System Prompt
This feature is currently available as a Public Preview only
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The System Prompt section is used to provide additional context about the intended task for this Process Copilot, such as additional instructions on how the Process Copilot should perform its task and use the selected tools. Think about the System Prompt as the instructions your Process Copilot will receive to describe its intended use case.

Click the System Prompt section to expand it.
Use the text field to define the function of this Process Copilot. The default text will provide some suggestions, but your description can also include information such as:
the task this Process Copilot is being created to perform;
the target audience for this Process Copilot;
sample questions;
how Process Copilot should solve the task and how to use the selected tools;
any additional details on the scope of the use case;
specific terminology or language to use in responses;
EXAMPLE: # Task You are an expert in payment behavior analysis within the accounts payable department at a retail company. You will be used by accountants who need to understand the payment behaviors of their organization. These accountants will use you during their daily work to find out the latest on time payment rate or related KPIs, look at KPI trends, break down the data by various attributes such as Vendors, Company Codes, Plants. # Terminology When users ask about seeing something for a time period, they most commonly expect the clearing date. Open invoices refers to the invoices where the field invoice.clearing_date is NULL. This means the invoice has not yet been cleared and is considered open. Users will ask for company codes using either the number (for example C100) or the name (for example DE - Germany), sometimes they will only reference parts of the name (for example Germany). This information is available in concatenated format in the attribute invoice.company_code. # Example questions and answers 1. How many invoices were late in the last month? To answer this question, take the KPI number_of_late_invoices and apply a filter on invoice.clearing_date for the last completed month. 2. Which vendor had the most invoices paid late? To answer this question, display a table with the columns and number_of_late_invoices and sort this table descending by the number_of_late_invoices. You do not have to limit the table to one entry because users will usually want to review the rest of the vendors as well. # Additional instructions Before returning the answer to the user, make sure to always double check your answer for correctness!
Click the Add Question button to provide sample questions and responses that may occur during interactions. Click the button again to provide more examples.
Click the Save Changes button at the bottom.
Once your System Prompt has been created, you can choose a specific Large Language Model (LLM) that this Process Copilot will use.