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Celonis Product Documentation

Enabling advanced filters for Views (attribute, process flow, event filters, and throughput time filters)

You can configure advanced filters for your View when in Edit Mode by clicking View Settings, allowing you to enable and configure attribute and process filters:

  • Attribute filter: This filter allows users to select objects based on specified attributes, like country "Belgium" or start date "February 2, 2015". See: Enabling and using attribute filters

  • Process filters: By enabling process filters, users can filter based on:

    • Process flow filter: Select objects where an event is or isn't followed by another, e.g., "Invoice sent" followed by "Invoice canceled".

    • Event filter: Select objects based on their flow through specified events, such as objects starting with or including "Create Order".

    • Throughput time filter: Select objects where the duration between two events is faster/slower than specified, e.g., "Item sent" to "Item received" in under 3 days.

    For more about process filters, see: Process filters

When an attribute filter is enabled, the user can click Filters - Attribute filter and select from the available Data Model tables and columns to apply a filter.

For example, filtering on customers based in Belgium:


When attribute filters aren't enabled (or are disabled), the app user can still apply filters (such as component filters as shown in the example), however the attribute filter option is not available:

Search based filters

Users can also configure more advanced filters for their View by using the Search feature. This gives users the ability to apply filters based on terms to include, exclude, and apply AND / OR conditions that are independent of the events listed.

In this example, the search feature is used to filter the view to show where 'engine' as listed as a material type:


Search filters can also be combined with selecting from the event list, creating an OR filter. In this example, the filter will return data where either 'engine' or the selected 'ethylene' material type are used:
