This article provides a list of potential issues you might encounter when working with Actions and our suggestions on how to solve them.
When creating an Action you can only select Records with a defined Record Identifier.
By default, Action Flows deactivate after three unsuccessful executions. To change the number of failed executions after which an Action Flow is deactivated:
Go to your Action Flow and click edit.
In Action Flow's settings, toggle Show advanced settings.
Change Number of consecutive errors.
Save your changes and publish the Action Flow.
An Action might be missing from the users' Table/ view for the following reasons:
A user might not have necessary use permissions for an Action Flow connected to the Action. In this case, check users' permissions and try again.
An Action Flow used by the Action might be deactivated. In this case, a red exclamation mark icon will be shown next to a relevant Action. To reactivate your Action Flow:
Go to your Action Flow.
In the top-right corner, toggle Active.
(optional) Change the number of failed executions after which an Action Flow is deactivated. See My Action Flow is deactivated automatically.