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Celonis Product Documentation

Feature release types

To meet your evolving needs and help you stay competitive, the Celonis Platform is continuously updated with new features, enhanced capabilities, and improved user experience workflows.

Platform updates follow a structured release framework with three stages, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • Private Preview → Product Validation: These features are available to select customers who opt into our usage agreements. These features are being used for early product validation and assessing their product-market fit. The features may change or be discontinued before a wider release.

  • Public Preview → Offering Validation: These features are open to all eligible customers. These features are General Availability (GA) quality but undergoes final validation to ensure they meet customer needs. No contractual Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are provided at this stage.

  • General Availability (GA) → Full Market Readiness: The features are fully released to all eligible customers, with a finalized product, full support, and contractual SLAs in place. Enhancements may continue post-launch.

Each release type defines feature availability, support levels, and readiness for broader adoption. The below table shows a comparison across the three release types:

Release type




Trust & Compliance

Master Service Agreement (MSA) Coverage

Private Preview → Product Validation

Early feedback for product-market fit.

Selected customers only.

For each documented release, you will see a note in the topic informing you how you can request access to the feature.

Subject to major changes or cancellations.

Secure and compliant but not optimized for scale.


Public Preview → Offering Validation

Final validation before GA.

All eligible customers.

For each documented release, you will see a note in the topic informing you how you can request access to the feature.

Fully secure, tested, and GA-quality.

Fully secure, tested, and compliant.


General Availability (GA) → Full Market Readiness

Fully launched and market-ready.

All eligible customers.

Fully secure, tested, and GA-quality.

Fully secure, tested, and compliant.
