Data Collection Capabilities
UIAA data capturing is limited, such as in scenarios where a UI disappears after a button is clicked and no data can be captured. For more information, please refer to Download Task Mining: Known issues.
Supported Desktop Applications
Task Mining can capture fundamental data from all desktop applications. The depth of further information varies depending on the specific application.
Browser: Task Mining can capture information from all browsers like any desktop application. In addition, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) are currently supported for advanced filtering on a per URL basis as well as further browser interactions.
Extended metadata support (for details see the schema documentation):
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge (Chromium Based)
Internet Explorer/Firefox - URL for certain events
SAP - Saplogon for Windows
Remote Desktops and Citrix
Case 1: Installing Task Mining on the Citrix Server: Amount and details of captured data as usual (i.e. as if target application was running on the desktop directly). Currently not supported (this is only limited tested by now).
Case 2: Installing Task Mining on Client only: Capturing information from remote desktops or Citrix on the client without installation on the Citrix Server is supported but data is limited. Screenshots can still be captured, the metadata may be limited as some columns that are usually populated (see Schema documentation) might be empty, e.g. TargetElementName, most _UIA fields, or all fields from a browser extension. Fundamental data, such as the ProcessName and title of the ActiveWindow will still be available.