You can view results of the Digital Twin, or compare one or multiple scenarios with the Digital Twin.
To view the results of the Digital Twin, click on the results button next to the Digital Twin. This will open a view with only the Digital Twin.
To compare the results of one scenario with the Digital Twin, click on the results button next to one of the scenarios. The Digital Twin will be shown in black, and the Scenario will be shown in a different color.
To compare multiple scenarios with the Digital Twin, first, open a comparison of one scenario with the Digital Twin. Then, click on the “Compare” button in the upper right corner. In the modal, select the Scenarios you want to compare and click “Compare”. Currently, a comparison of 3 Scenarios with the Digital Twin (4 in total) is possible.
Note: In order to get an overview of all the changes accross the scenarios and the Digital Twin, open the "Configuration" tab where all the differences are highlighted.