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Celonis Product Documentation

SAP actions

The following integrations of SAP actions are prebuilt to support you with a simple setup and without deeper SAP knowledge.

The actions are structured by the corresponding business object.

Actions that are not available can also be accessed through Generic RFC calls.

1. Actions and corresponding BAPIs

Prebuilt actions and corresponding BAPI calls to let your SAP administrator know which additional permissions are necessary for the employed user.

Business ObjectActionBAPI
MaterialChange Cross-Distribution Chain StatusBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Cross-Plan Specific StatusBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Goods Receipt Processing TimeBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange In-House Production TimeBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Material Status (plant-specific)BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Minimum Lot SizeBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Planned Delivery TimeBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Reorder PointBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
MaterialChange Safety StockBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA
Purchase OrderChange CurrencyBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase OrderChange Header textBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase OrderChange Payment TermsBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase OrderAdd Purchase Order ItemBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase OrderRelease Purchase OrderBAPI_PO_RELEASE
Purchase Order ItemChange Complete Delivery IndicatorBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Delivery AddressBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Delivery DateBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Material GroupBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Material NumberBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Outline Agreement NumberBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange PriceBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange QuantityBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Schedule LineBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Short TextBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Supplier Material NumberBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemChange Tax CodeBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemDelete Purchase Order ItemBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemRevoke DeletionBAPI_PO_CHANGE
Purchase Order ItemRevert Goods ReceiptBAPI_GOODSMVT_CANCEL
Purchase Order ItemPost Goods ReceiptBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE
Purchase RequisitionChange Header TextBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase RequisitionAdd Purchase Requisition ItemBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase RequisitionCreate Purchase RequisitionBAPI_PR_CREATE
Purchase RequisitionRelease Purchase RequisitionBAPI_REQUISITION_RELEASE_GE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange CurrencyBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Delivery AddressBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Delivery DateBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Desired VendorBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Fixed VendorBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Material GroupBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Material NumberBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange OLA NumberBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange PriceBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange QuantityBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Short TextBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemChange Supplier Material NumberBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemRelease Purchase Requisition ItemBAPI_RELEASE_REQUISITION
Purchase Requisition ItemDelete Purchase Requisition ItemBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Purchase Requisition ItemRevoke DeletionBAPI_PR_CHANGE
Sales OrderChange Customer Purchase Order NumberBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderChange IncotermsBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderChange Payment TermsBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderChange Order ReasonBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderMark as Complete DeliveryBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderUnmark as Complete DeliveryBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderChange Requested Delivery Date (header level)BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderSet Delivery BlockBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderRemove Delivery BlockBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderSet Billing BlockBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales OrderRemove Billing BlockBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order ItemChange MaterialBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order ItemChange Order QuantityBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order ItemChange PlantBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order ItemChange Requested Delivery Date And Arrival TimeBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order ItemChange Storage LocationBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order ItemReject Sales Order ItemBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order Item Schedule LineSet Delivery BlockBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Sales Order Item Schedule LineRemove Delivery BlockBAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
DeliveryPost Goods IssueWS_DELIVERY_UPDATE
DeliveryCreate Delivery From Sales OrderBAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS
DeliveryCreate Delivery From Sales Order ItemsBAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS
DeliveryRemove Delivery BlockBAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE
CorrespondenceComplete Open Correspondences/CELONIS/CORRESPONDENCE_MARK_R
Outline AgreementChange Validity DateBAPI_CONTRACT_CHANGE
Get Material Details
Retrieves material details.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you want to enable the custom error handling for the material.
ActionSelect (map) the action to retrieve the details
PlantEnter (map) the plant or unit name to which the material belongs to.
Material NumberEnter (map) the material number whose details you want to retrieve.
Unit of Measure for DisplayEnter (map) the units to measure the materials. You can enter a three-character unit.


Change Material
Modifies a parameter of selected Material.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for the material.
ActionSelect (map) the action you want to perform with the material.
Material NumberSelect (map) the Material Number.
Cross-Distribution Chain StatusEnter (map) the new cross-distribution chain status and the date from which the new status should be valid.
Cross-Plant Specific StatusEnter (map) the new cross-plant specific status and the date from which the new status should be valid.
Goods Receipt Processing TimeEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new GR processing time (in days), e.g. 2.
In-House Production TimeEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new in-house production time (in days), e.g. 2.
Material Status (plant-specific)Enter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new plant specific status, e.g.OB.
Minimum Lot SizeEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000, the and enter the new new MRP type, e.g. PD for MRP and the new minimum lot size value, eg 10.
MRP TypeEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new MRP type, e.g. NDfor no planning.
Planned Delivery TimeEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new planned delivery time (in days), e.g.14.
Reorder PointEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new reorder point, e.g. 29.
Safety StockEnter (map) the plant for which you want to adjust the goods receipt processing time, e.g. 1000 and enter the new safety stock, e.g.28.


