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Celonis Product Documentation

7.2.7 Bringing Processes back from Orphaned to Process Tree

à Orphaned Processes can be moved back to process house structure in the architecture view with these steps:

  1. Go to the orphaned view of processes (works for all objects the same way):


IMPORTANT: please be aware always to use the “Refresh” button to see the updated list of Processes in the Orphaned List

  1. Select the process (or object) in the list on the left side:

  1. Press the button “Move the selected element”:

  1. Select the process or category underneath you want to have the orphaned item appear in the structure:


REMEMBER: All orphaned views should be empty all the time, temporary exceptions are possible.

IMPORTANT: If you have deleted a whole sub structure (subtree), search for the highest node (highest Main or Sub Process) and move this process back to the architecture. With this, the whole structure will be moved back at once.