Using the Celonis for Consulting Hub
We've made some changes to our project plans. From 01 May 2023, the C4C+ plan becomes the Discover plan, the C4C+ Execution plan becomes the Execute plan and the C4BPO plan becomes the Operate plan.
If you don’t currently have a contract with Celonis, we’ll give you five free project credits every calendar year, resetting annually on 01 February. If you've any C4C+ projects in progress at 01 May 2023, these will continue until 01 August 2023 without using any of your free project credits. From 01 August 2023, you'll need to create new projects using your credits.
If you’re a partner with pre-existing C4C+projects, you won’t be able to extend the dates or data limits for these projects. When they expire, you'll need to create new projects using your credits.
Exploring the Celonis for Consulting Hub user interface
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Part | Description |
Your organization's projects where:
Warning Projects expire a set period after creation, with this period dependent on the project plan used. You can extend a project ONCE when it nears its expiry date. However, if a project expires and hasn’t been extended, it and all its data will be irretrievably deleted 30 days after the expiry date. | |
The project’s status where:
Warning Projects expire a set period after creation, with this period dependent on the project plan used. You can extend a project ONCE when it nears its expiry date. However, if a project expires and hasn’t been extended, it and all its data will be irretrievably deleted 30 days after the expiry date. | |
The project type based on the project plan selected where:
You can upgrade a Discover project to an Execute project at any time. | |
The name given to a project when it was created. | |
When the Celonis Platform project:
Warning If a project expires and hasn’t been extended, it and all its data will be irretrievably deleted 30 days after the expiry date. | |
The person who created and owns the project. |
Creating a project in the Celonis for Consulting Hub
Creating a project is nice and easy in the Celonis for Consulting Hub. Just pick the project plan you want to use and fill in some basic details about the project and your client and we'll do the rest for you.
You can see in-depth information about the full project lifecycle in our Celonis for Consulting Project Handbook.
About our Celonis for Consulting project plans
We’ve got a couple of different project plan options you can choose from when creating a project. The option you select will depend on the functionality you and your client require where:
Discover gives you the basic functionality you need to identify your client’s process inefficiencies
Execute gives you access to full Celonis Platform functionality and extra credits, lets you invite your clients to their projects and has a longer project expiry period
Operate is for business process outsourcing and managed services engagements and includes all the functionality in the Discover plan while letting you invite your clients to their projects
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You can upgrade a project from Discover to Execute at any time.
Owning and sharing Celonis for Consulting projects
If you create a project, you’re the owner of that project. While the project information can be viewed by anyone in your organization with access to the Celonis for Consulting Hub, only colleagues you’ve invited to your project can access it.
If your project is an Execute or Operate project, you can invite your clients to their project. Making them active participants in the project maximizes the chances of expanding the scope of their project.