Enabling process filters
By enabling process filters, users can filter based on:
Process flow filter: Select objects where an event is or isn't followed by another, e.g., "Invoice sent" followed by "Invoice canceled". See: Using process flow filters.
Event filter: Select objects based on their flow through specified events, such as objects starting with or including "Create Order". See: Using event filters.
Throughput time filter: Select objects where the duration between two events is faster/slower than specified, e.g., "Item sent" to "Item received" in under 3 days. See: Using throughput time filters.
Process filters require at least one event log to be selected, with the option to select from existing event logs in the same Knowledge Model as this View or create a new event log using the PQL editor. For more information about event logs, see: Event logs.
By default, only the default event log as defined in the Data Model will be selected. You can change the default and add more event logs by clicking Settings:
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You then have the following options:
View and select existing event log: View and select from existing event logs in the same Knowledge Model as the view.
Set as default: If multiple event-logs are selected, the default one will be used first when filtering a process.
Edit event log: This edits the existing event log in the Knowledge Model. By editing existing event logs, you may impact other content where this event log is being used.
Duplicate event log: This creates a copy of the event log within the Knowledge Model.
Create Event log: This opens the in-line event log creator, with any event logs created saved to the Knowledge Model.
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When process filters enabled, users can apply process flow filters by clicking Filters - Process flow and then selecting the event log to use, the From and To events, and the connection between the two events:
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The following connection types can be selected:
Directly followed by
Followed anytime by
Not directly followed by
Never followed by
In this example, a process flow filter is being used to show only data where an order is received, the item is ready, but the customer hasn't paid:
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When process filters are enabled, users can apply event filters by clicking Filters - Event filter and then selecting at least one event to filter the view by.
In this example, the view will be filtered to only show sales order item results that include a create customer invoice event (which in this case is 67% of the cases in the current view):
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When process filters are enabled, users can apply throughput time filters by clicking Filters - Throughput time filter and then configuring the following:
Lead object (object-centric): For object-centric Data Models, the throughput time for between the selected events will be calculated from the perspective of the selected lead object. In the example below, the 'Sales Order Activity' object has been selected.
Event log (case-centric): For case-centric Data Models, the throughput time between the selected events will be calculated from the perspective of the selected event log.
From event: Select the event you want to start the filter from. In the example below, the 'Confirm Order' event has been selected.
To event: Select the event you want to end the filter based on. In the example below, the 'Change price' event has been selected.
Time period: Choose the time period you want to base the filter on. In the example below, the time period is from 0 to 30 days.
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