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Celonis Product Documentation

Archive (Action Flow)


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Extract an archive

This action module extracts files from an archive. These files can be further processed using other apps/modules.

Source file

Select the file you want to extract. It can be retrieved from a previous module (e.g. Dropbox, email, etc.)


Get the ZIP file from the defined Dropbox folder (e.g. Archives), extract it using the Archive module and send extracted files to the desired email address as attachments with the email or gmail module.

Create an archive

Adds the desired files to a ZIP or TAR archive.

Source module

Select the module you want to retrieve the files from.


Select whether you want to add files to a ZIP archive or a TAR archive.

Archive name

Enter a name for the created archive. Do not add an extension.

Source file

Map the source file or select the radiobutton with the file source.


Watch incoming emails using the Gmail Watch emails module. If an email is received, its attachments are iterated into individual bundles then archived to the ZIP file and saved to the defined Dropbox folder.

The text following the image has the important information from it.


Enter the data you want to decompress using the inflate function.



Enter the data you want to compress using the deflate function.