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Celonis Product Documentation

Skipping missing data for objects and events

You can choose to skip missing data when you create a new data connection following the steps in Quickstart: Extract and transform your data into objects and events, or at any time afterwards. When you choose the Skip missing data option for a data connection, we'll handle these issues:

  • If your source system data is missing columns that the Celonis object types and event types require, we'll skip over them. Your objects and events will be created with null values in these fields.

  • If your source system data has data types for required columns that don't match those expected by the Celonis object types and event types, we'll cast them to match the expected data types, and use that in your objects and events.


Skipping missing data lets your transformations run with errors, so you can still create objects and events even if your data isn't ideal. However, applications consuming the objects and events can get unexpected problems from the missing data. So we recommend that you only use this feature while you're validating the implementation of a process or app.

Soon after you've completed validation, you should go back and fix the data issues in a pre-processing stage or during data extraction. You'll find ways to do this in Troubleshooting data extraction and pre-processing. When you've fixed all the issues, come back to the process catalog and disable the Skip missing data option for the data connection, so that any future issues will be properly surfaced.