Purchase Order Actions
Change Purchase Order

Modifies a purchase order.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order.
ActionSelect or map the action you want to perform with the purchase order.
Purchasing Document NumberSelect or map the Purchase Document Number.
Currency KeyEnter (map) the currency key you want to apply to the purchase order.
Text LineAdd the text line items for the purchase order.
Terms of Payment KeyEnter (map) the payment key for the purchase order. For example, card.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PO_CHANGE

Add Purchase Order Item
Adds a purchase order item to a purchase order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order.
ActionSelect or map the action you want to perform with the purchase order.
Purchasing Document NumberSelect or map the Purchase Document Number.
Purchase Order Item NumberEnter the number of the item you want to add, e.g. 00070.
Material NumberEnter the material number for the new item, e.g. CONTROLLER-2.
PlantEnter the plant for the new item, e.g. 1100.
Storage LocationEnter the storage location for the new item, e.g. 0001.
QuantityEnter the quantity for the new item, e.g. 50.
Item CategoryEnter the item category for the new item, e.g. 0.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PO_CHANGE

Release Purchase Order
Releases a purchase order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order.
ActionSelect or map the action you want to perform with the purchase order.
Purchasing Document NumberSelect or map the Purchase Document Number you want to release.
Release CodeEnter or map the release code for the release, e.g. L1.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PO_RELEASE

Purchase Order Item Actions
Change Purchase Order Item(s)
Modifies a purchase order item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order item.
ActionSelect the action for changing a purchase order item.
Purchasing Document NumberSelect or map the Purchase Document Number you want to release.
Complete Delivery IndicatorEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the complete delivery indicator, e.g. 00010. Mark or Unmark the item as a Complete Delivery.
Delivery AddressEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the material group for the item, e.g. 6871.
Delivery DateEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the new delivery date for the item.
Material GroupEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the material group for the item, e.g. 101.
Material NumberEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the material number for the item, e.g. M-777.
OLA NumberEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010, enter the new outline agreement number this purchase order item should refer to, e.g. 4600000039 and enter the new outline agreement item this purchase order item should refer to, e.g. 00020.
PriceEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the new price for the item, e.g. 150
QuantityEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the new quantity for the item, e.g. 10000.
Schedule Line (Date)Enter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the number of the schedule line you want to change, e.g. 0002. Then Enter the new delivery date for the schedule line.
Schedule Line (Quantity)Enter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the number of the schedule line you want to change, e.g. 0002. Then Enter the new quantity for the schedule line, e.g. 15000.
Short TextEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the new short text, e.g. New text.
Supplier Material NumberEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the new supplier material number for the item, e.g. CEB-431.
Tax CodeEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the delivery address, e.g. 00010 and enter the new tax code for the item, e.g. I0.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PO_CHANGE

Delete Purchase Order Item
Deletes a purchase order item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order item.
ActionSelect or map the action to choose the purchase order item you want to delete.
Purchasing Document NumberSelect or map the Purchase Document Number where you want to delete an item .
Purchase Order Item NumberSelect or map the Purchase Order Item Number of the item to be deleted.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PO_CHANGE

Revoke Deletion
Revokes the deletion of a purchase order item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order item.
ActionSelect or map the action to choose the purchase order item you want to revoke the deletion.
Purchasing Document NumberEnter or map the number of the purchase order for which you want to revoke the deletion of one or several items, e.g. 0000019646.
Purchase Order Item NumberEnter the item number of the item for which you want to revoke the deletion, e.g. 00010.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PO_CHANGE

Post Goods Receipt
Posts a Good Receipt to a specific Purchase Order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order item.
ActionSelect the action for creating the purchase order item. For example, Post Goods Receipt.
Purchasing Document NumberSelect or map the Purchase Document Number where you want to post a goods receipt.
Posting DateEnter (map) the date you want to mention the purchase order for the item.
Purchase Order ItemEnter the item number for which to post a goods receipt, e.g. 00010.
QuantityEnter the quantity of the goods received.
Unit of Measurement ISO CodeEnter the unit of measurement ISO Code for the goods received.
Movement TypeEnter the movement type, e.g. 101 for 'goods receipt for purchase order into warehouse/stores'.


