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Celonis Product Documentation

Managing package languages / translations

In addition to selecting the default language for your package, you can also enable additional languages that your app content can be displayed in. The following languages are supported: English (US), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, and Spanish.

Both your default language and any additional languages need a translation map to be created on a package level. A translation map allows you to identify the terms you want to translate in that language and then assign that term with a unique translation key. This translation key can then be referenced within the YAML for your Views.

Before enabling additional languages, your default language must have a translation map within the package.

To create a translation map for your default language, follow these steps:

  1. Click Package Settings - Translations:

    A screenshot showing how to access the package translations.
  2. Click Enable Translations:

    A screenshot showing how to enable translations using the wizard.
  3. Choose your default language and click Confirm.

    A screenshot showing how to choose a default language for your Studio content.
  4. Click Edit:

    A screenshot showing how to edit the default language for your packages when translating your content.
  5. Choose between the two options to manage individual package terms for your default language:

    • Translation mapping from file: This is a three step process:

      1. Download a .csv file pre-filled with your table and column names.

      2. Enter human-readable version names and a unique translation key.

      3. Upload the file to apply the translation mappings.

      The .CSV file should have three columns: the translation key, the default language value, and the target language.

    • Manual name mapping: This requires the terms you want to map to be already available in the default language. Once available there, you can manually add and edit the terms for each enabled language.

      When manually mapping your terms, click Save to ensure your terms are added to the translation map.

      A screenshot showing how to manually save your name mappings when managing your translations.
  6. After managing the terms for your default language, click Back to Package Translations:


You can now enable additional languages for a packages, with further information provided below.

After creating your translation map for your default language, you can now enable additional languages for your package.

For each language you want to offer your package in:

  1. From the Translations page, click Edit.

    A screenshot showing how to edit supported translation languages.
  2. Choose between the two options to map your individual terms (with further information about each option available in Creating a translation map):

    • Translation mapping from file

    • Manual name mapping

  3. After managing the terms for your additional language, click Back to Package Translations:

    A screenshot showing how to click back to your package translations.
  4. Click Active.

    A screenshot showing how to activate languages for your Studio package.
  5. Optional: For your enabled languages to be available within your app, the latest version of the package must be published.

    For more information, see: Publishing and version control.

You are also prompted to correct missing translations when your current View contains terms that don’t have corresponding translation keys in enabled languages.

A screenshot showing the error icon when your package contains content that isn't currently being translated.

When correcting missing translations, the tool scrapes all strings from the YAML configuration and adds them to the translation map.

You can also translate your package variables, allowing you to provide mapped terms for each language you have enabled.

Variables are converted into a parameterized variable, such as {0}, and are added in numerical order from zero upwards:

  1. First {0}

  2. Second {1}

  3. Third {2}

The order in which the variables are passed to the key is important. So, {0} represents the first variable passed to the key, {1} represents the second, and so forth.

The language set in the user’s profile is displayed by default when viewing your app. Users can then manually switch between the available languages using the Translations menu:

A screenshot showing how to switch between active languages within an app.