Schema documentation
Version 2.18.1
How to read this documentation
Symbol | Description |
SINCE 1.0.2 | The version that introduced the respective event / feature / option / attribute |
DEPRECATED | This event/ feature/ option / attribute is deprecated and may be removed in a later version. |
BASIC | This event / feature / option / attribute is available for / provided by the basic Celonis Task Mining desktop application. |
CHROME | This event / feature / option / attribute is available for / provided by the Celonis Task Mining Extension for Google Chrome. |
EDGE | This event / feature / option / attribute is available for / provided by the Celonis Task Mining Extension for Microsoft Edge. |
SAP | This event / feature / option / attribute is available for / provided by the SAP integration of Celonis Task Mining. |
Event types
The following table gives an overview of the logged event types and their availability.
Some event types may only be available for specific components.
Event type | Description | Availability |
Active window changed | This event indicates that the active window has changed. | BASIC |
Application window changed | This event indicates that the state of an application window has changed (e.g. the window was launched or closed). Please note: Application window changed events are only detected for applications launched after starting the Celonis Task Mining desktop application. Changes of applications that were launched before the start of the Task Mining are not detected, even not that the window is closed. | BASIC DEPRECATED (since 2.7.3) |
Clipboard changed | This event indicates that the content of the Windows clipboard has changed. | BASIC |
User comment | This event indicates the input of an explaining comment by the user via the comment function of Celonis Task Mining desktop application. | BASIC |
Focus changed | This event indicates the change of the currently focused window element. | BASIC DEPRECATED (since 1.0.0) |
Keyboard command | This event indicates the input of a keyboard command (a keystroke that does not provide readable text, e.g., Ctrl + C). | BASIC |
Left-click | This event indicates a mouse left click. | BASIC CHROME |
Mouse wheel | This event indicates a move of the mouse wheel in an unknown direction by a given number of units. | BASIC |
Mouse wheel (up) | This event indicates a move of the mouse wheel up by the given number of units. | BASIC |
Mouse wheel (down) | This event indicates a move of the mouse wheel down by the given number of units. | BASIC |
Right-click | This event indicates a mouse right-click. | BASIC |
Entered text | This event indicates the input of readable text by the user. | BASIC |
Activated tab | This event indicates that a browser tab has been activated. It can either be a newly opened tab or an already existing, previously inactive tab that has been reactivated. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Closed tab | This event indicates that a browser tab has been closed. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Element changed | This event indicates that a web element (i.e. a text field) has changed. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Text selected | This event indicates that text from a text field has been selected (e.g. by mouse, keyboard commands). | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Left double click | This event indicates a mouse left double click. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Copy to clipboard | This event indicates that text has been copied to the clipboard. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Cut to clipboard | This event indicates that text has been cut to the clipboard. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Paste from clipboard | This event indicates that text from the clipboard has been pasted to the target web element. | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME |
Task Mining Started | This event indicates that the Task Mining Client has started. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Task Mining Stopped | This event indicates that the Task Mining Client has stopped. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
User Idle Started | This event indicates that the current user idle mode has started. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
User Idle Ended | This event indicates that the current user idle mode has ended. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Session Locked | This event indicates that the current user Windows session has been locked. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Session Unlocked | This event indicates that the current user Windows session has been unlocked. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Session Connected | This event indicates that the current user session has been connected from the console. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Session Disconnected | This event indicates that the current user session has been disconnected from the console. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Session Remote Connected | This event indicates that the current user session has been connected from a remote connection. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Session Remote Disconnected | This event indicates that the current user session has been disconnected from a remote connection. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
Alive | This event indicates that the Task Mining client is alive. | SINCE 2.4.1 BASIC |
The following table gives an overview of the attributes logged by Task Mining which are stored in Celonis Platform.
Some attributes may only be available for specific components and event types.