Revert Goods Receipt
Reverts a goods receipt by using the material document.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order.
ActionSelect or map the action you want to perform with the purchase order.
Material Document NumberEnter the material document number you want to revert, e.g. 5000001850.
Material Document YearEnter material document year, e.g. 2021.


Purchase Requisition Actions
Create Purchase Requisition
Creates a purchase requisition.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition.
Material NumberAdd the material number for which you want to create the purchasing requisition.
PlantAdd the plant details to which the material belongs to.
Purchase Requisition QuantityAdd the number of items for which you are creating the purchase requisition.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PR_CREATE

Change Purchase Requisition
Modifies a purchase requisition.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition.
ActionSelect the action to modify the purchase requisition.
Purchase Requisition NumberEnter (map) the purchase requisition number you want to modify.
Header TextAdd the new text lines for purchase requisition. For example, new items to add.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PR_CHANGE

Release Purchase Requisition
Releases a purchase requisition.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition.
Purchase RequisitionEnter (map) the purchase requisition you want to release.
Release CodeEnter (map) the release code applicable to the purchase requisition which you want to release.


Add Purchase Requisition Item
Adds a purchase requisition item to a purchase requisition.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing order.
ActionSelect or map the action you want to perform with the purchase order.
Purchase Requisition NumberEnter the number of the purchase requisition you want to add an item to, e.g. 0005000100.
Purchase Requisition Item NumberEnter the number of the item you want to add.
Purchasing GroupEnter the requested purchasing group, e.g. 001.
Material NumberEnter the requested material number, e.g. M-777.
PlantEnter the requested plant, e.g. 1000.
Purchase Requisition QuantityEnter the requested quantity, e.g. 100.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PR_CHANGE

Change Purchase Requisition Item
Modifies a purchase requisition item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition item.
ActionSelect or map the actions you want to change in the purchase requisition item.
Purchase Requisition NumberEnter the number of the purchase requisition you want to change, e.g. 0005000100.
Item Number of Purchase RequisitionEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the currency, e.g. 00010.
CurrencyEnter the new currency key, e.g. EUR.
Delivery AddressEnter the new address number for your delivery, e.g. 44721.
Delivery DateEnter the new delivery date for the item
Desired VendorEnter the new value for the desired vendor, e.g. 0000003701.
Fixed VendorEnter the new fixed vendor for the item, e.g. UT-SUPPLY.
Material GroupEnter the new material group for the item, e.g. 002.
Material NumberEnter the new material number for the item, e.g. M-777.
OLAEnter the new outline agreement number this purchase requisition item should refer to, e.g. 4600000039 and the new outline agreement item this purchase requisition item should refer to, e.g. 00020.
PriceEnter the new price for the item.
QuantityEnter the new quantity for the item.
Short TextEnter the new short text, e.g. New text.
Supplier Material NumberEnter the new supplier material number.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PR_CHANGE

Release Purchase Requisition Item
Releases a purchase requisition item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition item.
Purchase Requisition NumberEnter the number of the purchase requisition for which you want to release an item, e.g. 0005000100.
Purchase Requisition Item NumberEnter the item number of the item to be released, e.g. 00010.
Release CodeEnter the release code for the release, e.g. BP.


Delete Purchase Requisition Item
Deletes a purchase requisition item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition item.
Purchase Requisition NumberEnter the number of the purchase requisition for which you want to delete one or several items, e.g. 0000019082.
Purchase Requisition ItemEnter the item number of the item to be deleted, e.g. 00010.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PR_CHANGE

Revoke Deletion
Revokes the deletion of a purchase requisition item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this purchasing requisition item.
Purchase Requisition NumberEnter the number of the purchase requisition for which you want to revoke the deletion of one or several items, e.g. 0000019082.
Item Number of Purchase RequisitionEnter the item number of the item for which you want to revoke the deletion, e.g. 00010.

Corresponding BAPI call: BAPI_PR_CHANGE

Sales Order Actions
Get Sales Order Details
Retrieves sales order details.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Order HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales DocumentAdd the sales document numbers whose details you want to retrieve.


Create Sales Order
Creates a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order TypeEnter the sales order type for the order to be created, e.g. OR for a standard order.
Sales OrganizationEnter the sales organization for the order to be created, e.g. 1000.
Distribution ChannelEnter the distribution channel for the order to be created, e.g. 01 for general trade.
DivisionEnter the division for the order to be created, e.g. 00.
Sold-to-PartyEnter the sold-to-party for the order to be created, e.g. 0000001000.
Sales Order ItemEnter the item number for the item to be created.
Material NumberEnter the requested material number, e.g. M-777.
QuantityEnter the requested quantity, e.g. 100.


