Lead object and event log
Each Insight Explorer asset is always anchored to a single object from the Data Model called the lead object. The lead object is the common table appearing most frequently among the configured metrics and is detected automatically when you run the analysis. If there is a tie, the first metric (based on configuration order) gts priority. This applies to not only Object-Centric Data Models with multiple objects, but also Case-Centric Multi-Event Log Data Models with multiple case tables.
Any metrics that do not refer to the lead object are dropped from the analysis. The attributes must be bindable to the lead object (i.e. have a direct or indirect 1:N relationship with the lead object). The default event log of the lead object is used to extract process attributes and timestamps.
In order to illustrate how the lead object is determined, suppose the Data Model contains the following table relationships.

Example 1
You configure 1 metric from Table B and attributes from Tables A, B, C, D, and E. Then the lead object is Table B, and the attributes from Tables C, D, and E are dropped.
Example 2
You configure 1 metric from Table B, 2 metrics from Table C, and attributes from Tables A, B, C, D, and E. Then the lead object is Table C, the metric from Table B is dropped, and the attributes from Table D are dropped.
After you have run the analysis, see the Object detected and the Event log by clicking the info icon at the top right of Insight Explorer.

For examples of how to change the lead object of a metric or attribute by rewriting its PQL, see: