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Celonis Product Documentation

Copying multiple assets between teams

Limited availability

This functionality is currently in limited availability. If you’re interested in trying it out, get in touch with us through

As a team admin, you can bulk copy Studio packages and the latest version of your data pools between your teams. Using the Team-to-team copy feature, you select the team you want to copy your assets into (known as the target team), check and resolve asset dependencies, and run the copy.

When copying assets into the target team, a version snapshot is taken of their current state in the target team when the copy is run. To maintain parity between assets available in multiple teams, subsequent manual copy runs must be made.

Assets copied

When copying assets between your teams, the following conditions apply:

  • Data pools: The latest released version of your data pool is copied where available. If your data pool exists in draft mode only, the draft will be copied. This excludes any data integration schedules you have configured in your data pool.

  • Packages: Packages with Action Flows can be copied but the Action Flows are not updated in your target team.

Prerequisites for Team-to-team copy

To copy assets between your teams, you need:

Before copying assets into your target team, both your current and target teams must be authorized. Teams must be authorized manually in advance.

To manually authorize your target team before copying the assets, click Authorized Teams.


And then click Add new authorized team.


To copy assets between teams:

  1. From the team that contains the assets you want to copy, go to Admin & Settings and then select Team-to-team copy.

  2. Click Create new.

  3. Configure your team target and click Next.

    You will be prompted here if your teams still need to be authorized for copying:

  4. Select the packages and data pools you want to copy.

    You will be prompted here if any assets you select have missing dependencies. You can attempt to automatically resolve these by clicking Resolve dependencies.


    You can also run a dependency check on all selected packages and data pools by clicking Run dependency check.


    Once all dependencies have been resolved, click Next.

  5. Check that everything in your team-to-team copy is correct and then click Save and run.


    The copy now runs and is displayed on the overview area.

Once created, Team-to-team copy runs are displayed on the overview area. You can manage your existing runs in the following ways:

  • Copy status: The following status are available: Running (still in progress), successfully finished, failed, and not attempted.

  • Download log: This log is downloaded as a .csv file and contains full details of the copy attempt.

  • Run: Manually run the copy based on the last configuration.

  • View: View and edit existing run details.

  • Delete: This deletes the run configuration only, with previously copied assets remaining in the target team.