Change Sales Order
Modifies a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
ActionSelect or map the actions and enter the details you want to update in the dynamic fields that appear as per your selection.
Customer Purchase Order NumberEnter the new customer purchase order number, e.g. 4500076542.
IncotermsEnter the new primary Incoterms, e.g. FOB ("Free On Board") and enter the additional information for the primary Incoterm, e.g. FOB Boston.
Payment TermsEnter the new payment term key, e.g. 0001 for 'payable immediately'
Order ReasonEnter the new order reason, e.g. 001 for 'sales call'.
Complete Delivery IndicatorMark or Unmark the order as a Complete Delivery.
Requested Delivery DateEnter the new requested delivery date (at header level).


Set Delivery Block
Sets a delivery block on a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order for which you want to set or adjust the delivery block, e.g. 0000019082.
Delivery BlockEnter the new delivery block at header level for the sales order (at header level), e.g. 08 for Kanban Delivery.


Remove Delivery Block
Removes a delivery block from a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order for which you want to remove the delivery block (at header level), e.g. 0000019082.


Set Billing Block
Sets a billing block on a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order for which you want to set or adjust the delivery block, e.g. 0000019082.
Billing BlockAdd the value for the billing block, e.g.01for Calculation missing.


Remove Billing Block
Removes a billing block from a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order for which you want to remove the billing block (at header level), e.g. 0000019082.


Sales Order Item Actions
Change Sales Order Item
Modifies a sales order item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order item.
ActionSelect or map the actions you want to perform for the sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order you want to change, e.g. 0000019082.
Sales Document ItemEnter the number of the item for which you want to change the material, e.g. 000010.
MaterialEnter the new material number, e.g. M-777.
Order QuantityEnter the new quantity, e.g. 5.
PlantEnter the new plant, e.g. 1000.
Requested Delivery Date and Arrival TimeEnter the new requested delivery date for the item.
Storage LocationEnter the new storage location, e.g. 0001.


Reject Sales Order Item
Rejects one or several sales order items.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order item.
Sales Order NumberEnter the Sales Order for which you want to reject one or several items, e.g. 0000019082.
Sales Order Item NumberAdd the item number of the item to be rejected, e.g. 000010.
Rejection ReasonAdd the rejection reason for the item, e.g. 02.


Set Delivery Block
Sets a delivery block on a sales order item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order for which you want to set or adjust the delivery block, e.g. 0000019082.
Sales Order Item NumberEnter the number of the item for which you want to set or adjust the delivery block, e.g. 000010. The delivery block will be adjusted for the related schedule lines.
Delivery BlockEnter the new delivery block, e.g. 01 for 'Credit limits'.


Remove Delivery Block
Removes a delivery block from a sales order item.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the number of the sales order for which you want to unblock one or several items, e.g. 0000019082.
Sales Order Item NumberEnter the number of the item for which you want to remove the delivery block, e.g. 000010. The block will be removed from the related schedule lines.


Post Goods issue
Posts a goods issue on a delivery.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this goods issue case.
ActionSelect or map the action for posting the goods issue.
DeliveryEnter the delivery number for which you want to post a goods issue, e.g.0080018924.

Corresponding BAPI call: WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE

Create Delivery From Sales Order
Creates a delivery from a sales order.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this delivery.
ActionSelect or map the action for creating a delivery out of a sales order.
Sales Order NumberEnter the Sales Order from which you want to create a delivery, e.g. 0000019082.


Create Delivery From Sales Order Items
Creates a delivery from a sales order items.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this delivery.
ActionSelect or map the action for creating a delivery out of a sales order item(s).
Sales Order NumberEnter the Sales Order Number for one or several items of which you want to create a delivery.
Item NumberEnter the item number of the item to be included, e.g. 000010.


Remove Delivery Block
Removes a block on a delivery.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this delivery.
Delivery NumberEnter the number of the delivery for which the block shall be removed, e.g.80018923.


