Load Scripts
Load Scripts are scripts that automatically run when the analysis is loaded.
With them, you are able to assure, for example, that your analysis always begins with a certain filter applied or with a selector option displayed.
Manage Load Scripts

Load Scripts can be managed in the analysis settings in the tab: Load Scripts.
Define the Load Script using PQL statements in the text box. If more than one script is applied, they should be separated by a semicolon.
The add column section aids the input of Load Scripts. It allows the user to select a column from the connected databases and returns a default script based on it.
The default script has a format: FILTER "TABLE_NAME"."COLUMN_NAME" <op> <value>
The documentation shows the possible values the <op> (operator) might assume in the Load Script formula.
Here you can find examples of useful Load Scripts formulas. Remember to replace the table names and columns according to the ones of the data tables connected to your current analysis.
It is not possible to use VARIABLES in the analysis load script. You can use them in sheet or component filters but not in the load script within analysis settings.