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Celonis Product Documentation

Uninstalling an on-premise extractor

If you did not install an on-premise Extractor as a service, you simply need to stop the Extractor by closing the command line window, and then you need to delete all the files of the Extractor.

If you did install on-premise Extractor as a service, you need to perform the following steps:

On Windows:

  1. Stop the current Extractor, if it is still running

    1. Services → Scroll down to the respective service (either CelonisIBCSap or CelonisIBCDatabase) → right-click on properties → Stop the service

    2. Copy the Service name

  2. Delete the service

    1. Open the command prompt as administrator

    2. Run the following command, using the copied service name from step 1

sc delete <ServiceName>

On Linux:

  • Stop the current Extractor, if it is still running

    1. Run the following command via the terminal window (the service name should be either celonis-ibc-sap orcelonis-ibc-database).

Service <ServiceName> stop

2. Delete the service

a. Run the following command to remove the service and all configuration files

sudo apt-get --purge remove <ServiceName>

b. Enter your password when prompted and press “Enter”

Service <ServiceName> stop