Complete Open Correspondence
Completes an open correspondence.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this correspondence.
ActionSelect or map the action for complete open correspondence.
ClientAdd the respective client.
Identification for CorrespondenceAdd the identification for correspondence.
Company CodeAdd the company code.
Accounting Document NumberAdd the accounting document number
Fiscal YearAdd the fiscal year.
User NameAdd the user name.
DateAdd the Date.
TimeAdd the Time.
Change Outline Agreement
Modifies an existing outline agreement.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your SAP account.
Custom Error HandlingSelect whether you disable the custom error handling for this change of OLA.
ActionSelect or map the action for changing the OLA.
Outline Agreement NumberEnter the number of the outline agreement to be change, e.g. 4600000039.
Validity DateEnter the new validity date for the outline agreement, e.g. 2025-12-31.




The SAP Automation Transports are currently only available on request.

To request SAP Automation Transports, please create a Support Ticket with the following details:

  • Ticket Type: Service Request

    Product: Celonis Platform

    Service: Action Flows

    Product Area: SAP

    Subject: Request for SAP Automation Transport


    SAP ERP version i.e. SAP ECC6 EHP8 SP10

    SAP Basis version i.e. SAP BASIS 7.50 SP9

    Function module name i.e. /CELONIS/SD_ORDER_CREDIT_RELEA

Installation of the transport

To install the automation package, please follow the same steps to install the RFC module.


Via the Celonis Agent, Action Flows can execute any remote enabled function module a SAP system provides, be it a standard one or a custom one. However, there is some standard SAP functionality which is by default not remote enabled. With the Celonis Automation Package (/CELONIS/PROCESS_AUTOMATION):

  1. Celonis provides wrapper function modules which remote enable standard SAP functionality

  2. Celonis provides standard roles and composite roles to create the required SAP user roles for your specific purposes.


Technically, there is one file containing two transports, one containing the roles and one the code. The function modules are structured into subpackages for SD, FI, VN and MM. And also the roles are structured via composite roles. Details to all included roles and function modules can be found below.


Function Module


Functional Implementation

Individual Role

Composite Role


This action completes an open correspondence

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module CORRESPONDENCE_MARK_RAGL




This Action releases a Credit Block from a delivery

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module SD_DELIVERY_CREDIT_RELEASE




This action releases a Credit Block from a Sales Order

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module SD_ORDER_CREDIT_RELEASE

In addition to the original function module, it can process multiple entries at one




This action releases a Credit Block from a Sales Order

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module SD_ORDER_CREDIT_RELEASE




This action clears debitor using settings of payment preferences (FB00)


FI_F32_CLEAR has been deprecated. Use FM /CELONIS/FI_GEN_CLEAR instead.

The function module does wrap the SAP transaction F-32




Change financial accounting document


FI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE has been deprecated. Use FM /CELONIS/FI_GEN_CHANGE instead.

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module FI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE




Change debitor dunning block status in the customer master data

The function module does wrap the standard SAP transaction FD02




Change dunning block in multiple financial accounting documents

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module FI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE




Change customer credit limit data

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module CREDITLIMIT_CHANGE




This action retrieves archived documents

The function module does wrap the standard SAP function module ARCHIVOBJECT_GET_TABLE




This action stores documents in the archive using ArchiveLink

The function module does wrap standard SAP function modules ARCHIVOBJECT_CREATE_TABLE and ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT




This action changes fields in accounting documents

The function module does wrap SAP transactions FB02/FB09




This action provides clearing assistance for G/L accounts, Customers and Vendors

The function module does wrap SAP transactions F-03, F-32 and F-44







This represents the basic role with all the minimum permissions required for performing RFC calls from Action Flows (and Skills). It is included in all other composite roles



This represents the composite roles containing the permissions required for ALL provided functionality within the package



This represents the composite roles contain the permissions required for all provided functionality within the VN sub-package. For the exact roles and function modules, see above



This represents the composite roles contain the permissions required for all provided functionality within the FI sub-package. For the exact roles and function modules, see above



This represents the composite roles contain the permissions required for all provided functionality within the SD sub-package. For the exact roles and function modules, see above



This represents the composite roles contain the permissions required for all provided functionality within the MM sub-package. For the exact roles and function modules, see above


Please note that the roles (except for the AUTOMATION_BASIS role) contain the maximum authorization for using the corresponding packages (delivery with *) and the authorization to execute the RFC Function Modules. Please check the authorization with your authorization team and if necessary, please restrict them according to your needs.

Please note that the roles (except for the AUTOMATION_BASIS role) contain the maximum authorization for using the corresponding packages (delivery with *) and the authorization to execute the RFC Function Modules. Please check the authorization with your authorization team and if necessary, please restrict them according to your needs.


