Configuring Charts in legacy views
Legacy view component
You're currently viewing a topic about a legacy view component in Studio. This component can still be used in legacy Studio views, however we recommend using the visual view editor in the new Studio experience. The updated interface includes drag and drop capabilities, allowing you to easily add components and configure your views.
For more information, see: Views.
You can visually display your data using area, bar, line, lollipop, scatter plot, and stacked charts in your studio view. Each chart type can then be customized further, giving you control over their look and feel.
The main component of every chart is visuals, which are used to define how the chart is visually displayed. Visuals are further defined using mark and encoding:
Mark: This defines the chart type (such as area, bar, and line charts) used to display data items (such as invoices and purchase orders). For more information about mark configuration properties, see Mark configuration properties.
Encoding: These define how data attributes (such as customer name, due date, value) of these data items are mapped to specific visual properties (such as color, x-position, y-position). For more information about encoding, see: Specifying encodings for charts and Encoding configuration properties.
Simple bar chart example
If you want to create simple charts that only contain one type of mark (such as a bar chart), you specify one visual using the lines mark: bar and with encodings for X and Y axis.
The example YAML for this is:
id: cashflow2-new type: chart settings: name: Cash showLegend: true visuals: - mark: bar encodings: y: PAYROLL_TS x: field: CASHFLOW_EVENTTIME_TS format: Q%q type: ordinal
Multiple visuals chart example (using a bar and line chart)
For a combination of multiple graphical objects in one chart (such as bars and lines in one chart), you can layer multiple visuals with each of them defining a different mark. This way, you can create more complex charts such as this bar and line chart example YAML.
id: kpi_chart type: chart settings: encodings: x: field: ENTRY_QUARTER type: ordinal format: Q%q visuals: - mark: bar legend: Invoice Volume '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_TOTAL_INVOICE_VALUE format: $.2s axis: title: Invoice Volume position: left - mark: type: line point: true legend: ADD '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_DAYS_DELINQUENT_2020 units: " d" axis: title: " " position: right
Available chart types
The following chart types are available:
Chart type | Example | Example YAML | |
Area |
| id: ar type: chart settings: name: Area Chart limit: 1000 visuals: - id: 9c09ceb2-dd9d-45f6-ba55-3dbb925d2b6b mark: type: area order: 100 encodings: color: field: SUPERSTORE.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT scheme: SEQUENTIAL stackBy: SUPERSTORE.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: SUPERSTORE.order_month y: axis: position: left field: SUPERSTORE.median_margin | |
Bar |
| id: BAR type: chart settings: name: Bar Chart limit: 10 sortBy: - id: ca06a68f-834f-465b-a5ac-a0cc8779c8ba field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales order: 100 direction: DESC visuals: - id: 32acf47e-e928-4fb1-85de-6a593eb9979c mark: type: bar bandwidth: 0 order: 100 encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales format: .2~s y: axis: position: left | |
Bar (Grouped by dimensions) Note Limiting and sorting is not supported for this chart type. |
| id: bar-grouped type: chart settings: name: "Bar (Grouped by Dimension) " limit: 10 sortBy: - id: ca06a68f-834f-465b-a5ac-a0cc8779c8ba field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales order: 100 direction: DESC visuals: - id: 32acf47e-e928-4fb1-85de-6a593eb9979c mark: type: bar bandwidth: 0 order: 100 encodings: color: type: nominal field: SUPERSTORE.SHIP_MODE scheme: SEQUENTIAL groupBy: SUPERSTORE.SHIP_MODE encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales format: .2~s y: axis: position: left field: SUPERSTORE.REGION | |
Bar (stacked by dimensions) Note Limiting and sorting is not supported for this chart type. |
| id: bar_stacked type: chart settings: name: Bar Chart (Stacked By Dimension) limit: 10 sortBy: - id: ca06a68f-834f-465b-a5ac-a0cc8779c8ba field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales direction: DESC order: 100 visuals: - id: 32acf47e-e928-4fb1-85de-6a593eb9979c mark: type: bar bandwidth: 0 order: 100 encodings: color: type: nominal field: SUPERSTORE.SHIP_MODE scheme: SEQUENTIAL stackBy: SUPERSTORE.SHIP_MODE encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales format: .2~s y: axis: position: left field: SUPERSTORE.REGIONid: CHART_COSTS type: chart settings: name: Costs showLegend: true encodings: x: field: EXPENSES_EVENTTIME_TS type: ordinal format: Q%q color: field: EXPENSES_TYPE scheme: DIVERGING_BLUE_TO_PINK visuals: - mark: type: bar encodings: y: field: EXPENSES_USD_TS stackBy: EXPENSES_TYPE | |
Bar (Stacked by KPIs) |
| id: groupedStackedChart type: chart settings: name: Grouped - Stacked bar chart per Quarter (stacked KPIs) encodings: x: field: TIMEQUARTER type: ordinal format: Q%q visuals: - mark: bar encodings: y: stack: - - WON - COMMIT - - COMMIT_RISK - BEST_CASE - PIPELINE | |
Column |
| id: column type: chart settings: name: Column limit: 1000 sortBy: - id: 6eefbfc5-a680-4dec-bd4e-8f4b2695cac8 field: SUPERSTORE.total_profit direction: DESC order: 100 visuals: - id: 65689c7c-b6b4-4ad7-9797-ac21f189d9f5 mark: type: bar color: BLUE bandwidth: 0 order: 100 encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: SUPERSTORE.order_month y: axis: position: left field: SUPERSTORE.total_profit | |
Column and line |
| id: column_line type: chart settings: name: Column & Line Chart limit: 1000 visuals: - id: ce9c1caa-cd3b-4e5d-a837-1b7694540a08 mark: type: bar bandwidth: 0 order: 100 - id: f66aad27-dbeb-4775-b851-13777151b665 mark: type: line order: 200 encodings: y: axis: position: right field: SUPERSTORE.total_profit encodings: x: field: SUPERSTORE.order_month y: field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales | |
Column (grouped by dimension) |
| id: column_grouped type: chart settings: name: Column Chart (Grouped By Dimension) limit: 10 visuals: - id: 32acf47e-e928-4fb1-85de-6a593eb9979c mark: type: bar bandwidth: 0 order: 100 encodings: color: field: SUPERSTORE.SHIP_MODE scheme: SEQUENTIAL groupBy: SUPERSTORE.SHIP_MODE encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: order_month y: axis: position: left field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales format: .2~s | |
Column (stacked by KPIs) | ![]() | id: column_stacked type: chart settings: name: Column (Stacked by KPIs) limit: 1000 colors: SEQUENTIAL visuals: - id: 691b24b0-e1e4-4035-b284-3cfa247725fd mark: type: bar labels: color: RED visible: false bandwidth: 0 order: 100 encodings: x: axis: position: bottom field: order_month y: axis: position: left stack: - group: - kpi: sales_technology - kpi: sales_furniture - kpi: sales_envelopes | |
GANTT | ![]() | id: ganttChart type: chart settings: name: Gantt Chart v1 interactions: selection: true tooltip: true sortBy: - field: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.START visuals: - mark: type: rect orientation: none encodings: x: field: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.START format: "%d.%m.%y" title: Time x2: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.END color: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY y: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY detail: - field: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.milestone - field: GANTT_ACTIVITIES.START title: Custom Start Title format: "%d.%m.%y" | |
Line |
| id: line type: chart settings: name: Line Chart limit: 1000 visuals: - id: a372ab01-1a3c-4c92-b425-e32bf345d957 mark: type: line order: 100 encodings: y: field: SUPERSTORE.total_sales encodings: x: field: SUPERSTORE.order_month | |
Lollipop |
| id: lollipop type: chart settings: name: Lolipop limit: 1000 sortBy: - id: be052168-9a78-4b39-9c00-1006c1f713b7 field: SUPERSTORE.total_profit direction: ASC order: 100 visuals: - id: 4b25e8ed-eb75-482c-9ade-aa0740e5d313 mark: type: line color: GRAY_60 order: 100 legend: false encodings: detail: - field: SUPERSTORE.order_year groupBy: SUPERSTORE.PRODUCT_SUBCATEGORY - id: b0da1274-643f-4680-9707-88708b35a8ca mark: type: point point: width: 6 order: 200 encodings: color: type: ordinal field: SUPERSTORE.order_year scheme: CATEGORICAL encodings: x: axis: grid: true position: bottom field: SUPERSTORE.PRODUCT_SUBCATEGORY y: axis: position: left field: SUPERSTORE.total_profit interactions: tooltip: true filters: - id: filter_2009_2010 | |
Scatterplot |
| id: scatterplot type: chart settings: name: Scatterplot limit: 1000 visuals: - id: 3a40e351-7c13-4fb7-b8d2-f6d5988e4405 mark: type: point point: width: 8 labels: false order: 100 encodings: color: field: SUPERSTORE.PRODUCT_BASE_MARGIN scheme: SEQUENTIAL_BLUE encodings: x: field: SUPERSTORE.SALES y: field: SUPERSTORE.PROFIT |
Available chart customization options
You can configure your charts in a number of ways:
Customization option | Example | Example YAML | Additional information |
Add description / chart legend | ![]() | id: myChart settings: showLegend: true - mark: encodings: y: axis: title: "My axis title" position: right | |
Add visuals (2+) | id: kpi_chart type: chart settings: encodings: x: field: ENTRY_QUARTER type: ordinal format: Q%q visuals: - mark: type: bar point: true legend: Invoice Volume '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_TOTAL_INVOICE_VALUE format: $.2s axis: title: Invoice Volume position: left - mark: type: line point: true legend: ADD '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_DAYS_DELINQUENT_2020 units: " d" axis: title: " " position: right | ||
Add visuals (3+) | id: kpi_chart type: chart settings: encodings: x: field: ENTRY_QUARTER type: ordinal format: Q%q visuals: - mark: type: bar point: true legend: Invoice Volume '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_TOTAL_INVOICE_VALUE format: $.2s axis: title: Invoice Volume position: left - mark: type: line point: true legend: ADD '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_DAYS_DELINQUENT_2020 units: " d" axis: title: " " position: right - mark: type: line point: shape: rect width: 40 legend: ADD '19 encodings: y: field: KPI_DAYS_DELINQUENT_2019 units: " d" axis: title: Average Days Delinquent position: right | ||
Add visuals (Single) | id: kpi_chart type: chart settings: encodings: x: field: ENTRY_QUARTER type: ordinal format: Q%q visuals: - mark: type: bar point: true legend: Invoice Volume '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_TOTAL_INVOICE_VALUE format: $.2s axis: title: Invoice Volume position: left | You can select one or more visuals to be shown on your chart: | |
Disable tool tips | ![]() | id: myChart settings: interactions: tooltip: false | |
Highlight selections (disabled by default) | ![]() | id: myChart settings: interactions: selection: true | Please note that not all fields are selectable (i.e., filterable). In particular, fields containing standard aggregations, FILTER_TO_NULL statements, or special cases such as FILTERED_ABC, KMEANS and LINEAR_REGRESSION with a model trained using TRAIN_FILTERED_KM / TRAIN_FILTERED_LM, and window aggregations cannot be filtered. |
Multiple visuals per chart | ![]() | id: kpi_chart type: chart settings: encodings: x: field: ENTRY_QUARTER type: ordinal format: Q%q visuals: - mark: type: bar point: true legend: Invoice Volume '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_TOTAL_INVOICE_VALUE format: $.2s axis: title: Invoice Volume position: left - mark: type: line point: true legend: ADD '20 encodings: y: field: KPI_DAYS_DELINQUENT_2020 units: " d" axis: title: " " position: right - mark: type: line point: shape: rect width: 40 legend: ADD '19 encodings: y: field: KPI_DAYS_DELINQUENT_2019 units: " d" axis: title: Average Days Delinquent position: right | |
Position lines (set on the x axis) | ![]() | settings: encodings: x: field: KPI y: field: KPI2 visuals: - mark: type: rule encodings: x: field: KPI3 | |
Position lines (set on the y axis) | settings: encodings: x: field: KPI y: field: KPI2 axis: position: right visuals: - mark: type: rule encodings: x: value: 30 | ||
Position lines with constant value | ![]() | settings: encodings: x: field: KPI y: field: KPI2 visuals: - mark: type: rule encodings: x: value: 30 | |
Position lines with datum | ![]() | settings: encodings: x: field: KPI y: field: KPI2 visuals: - mark: type: rule encodings: x: datum: KPI3 | |
Sort or order | ![]() | id: sortedChart type: chart settings: sortBy: - field: MATERIAL_CLASS direction: ASC visuals: - mark: type: bar encodings: y: field: COUNT_TABLE__STACKINGSAMPLE - mark: type: line encodings: y: field: COUNT_TABLE__STACKINGSAMPLE_two encodings: x: field: MATERIAL_CLASS | Note Sorting is not supported in charts that are stacked or grouped by multiple dimensions" |
Target lines (Disable) | settings: encodings: x: field: KPI kpiTargets: false y: field: KPI2 | ||
Target lines (Enable) | ![]() | settings: encodings: x: field: KPI y: field: KPI2 | If one of the chart's encodings is a KPI that has a target, a target line is shown by default on the point where the KPI target marks. Assuming one of the KPIs has a defined target (KPI targets can be set on KPI lists) the example YAML will show a target line. |
Specifying encodings for charts
Chart encodings can be specified in two ways:
Visuals: Every visual needs at least encodings for x and y positions to know what data attributes should define the spatial layout of the visual.
Direct property of settings: This can be helpful if you have multiple visuals in one chart which all use the same x-axis. In this case, you can save effort by defining the common x encoding at this root level. The encodings specified at this root level will be used by all visuals that do not specify a respective encoding of their own.
Encoding configuration properties
Encoding is an object that can contain sub-objects x, y, color, text. These sub-objects can then contain the following properties:
Property | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
field | <KnowledgeModel AttributeId> | Required. A string reference to an attribute in the connected knowledge model from which to pull the data. | |||||||||||||||||||||
type | "nominal" | "ordinal" | "quantitative" | "temporal" | The type of measurement for the encoded field. Default: The default value of type is based on the primitive data type of the encoded field:
As the type property describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data type, the defaults are only an educated guess. For example, although zip codes are numbers, their measurement type should be nominal as they represent categorical IDs rather than quantitative measures. In such cases, it is advisable to manually set the type property. | |||||||||||||||||||||
title | String | The title of the encoding is used in the tooltip, in the legend, and as the axis title. Default: The default value of title is the displayName of the encoded field/attribute from the Knowledge Model. | |||||||||||||||||||||
format | String | The format property takes a format specifier string as available in d3-format (for number formatting) and d3-time-format (for date formatting). | |||||||||||||||||||||
units | String | The units will be added postfix to every formatted data value. Default: The default value of units is the unit property of the encoded field/attribute from the Knowledge Model. | |||||||||||||||||||||
domain | Array | The domain property can be used to specify a custom domain for the encoding. Default: The default domain will automatically be calculated from the values in the encoded data field. Note This property can be overridden if used in visual level encoding by another visual so it's suggested to set this property in top(chart) level encoding. Examples:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
kpiParams | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties specific to X and Y encodings: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
axis | AxisSpec | An axis specification object:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
stackBy | <KnowledgeModel AttributeId> | A string reference to an attribute in the connected knowledge model that is used to split a bar or area into multiple stacked parts. Note Currently only supported in combination with mark: bar or mark: area. | |||||||||||||||||||||
groupBy | <KnowledgeModel AttributeId> | A string reference to an attribute in the connected knowledge model that is used to create grouped bars. Note Currently only supported in combination with mark: bar. | |||||||||||||||||||||
stack | Array of <KnowledgeModel AttributeId> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
zeroBased | true | false | Default: true. Note This property can be overridden if used in visual level encoding by another visual so it's suggested to set this property in top(chart) level encoding. | |||||||||||||||||||||
kpiTargets | true | false | Whether to show KPI target lines Default: true. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Properties specific to X and Y encodings within visuals | |||||||||||||||||||||||
datum | <KnowledgeModel KpiId> | A string reference to a KPI in the connected knowledge model that resolves to a constant value. Note As opposed to field, the datum KPI is not queried with the other fields but queried independently. This is useful for position lines. | |||||||||||||||||||||
value | String | Number | boolean | Date | Constant value to be used to map to a visual value. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Properties specific to Color Encoding: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
scheme | ColorScheme | A string reference to a color scheme. Color schemes usually start with one of the following prefixes: CATEGORICAL, SEQUENTIAL, or DIVERGING. For example: CATEGORICAL, SEQUENTIAL_BLUE, SEQUENTIAL_BLUE_REVERSE, DIVERGING_CYAN_TO_ORANGE. Default: The default value of scheme is based on the type property:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
thresholds | Number | ||||||||||||||||||||||
kpiTargets | true | false | Toggle |
Mark configuration properties
Property | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
type | "line" | "bar" | "point" | "area" | "text" | "lollipop" | "rect" | "rule" | Required. The mark type defines the visual marks that will be shown for data items. Note You can exchange "bar" for "line" to see how the same data would look like with another representation. | ||||||||||||
labels | true | false | Whether to show data labels. | ||||||||||||
color | ColorEnum | Explicitly specify which color to use for the marks of this visual. By default the color will be assigned depending on the color scheme that you provided in the config. Possible color enum values are:
| ||||||||||||
orientation | "vertical" | "horizontal" | "none" | The orientation defines the tooltip behavior and whether bars should be vertically or horizontally oriented. Note If you specify orientation: horizontal, make sure to use the y encoding for the categorical values and the x encoding for the numerical values. | ||||||||||||
Properties specific to type: bar | ||||||||||||||
bandwidth | Number | Width of a bar in a bar chart in pixels. Default: The default value of bandwidth is calculated such that all bars just fit into the chart without overlap (and a bit of padding in between bars). Note Bars can never exceed the default bandwidth and thus will always fit into the chart without overlap. | ||||||||||||
padding | Number | Width in pixels of the whitespace between bars in a bar chart. encodings: y: field: SUPERSTORE.REGION padding: ordinal: 0.05 axis: position: left | ||||||||||||
Properties specific to type: rule | ||||||||||||||
style | "solid" | "dashed" | The line style to be applied to the specified rules. | ||||||||||||
Properties specific to type: line | ||||||||||||||
point | true | false | PointSpec | Whether to show markers for every data point on the line. Specifying true will render markers on the line with default configuration. You can also specify a PointSpec object instead:
Default: false. |