme | /rest/api/2/notificationscheme |
permissionScheme | /rest/api/2/permissionscheme |
project | /rest/api/2/project/search |
projectCategory | /rest/api/2/projectCategory |
projectType | /rest/api/2/project/type |
resolution | /rest/api/2/resolution |
role | /rest/api/2/role |
serverInfo | /rest/api/2/serverInfo |
status | /rest/api/2/status |
statuscategory | /rest/api/2/statuscategory |
user | /rest/api/2/user/search?username=. |
workflow | /rest/api/2/workflow |
Jira Cloud columns
The following column types are supported by the Jira extractor:
For all other column types, you must change the type from custom field to a string for it to be visible.
Further Jira Cloud information
Data access: The extractor performs read-only operations on your Jira data. No writing changes (like updates, deletions) will be performed at any time during the extraction process.
Security: Transfer of the data from the Jira system to the Celonis Platform is secured through HTTPS, which allows for an encrypted exchange of information.
For further information about the Jira Cloud REST API, see: Atlassian Developer - REST API.
This feature is currently available as a Public Preview only
During a Public Preview, only eligible customers can access this feature. Additionally, there may be minor updates to the functionality and design of these features when they are released in General Availability.
If you would like to use this feature, create a Support ticket at
For more information about our Public Preview releases, including the level of Support offered with them, see: Feature release types.
When configuring your Rossum connection, the following authentication method and further inputs are available:
Rossum authentication method
The Rossum extractor uses Basic Authentication to authenticat. You need to provide a username and password to connect to your Rossum instance when configuring the data connection.
Further Rossum inputs
When configuring the connection between your Rossum instance and the Celonis Platform, you need the following inputs:
Region: Specifies the region in which your Rossum instance is hosed. The definition of your region specifies the Base URL that we use for all API requests. The following regions are available for selection:
Custom: You can enter the URL.
Queue: The queue from which you want to extract data (e.g. 81867)
Status: The document statuses you would like to extract. This ca be one value or multiple ones separated by comma (e.g. confirmed, exported).
Limited Availability
This extractor is currently in limited availability mode and can be added to your Celonis Platform environment by request only.
To request access to this extractor, please create a support ticket on Celopeers.
When configuring your SAP Concur connection, the following authentication method, endpoints, and further information are available:
SAP Concur authentication
To connect to SAP Concur, we recommend using OAuth 2.0. Before configuring the data connection in the Celonis Platform, you need access to an SAP Concur user with the necessary permissions extract data to external systems.
To configure your SAP Concur user, refer to the OAuth2.0 Application Management documentation here: SAP Help Portal - SAP Concur
Available SAP Concur endpoints
The Celonis extractor uses the standard REST API of SAP Concur. For more information, see: SAP Concur Developers Center.
SAP Concur data access
The Celonis Extractor performs read-only operations on your SAP Concur data. No writing changes (like updates, deletions) will be performed at any time during the extraction process.
SAP Concur source system impact
The Celonis Extractor is bound to the API call limits applied by SAP Concur, guarding the system from any performance issues.
Transfer of the data from the SAP Concur system to the target system is secured through HTTPS, which allows for an encrypted exchange of information.
When configuring your Zendesk connection, the following authentication methods and further information are available:
Zendesk authentication methods
The Zendesk REST API uses basic authentication or OAuth2:
Basic authentication: Provide a username and password.
OAuth2: Provide a client ID and client secret. These require you to create an API token in your Zendesk account by clicking Admin - Settings and then enabling Token Access.
For both authentication methods, you must provide your Zendesk realm. This should be provided in the following format:
Further Zendesk information
When connecting to Zendesk, note the following points:
Data access: The Celonis Extractor performs read-only operations on your Zendesk data. No writing changes (like updates, deletions) will be performed at any time during the extraction process.
Source system impact: The Celonis Extractor is bound to the API call limits applied by Zendesk, guarding the system from any performance issues. That means that each extraction is limited to 1,000 entries per table.
Security: Transfer of the data from the Zendesk system to the target system is secured through HTTPS, which allows for an encrypted exchange of information.
Support REST API: The default Zendesk extractor uses the Support REST API provided by Zendesk. For more information, see: Zendesk - Support REST API.