The role AUTOMATION_BASIS should always be assigned to users which are supposed to be used in connection with Celonis Action Flow capabilities. For further information in that particular role, please see SAP User Role CELONIS/AUTOMATION_BASIS.

The provided transports cover multiple scenarios for role implementation, please select the procedure that covers your use case the best.

  • Composite Role /CELONIS/AUTOMATION: This role includes all composite roles, please select this when you want to activate access to all provided function modules as painless as possible

  • Composite Role /CELONIS/AUTOMATION_FI (SD, MM, VN): Those composite roles contain the function modules that are assigned to the specific SAP module, please select this role if you want to grant limited access on a per SAP module level. When creating a user to be used for a certain module, or when adding RFC permissions to a certain user, please consider these RFCs as well.

  • Individual Roles: Those roles contain the required permissions for individual function modules, please select these roles if you want to grant access on a very detailed level.


If you want to adjust the roles, it is not recommended to use the provided roles as is, instead derive your own set of roles from our templates and include the required organizational restrictions for your specific use cases. This also prevents the situation on that your customized roles are overwritten when deploying an update package at a later time.

Celonis provides an ready-to-use user role which can be imported in SAP. To receive the role, get in touch with us at Celopeers.

This user role contains the permissions that are necessary to get started with the simple and advanced SAP Action.

Permissions included in CELONIS/AUTOMATION_BASIS user role

Like the Extractor setup, Celonis provides a ready-to-use user role that can be imported into SAP for Automation. This role can be considered the minimum set of permissions required to use the integration, use-case specific RFC permissions will be required on top of this.

The user role CELONIS/AUTOMATION_BASIS has permission to use the following BAPIs & RFC calls:


























Please note that FUNC RFC_METADATA_GET and FUGR SDIFRUNTIME, SDTX, SRFC, SYSU have been added compared to the permissions required for skills, as they are required for the communication via JCo. Thus, these permissions need to be added if you are switching from an agent older than 1.0.0.


Note that RFC_METADATA_GET might not be present in old SAP installations. In case it's not present, our integration will resort to a fallback solution and work as well.

→ Depending on your use case it might be necessary to manually add permissions for additional BAPIs or RFC calls in addition to the ones included in the user role.

Use case examples:

  • If you would like your users to be able to change a purchase order, you will have to add permissions for BAPI_PO_CHANGE.

  • To post a goods movement document for an order that has been delivered by the vendor, you will need to add permissions for BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.

Missing permissions

In case of your user lacks permissions for a specific SAP action that is supposed to be performed, a standard way of dealing with this is to leverage transaction SU53 within SAP to communicate with the SAP basis the authorizations required.

Minimal set of recommended permissions

Instead of importing the user role, creating the corresponding role manually or adding the required permissions to an existing role is possible. The following minimal set of permissions is required (or at least recommended) for using Celonis Agent. Please note, that depending on your use case it might be necessary to manually add permissions for additional BAPIs or RFC calls in addition to the ones included here.

For SAP release 7.10 or newer:













For older SAP releases, permissions have to be granted on FUGR level, requiring:













It is important to understand that via the advanced/generic action, ALL remote-enabled function modules an SAP system contains can be used and allow the implementation of any use case. To extend automation capabilities, generic RFC calls can use any existing remote-enabled functions modules (also custom ones implemented by your SAP basis or those included in the SAP Automation package provided by Celonis).

The Make an RFC Call module generates the inputs based on the Import, Changing, and Table parameter definitions on the Remote Function Module. If no such parameters are defined, then no inputs will show in the AFlow module. The interfaces are generated based on the Import, Changing, Export, and Table parameter definitions. The execution is marked as "failed" if an error is found on the RETURN or ET_MSG parameter.

Necessary permissions for Generic RFC call

SAP user needs permission for the RFC that is called and also for the corresponding action in the SAP system itself.

Make an RFC Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized RFC call.


Establish a connection to your SAP account.

Remote Function Module

Enter (map) the module for which you want to perform the API call. Based on the specified function, dynamic fields appear for you to fill and execute the action.

Advanced settings:

BAPI Transaction Handling

  • Define the required commit type (only relevant for the single BAPI call defined in this action)

  • Commit (Default): implicit addition of immediate BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT - posting is asynchronous

  • Commit and Wait: explicit addition of delayed BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT - posting is synchronous

  • No Commit: no call to BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT

Example - Update Delivery

The following RFC call returns the specified delivery details from your SAP account:

Remote Function Module: WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE

Delivery: 0080018919


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle.

In this example, the specified delivery details were returned:
