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Celonis Product Documentation

Download Task Mining

The Task Mining desktop applications come with several installation packages:

  • CelonisTaskMining.Installer-2.x.x.msi: This is the installer for installing the Task Mining desktop application on the client machine. It also provides the option to automatically install browser extensions.

  • CelonisTaskMining.Configuration.Installer-2.x.x.msi (optional): This is the installer for the Task Mining Configuration Editor. You only need to install this package if you want to create or update config files for Task Mining.

  • Browser Extension for Chrome/Edge (based on Chromium). Preferably customers install the extension via the Chrome Web Store. If internal policies restrict deployment from the store, please use the CRX extension directly. 

Installation without admin rights

Starting with release version 2.0, the installation does not require admin rights on a standard Windows configuration when choosing "Install for Current User".

Update policy

Support for the Task Mining desktop application continues for four weeks after a newer version has been released. During this update period, we ensure backward compatibility. Please ensure you update your software regularly to keep your system secure and benefit from the latest improvements. Older versions can be shared for download on request - please reach out to your Celonis point of contact.

Release/Patch Notes Client and Configuration Editor







  • Fixed an issue where project activation failed from the browser with a different team or realm to the one currently in use.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from opening documents in SAP while the Task Mining Client was running.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented activating the client for a project in a secure gateway environment when it was already activated for a project in a different secure gateway environment.




  • Auto-activation is now available for users enrolled in a single project within a secure gateway environment.

  • Third-party licenses are now displayed in the About window for both the Task Mining Client and the Task Mining Configuration Editor.


  • Enhanced logging capabilities in the Task Mining Client.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented existing cached files being added to the upload queue after startup.

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect values for certain attributes in the Live Event Monitor.

  • Fixed a bug causing the intermittent absence of Task Mining Stopped events.

  • The mandatory event attribute SessionId can no longer be excluded from logging in the Event Processing Rules.


You must update any configurations that currently exclude SessionId. See Task Mining - Configuration Editor.




  • Fixed a bug that caused text being displayed twice in a toast notification.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Task Mining Client from properly deserializing the cached configuration file.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Task Mining Configuration Editor to load/save redaction rules from/to a configuration file.




  • Introduced a new feature: OAuth security, providing another option to Application Keys and API Keys for authorization.


  • Improved client handling statistics.

  • Secure gateway selection is now stored in the User.config.

  • Path for local file storage can now be configured (important for VDI deployments).


  • Fixed a bug that caused the processing to stop for the rest of the files in a queue if there was a corrupted file.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Task Mining Client to hang and not respond after attempting to connect to the client.

  • Fixed a bug related to retrieving data from the user's clipboard.

  • Fixed a bug that caused attributes to still get hashed after hashing was disabled for all attributes.

  • Fixed issue where machine name was empty in VDI deployments.




  • Improved performance of Native URL Retrieval in Internet Explorer mode.




  • Fixed a bug that prevented captured events from being uploaded to the Celonis Platform after changing the team.




  • Improved the encryption of files to ensure that no file is ever written to the disk unencrypted (if the feature is enabled).

  • Added a crash log to the Configuration Editor in case the application crashes due to an unknown error.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented capturing of events triggered by the Chrome Extension after the Task Mining Client was paused and started again.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented cached parquet files to get uploaded once a connection to the Celonis Platform was re-established.




  • Redaction rules are now applied independent of diacritics.


  • Improved network stability by ensuring that proxy changes take effect during runtime of the Task Mining Client.


  • Fixed issue where users could apply data redaction to non-redactable attributes.

  • Fixed issue where users could slow down Task Mining Client via too complex redaction rules.

  • Fixed issue where EnteredText attribute was not properly hashed or removed in the Live Event Monitor.

  • Fixed issue where consent window is not shown when switching to a different team.

  • Fixed issue where number of uploaded/deleted files is not reset when switching to a different team.




Configure regular expressions in the Task Mining Desktop Application for redacting personally identifiable information (PII), such as credit card numbers, email addresses, and other sensitive content (see Data Redaction).

  • Redact data before sending to Celonis Platform (instead of using a custom SQL transformation after sending).

  • Mask custom patterns within a column (as an alternative to skipping the whole data point).

  • Choose what replaces the data.


  • Fixed a bug causing the Task Mining Client to crash when the UWP Notification Platform is unavailable



We've fixed an issue that prevented the application from retrieving the system proxy settings when a PAC script was configured.




  • Logging support is now available in the Configuration Editor for improved debugging and monitoring.

  • A new button has been incorporated into the Live Event Monitor to help users clear the event grid quickly.

  • Multiple service principal names for the custom on-premises Task Mining gateway are now supported.

  • The application now supports native URL retrieval for Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer mode.


  • The default mode for the Live Event Monitor is now set to Started.

  • An automatic retry mechanism is now implemented to counter configuration loading failures for inactive clients.

  • Communication performance between the client and the cloud service has been enhanced.

  • The local port of the extension's web socket is configurable now.


  • An issue that prevented the Live Event Monitor from properly considering start/pause states has been fixed.

  • We've resolved an issue causing the application to crash while resolving inaccessible personal folders.




  • Added primary key as request parameter during parquet file upload to avoid duplicate events in certain edge cases.




  • Improved caching and sending behavior of the Client to ensure that parquet files are sent to the Celonis Platform in the order they were created.

  • Major improvement of “Native URL Retrieval” that increases the rate of successfully retrieved URLs.

  • Added user consent fields to be included when the Client settings are reloaded from the cloud.


  • Fixed a bug in UIAA denylist that caused the feature to not work properly when switching between processes with Alt + Tab.

  • Fixed a bug causing the “User Attributes” window to constantly reappear, when a user attribute has been deleted after the user has already specified an input.

  • Fixed a bug causing the Client to throw an error when a parquet file has been manually renamed or deleted before it is sent to the Celonis Platform.




  • Preview Mode: Allows users to display the captured data in a Datagrid directly from the configuration editor without interacting with the cloud.

  • Support multiple secure gateways.

  • Exclude applications from UIAA: Specify a list of applications for which UIAA should be disabled.

  • Introduce Reload configuration button in the configuration menu.


  • Improve the performance of the Live event monitor.


  • Update default consent text.

  • Fixed an issue in the Live event monitor that shows attributes not part of the event processing rules.

  • Fixed an issue in the Live event monitor that shows wrong or default data.

  • Fixed an issue that allows starting recording from the context menu before entering required custom columns.

  • Fixed UI issue that overlaps the text with the icon for long texts in the User Input Window.

  • Fixed an issue that keeps prompting the User Input Window to provide User Attributes, despite the user has already given an answer (Only caused when the Project Lead changed User Attributes in the config).




  • User Attributes: Allows client users to provide additional user-specific information to calculate metrics for a subset of defined users, such as teams, regions, and roles.


  • New Celonis logos and layout applied.

  • Capturing more Clipboard changed events for non-text data.


  • Fixed an issue that triggers a ‘Clipboard changed‘ event when pasting in Excel or Word.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Live event monitor: Enables analysts to immediately see and validate which data is captured with the applied configuration e.g. during the setup phase.

  • Customized Extension ID: This feature allows allow listing custom Chrome extension ID during installation (e.g. for self-hosted extensions).

  • Expanded Data Collection: New jQuery selectors to define custom extraction in web pages and support for input elements, content editable elements and iFrame events (With Task Mining Chrome Extension 0.8 or newer)


  • Major performance improvements that increase efficiency and improve product performance: Users notice Task Mining even less with up to 50% reduced CPU usage.

  • SAP integration has been improved when retrieving SAP elements.

  • Optimizing file reading and writing.

  • Improved the functionality of uploading files to the cloud.

  • Improved keyboard capturing for dead keys and support for capturing different languages.

  • Improved user privacy by pausing the client when the user's consent is required.

  • Improved display notifications.

  • Set the default proxy settings to auto-detect.

  • Close all running instances of the client when uninstalling.

  • Cached proxy configuration.


  • When the rule name is too long, the expander is not shown in the ‘Configured Applications’ window.

  • If you configured some attributes to be hashed but not to be logged, the client crashes.


  • ‘Application window changed‘ events are deprecated.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




Fixed a problem of corrupted string values when uploading multiple files in parallel.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • SAP integration support for SAP Business Client (SapGuiServer, NWBC).

  • SAP integration option to dynamically enable native Microsoft Windows dialogs in SAP GUI.


  • Fixed a problem when uploading and deleting cached files.

  • Fixed consent URL visibility in consent window.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Fix uploading issue with a proxy server.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Error while retrieving SAP metadata.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Support for on-premise gateway service

  • Extracting additional meta-data from SAP GUI

  • Project-based storage structure for cache


  • Fixed incorrect consent text when switching project

  • Allow multiline entry in consent textbox in config editor

  • Fixed client crashes after a change of configuration

  • Fixed connection issues to Chrome extension

  • Fixed improper change of team if centrally configured during the rollout

  • Fixed incorrect conversion of conditions with nested OR/AND in config editor UI


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Retrieving URLs from Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Internet Explorer without a browser extension.

  • Automatic update check.

  • Automatic upload of cached files from previous runs.

  • Cleaning up cache in case it exceeds the configured storage limit.

  • Capturing additional event types to analyze user activity.


  • Show warning in the client if no event processing rules are configured.

  • Falsely detected clipboard changed event if clipboard contains data when starting capturing.

  • Performance issue if no internet connection is available.

  • Context menu of tray icon not working if the application window is minimized.

  • Chrome extension status not updated properly.

  • Various minor bug fixes and UI improvements.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Install browser extension for Chromium-based Microsoft Edge.

  • Advanced proxy support:

    • System proxy support.

    • Active Directory Authentication.

    • Support for proxy configuration scripts.

  • Activate client during centralized installation.


  • Keep application settings when installing a new version of Task Mining Client.

  • Improved password clearing.

  • Fixed error while loading client certificate from Windows certificate store.

  • Fixed application crash if shared clipboard on VM is not accessible.

  • Fixed application crash if the configuration contains invalid event processing rules.

  • Various user interface improvements.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Central configuration: Easily manage your Task Mining projects with hundreds of users.

  • Central configuration:

    • Activation links for simple connection of the client to Task Mining project in Celonis Platform.

    • Clients fetch configuration automatically from Celonis Platform.

    • Configuration files do not need to be copied to the client machines anymore.

    • Simple and fast update of configurations.

  • Central logging and monitoring:

    • Error messages are forwarded to the cloud.

    • Show error log inside client instead of log files.

    • See the current state of all clients.

  • New, more reliable screenshot implementation.

  • Support for internet connections over secure gateways.


  • Communication errors between client and Chrome extension.

  • Crash of configuration editor if event processing rules are missing in the configuration file.

  • Minor UI improvements.


With the introduction of the Celonis Platform Task Mining service in version 2.2.2, how you set up and configure Task Mining has changed. Before updating from versions prior to and including version 2.0, please read the Update Notes.




  • Resolved performance issues while capturing event data.


Update from version 2.0.4 - 2.0.6: No breaking changes.

Update from older versions (1.X): See release notes for version 2.0.4.




  • Client UI freezing on copy to clipboard events in Internet Explorer.


Update from version 2.0.4 - 2.0.5: No breaking changes.

Update from older versions (1.X): See release notes for version 2.0.4.




  • Fixes an issue where some attributes cannot be used in allow/deny list.


Update from version 2.0.4: No breaking changes

Update from older versions (1.X): See release notes for version 2.0.4




  • New UI design of configuration editor:

    • Improved logical structure of configuration options.

    • Tooltips explaining each configuration option.

    • Visual editor for event processing rule supports IN operators.

  • New UI of Task Mining Client:

    • Customized data privacy consent.

    • Showing information on captured applications and file upload status.

    • New look and feel.

    • Control Task Mining directly from taskbar.

  • New installers:

    • Option to install Task Mining Client locally without admin rights.

  • Encryption of locally cached files (events and screenshots).

  • Extracting additional information on controls (e.g. button labels).

  • HTTP proxy support.


  • Improved detection of functional keys as keyboard commands.

  • Cropped screenshots for Internet Explorer.

  • False detection of WIN keys after locking the screen with Win+L keyboard command.

  • Win+E is not detected as the keyboard command.

  • Events sent by Chrome events lost (requires an update of Chrome extension to Version 0.4).

  • Clipboard changes freezing Task Mining UI.

  • Retrieving URLs from Internet Explorer for clipboard change events.


Incompatible changes in Celonis Platform data schema:

  • You cannot push data to event collection tables that have been created for previous versions of Task Mining.

  • You cannot push data from previous versions of Task Mining into event collection tables that have been created for this version.

Before updating an older version of the Task Mining Client, please read the Update Notes.




  • New screenshot capturing:

    • Exact clipping of active window.

    • Avoids overlay windows of other applications.

  • Option to install Chrome extension from Task Mining installer.

  • SAP integration for clipboard events.

  • Optional name and description for event processing rules.

  • Minor UI improvements.


  • Connection issues of SAP integration on slow machines.

  • Incorrect assignment of process name and window title when switching application.

  • Special characters entered by key commands (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+Q for @ on German keyboard layouts) detected as keyboard command events.

  • Event Processing Rules: Incorrect handling of empty fields in NOT LIKE operator.

  • Different hashed values for the same input.

  • Errors in communication between Task Mining Client and Chrome extension.


  • Starting mode Working Hours

  • Option Obfuscate text input


Incompatible changes in Celonis Platform data schema:

  • You cannot push data to event collection tables that have been created for previous versions of Task Mining.

  • You cannot push data from previous versions of Task Mining into event collection tables that have been created for this version.

Change of system requirements:

  • The new screenshot approach requires min. Windows 10, release 1903.

  • To run Task Mining on older Windows versions, you need to enable the "Use legacy screenshot capturing" option in the configuration.




  • SAP integration: Retrieving detailed information for controls of SAP GUI.

  • Retrieving caret position.

  • Support for user-bound API keys.


  • Crash of configuration editor after clicking a button of the default rule.

  • Incorrect size and clipping of screenshots if the screen is scaled.


Incompatible changes in Celonis Platform data schema:

  • You cannot push data to event collection tables that have been created for previous versions of Task Mining.

  • You cannot push data from previous versions of Task Mining into event collection tables that have been created for this version.




  • Visual Configuration Editor introduced.


  • Showing an error message when loading unreadable config files.

Release/Patch Notes Browser Extension







  • Events on some elements not captured due to error when the element path was null.




  • Chrome extension manifest update from version 2 to version 3. The current Manifest version 2 is deprecated, and support will be removed in 2023.

  • Adding graceful failing WebPage Extraction when an invalid path expression is used

0.8 and before


No separate release notes. Release notes have been part of the Client & Configuration Editor release notes above.