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Celonis Product Documentation

Data permissions for object-centric process mining

For a Celonis team that's using object-centric process mining, these permission levels apply:

  • Admins can view, edit, and publish all objects, events, transformations, and perspectives. If you have enabled object-centric data models in all the data pools in your team, they can do this for the object-centric data model in any data pool.

  • Analysts who have edit permissions for the OCPM Data Pool can view and edit all objects, events, transformations, and perspectives. They can also publish them to the development environment and to the production environment.

  • If you have enabled object-centric data models in all the data pools in your team, analysts who have edit permissions for a data pool can view, edit, and publish in the same way for the object-centric data model in that data pool. They'll need individual edit permissions for each data pool where they are allowed to work with the object-centric data model.

  • Analysts who have view permissions for a data pool can view all objects, events, transformations, and perspectives in that data pool. They can't edit them or publish them.

  • Members can't access objects, events, transformations, and perspectives directly. They can use applications and assets built on perspectives.

  • You can set data permissions on individual perspectives in the same way that you can for case-centric data models. You can use these to provide user and group filters for what data can be accessed through the perspective.