Attribute name | Data type | Column size | Description | Is mandatory | Is hashable | Is redactable | Supported Event types | Availability |
Id | string | 36 | A unique id for the event. | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
TimestampLocal | datetime | The point in time when the event was detected in local time. | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
TimestampUTC | datetime | The point in time when the event was detected in UTC. | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
SystemUser | string | 120 | The Windows user name of the active user. | Yes | Yes | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
EventType | string | 120 | The type of the event. | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
ProcessName | string | 120 | The name of the Windows OS process (related to the active application). | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
ProcessId | string | 120 | The id of the Windows operating system process as shown by the Windows Task Manager. The id is not stable and may vary between different runs of the application. | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC |
Comment | string | 120 | The comment entered by the user. | No | No | Yes |
KeyboardCommand | string | 30 | The entered command key or key combination. | No | No | No |
EnteredText | string | 200 | The text that was entered by the user. Please note: If the AnonymizeTextInput setting is activated, only the first character of the entered sequence is logged. | No | Yes | Yes |
ClipboardContentType | string | 120 | The type of content stored in the Windows clipboard. | No | No | No |
ClipboardText | string | 120 | The textual content is stored in the Windows clipboard. | No | Yes | Yes |
ApplicationName | string | 120 | The name/title of the application that has changed its state. | No | Yes | No |
| BASIC DEPRECATED (since 2.7.3) |
ApplicationPath | string | 120 | The file path of the application has changed its state. | No | Yes | No |
| BASIC DEPRECATED (since 2.7.3) |
ApplicationTitle | string | 500 | The title of the application has changed its state. | No | Yes | No |
| BASIC DEPRECATED (since 2.7.3) |
ApplicationAction | string | 120 | The window-related action triggers the state change of the application (e.g. launch of the window). | No | Yes | No |
| BASIC DEPRECATED (since 2.7.3) |
ActiveWindow | string | 200 | The name / title of the active window. | No | Yes | Yes | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
ActiveElementName | string | 120 | The name of the clicked element (e.g. the name of the clicked button). | No | Yes | No |
| BASIC DEPRECATED (since 1.0.5) |
ControlType | string | 120 | The type of the clicked element (e.g. Button). | No | Yes | No |
| BASIC DEPRECATED (since 1.0.5) |
SessionId | string | 36 | A unique ID for the Task Mining session. A session is the period of time from starting Task Mining to stopping it. This can either be done manually via the start/stop buttons or automatically, e.g., when starting Task Mining together with Windows or when shutting down Task Mining. | Yes | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
SnippetId | string | 120 | A unique id within a session that groups events that occur within a small time distance. If the time distance between consecutive events exceeds the time window, the later event is assigned to a new snippet. | No | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
ScreenshotId | string | 120 | The unique file name of the screenshot is related to the event. | No | No | No | All | BASIC CHROME EDGE |
MousePositionX | int | The X coordinate of the mouse pointer is in the screenshot. A negative value indicates that the mouse pointer is outside of the screenshot. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
MousePositionY | int | The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer is in the screenshot. A negative value indicates that the mouse pointer is outside of the screenshot. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ScrollUnits | int | The number of units the mouse wheel was moved. | No | No | No |
| BASIC | |
ActiveWindowX | int | The X coordinate of the active window is in the screenshot. A negative value indicates that the active window is outside of the screenshot. The point (ActiveWindowX, ActiveWindowY) represents the left upper corner of the active window. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ActiveWindowY | int | The Y coordinate of the active window is in the screenshot. A negative value indicates that the active window is outside of the screenshot. The point (ActiveWindowX, ActiveWindowY) represents the left upper corner of the active window. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ActiveWindowWidth | int | The width of the active window in the screenshot. A negative value indicates that the active window is outside of the screenshot. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ActiveWindowHeight | int | The height of the active window in the screenshot. A negative value indicates that the active window is outside of the screenshot. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ScreenshotWidth | int | The width of the screenshot. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ScreenshotHeight | int | The height of the screenshot. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE | |
ExtensionName | string | 120 | The name of the Celonis Task Mining Extension that logged the event. | Yes | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME EDGE |
URL | string | 1000 | The URL of the website is currently opened in the tab that triggered the event. For Internet Explorer, this value can only be retrieved if the interaction is happening on the web page; for interactions outside of the web page (e.g. opening, switching, and closing tabs), no values are available for Internet Explorer. | No | Yes | Yes | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE |
TargetElementType | string | 120 | The HTML element type of the web element is related to the event. | No | Yes | No |
TargetElementId | string | 120 | The HTML element ID of the web element is related to the event. | No | Yes | No |
TargetElementName | string | 120 | The HTML element name of the web element is related to the event. | No | Yes | Yes |
TargetElementValue | string | 120 | The HTML element value of the web element is related to the event. | No | Yes | Yes |
TargetInputType | string | 120 | The input type of the web element is related to the event if the attribute TargetElementType has the value 'INPUT'. | No | Yes | No |
TargetClassName | string | 120 | The CSS class name of the web element is related to the event. | No | Yes | No |
TargetLinkUrl | string | 1000 | The URL is linked by the clicked element if the attribute TargetElementType has the value 'A'. | No | Yes | Yes |
TargetIsChecked | bool | Indicates if the web element related to the event is checked or not. Can only be true if the attribute TargetElementType has the value 'INPUT' and the attribute TargetInputType has either the value 'RADIO' or the value 'CHECKBOX'). | No | No | No |
SelectedText | string | 120 | The text that has been selected. For 'Copy to clipboard' and 'Cut to clipboard' events, this represents the text that has been set to clipboard. For events of type 'Text selected' (only triggered when text in a text field of type input or textarea has been selected), this contains the selected text. | No | Yes | Yes |
DomPath | string | 5000 | The path in the DOM tree of the web element is related to the event. | No | Yes | No |
ClientVersion | string | 120 | The version of the basic Celonis Task Mining desktop application that logged the event. | Yes | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 BASIC CHROME EDGE |
ExtensionVersion | string | 120 | The version of the Celonis Task Mining Extension that logged the event. | Yes | No | No | All | SINCE 1.0.2 CHROME EDGE |
MachineName | string | 120 | The name of the local machine running the Task Mining desktop application. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 1.0.4 BASIC CHROME EDGE |
TargetX | int | The X coordinate of the web element is related to the event. The value is relative to the left upper corner of the browser window which is expected to be stored in the attribute ActiveWindowX. | No | No | No |
TargetY | int | The Y coordinate of the web element related to the event. The value is relative to the left upper corner of the browser window which is expected to be stored in attribute ActiveWindowY. | No | No | No |
TargetWidth | int | The width of the web element related to the event. | No | No | No |
TargetHeight | int | The height of the web element related to the event. | No | No | No |
UserId | string | 120 | The hashed Windows user name of the active user. The value is hashed using SHA256. | Yes | No | No | All | SINCE 1.1.1 BASIC CHROME EDGE |
WepPageExtractions | string | 16250 | Specific data extracted from the web page in JSON format | No | No | Yes |
CaretPositionX | int | X position of the caret (text input cursor). The value is relative to the left border of the text input control that owns the caret. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 BASIC | |
CaretPositionY | int | Y position of the caret (text input cursor). The value is relative to the top border of the text input control that owns the caret. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 BASIC | |
ElementTypeSAP | string | 80 | Type of the SAP GUI element related to the event | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
ElementIdSAP | string | 1000 | ID of the SAP GUI element related to the event. The ID describes the hierarchy of the element in the SAP GUI. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
ElementNameSAP | string | 80 | Name of the SAP GUI element related to the event. The name is also part of the id stored in ElementIdSAP. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
ElementTextSAP | string | 16250 | The text of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
ElementToolTipSAP | string | 400 | Tooltip of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
ElementLabelSAP | string | 120 | Label of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
ElementScreenLeftSAP | int | Left position (X coordinate) of the SAP GUI element related to the event in screenshot coordinates. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP | |
ElementScreenTopSAP | int | Top position (Y coordinate) of the SAP GUI element related to the event in screenshot coordinates. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP | |
ElementWidthSAP | int | Width (in pixels) of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP | |
ElementHeightSAP | int | Height (in pixels) of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP | |
ElementIconNameSAP | string | 80 | Icon name of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
WindowNameSAP | string | 80 | Name of the window that hosts the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
CheckboxSelectedSAP | bool | Selection state of the SAP GUI checkbox related to the event. | No | No | No |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP | |
TitleSAP | string | 200 | Title of the SAP GUI element related to the event. | No | No | Yes |
| SINCE 1.2.1 SAP |
AutomationId_UIAA | string | 120 | An ID of the element within the GUI of an application related to the event. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC |
ControlType_UIAA | string | 120 | The control type of the element related to the event. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC |
Name_UIAA | string | 120 | The name of the GUI element related to the event. | No | Yes | Yes | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC |
Value_UIAA | string | 1000 | The value that is held by the GUI element related to the event. | No | Yes | Yes | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC |
ElementX_UIAA | int | The X coordinate (as absolute screen coordinate) of the GUI element related to the event. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC | |
ElementY_UIAA | int | The Y coordinate (as absolute screen coordinate) of the GUI element related to the event. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC | |
ElementWidth_UIAA | int | The width of the GUI element related to the event. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC | |
ElementHeight_UIAA | int | The height of the GUI element related to the event. Please note: As GUI elements may be composed of different other elements, the value of this field might differ from the expected value. For example, Buttons may include text and/or image elements, so the value might relate to them instead of the button itself. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC | |
ClassName_UIAA | string | 120 | The programmatic class name of the GUI element related to the event. Please note: As GUI elements may be composed of different other elements, the value of this field might differ from the expected value. For example, Buttons may include text and/or image elements, so the value might relate to them instead of the button itself. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC |
HelpText_UIAA | string | 120 | A help text which describes the GUI element related to the event. | No | Yes | Yes | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC |
IsEnabled_UIAA | bool | Flag indicating if the GUI element is enabled or disabled. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.0.4 BASIC | |
FrameworkID_UIAA | string | 120 | The underlying GUI framework of the element. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.80.4 BASIC |
ApplicationServerSAP | string | 120 | The name of the SAP application server. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
ClientSAP | string | 120 | The client selected on the SAP login screen. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
GroupSAP | string | 120 | The login group of SAP. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
ScreenNumberSAP | int | The number of the screen in SAP which is currently displayed. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP | |
SessionNumberSAP | int | The number of the SAP session. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP | |
SystemNameSAP | string | 120 | The name of the SAP system. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
SystemNumberSAP | int | The number of the SAP system. | No | No | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP | |
SystemSessionIdSAP | string | 120 | The id of the SAP system session. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
TransactionSAP | string | 120 | The id of the current SAP transaction. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
UserSAP | string | 120 | The SAP user name. | No | Yes | Yes | All | SINCE 2.4.2 SAP |
Custom1 | string | 2000 | An optional custom user attribute could be defined in the configurations to be entered by the users. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.8.0 BASIC |
Custom2 | string | 2000 | An optional custom user attribute could be defined in the configurations to be entered by the users. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.8.0 BASIC |
Custom3 | string | 2000 | An optional custom user attribute could be defined in the configurations to be entered by the users. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.8.0 BASIC |
Custom4 | string | 2000 | An optional custom user attribute could be defined in the configurations to be entered by the users. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.8.0 BASIC |
Custom5 | string | 2000 | An optional custom user attribute could be defined in the configurations to be entered by the users. | No | Yes | No | All | SINCE 2.8.0 BASIC |